I might of missed a play or 2 .. Watched him 3 times over last night, and critiqued the play by play quick this morning
Pushes man outside never touches Fitz. Fitz Coverage sack
Bullrush, Glenn stonewalls
Blitz, Not Glenn man, Glenn handles his man with no problems
No real challenge here no problem handling his man
Blitz form the outside. Spiller picks it up a bit late. Glenn handles his man. Jones catch, penalty on Chandler
Stevie TD, penalty illegal procedure Spiller…. Glenn Goes inside to block, DL runs a stunt, or a LB tries to come on the outside, Glenn moves off his man and picks up the guy coming on the outside TEXT BOOK !!!!
Glenn handles his block with ease.. FG unit comes on
Glenn handles his block with ease
Sweet Chandler Catch. Glenn again handles his man with ease
Completion to Stevie. Glenn handles his man with ease again
No issues here. Glenn stacks his man and sticks with him
Bull rusher.. Backs him up some but he hold on Fitz bomb to Hagan down the sideline overthrown
Not challenged on this play… Doesn’t bite on the DE move inside. Inc to SJ
Edge rusher gets a step but Glenn pushes him away and Fitz delivers the ball without being touched. INC.
False Start #77 Cordy Glenn
Helps out inside. Fitz com to Chandler short gain
Wa brings an extra rusher on outside. Glenn picks it up. Illegal use of hands not called on Wa
Thigpen in. 1st run play of night. Glenn moves his guy back 2 yds
False start #38 McIntyre
False Start #63 Asper
Edge rush, gets step on Glenn. Glenn pushes him to the ground
False Start #11 TJ Graham
Edge rush Glenn is all over it.
Run play right. Glenn seals off his man on the left
Run play. Glenn moves his man back 3 yds
Not really challenged. Seals off his man. Thigpen INC… Illegal use of hands on Wa against Clowney not called
Hairston in
oops didn't see this thread.. Good merge