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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. you know what the funniest part about this is Flutie is by far the most over rated average on a best day QB that gets worshiped by those who have a revisionist history of this guy.. Flutie never did crap in the NFL besides a few exciting plays here and there, Heck even Orton had a winning record with a good defense
  2. How ? Brady can't throw an inflated football gonna be funny when Brady throws 4 INT's in a loss.
  3. Manziel was an obvious disaster waiting to happen. At least Cleveland is not going to dwell on it I can not believe there are still Manziel supporters trying to debate this, that's hysterical
  4. Anybody read this. Had to use a cache sight because the main sight is down http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/blog/%3Fp%3D2932&strip=1 there is a lot more to read following the link. It is a long article
  5. quite the opposite they are going to be beat down mentally and are going to get their asses handed to them because they are cheaters. they are going to be beat up and down for the next 2 weeks, no escaping it
  6. Whaley is an awesome GM.. Look at the talent he has brought in. Our ST's are highly ranked as is our Defense. Our Offense needs a QB and some interior OL... Whaley has already said in interviews that the interior OL needs help. He hopes some players step up but he is bringing in more.
  7. then people have to start boycotting the sport but they won't and its business as usual Goodell is a big problem, everything under his watch has gotten worse. Refs, player off field behavior, and scandals
  8. here you go Brady's got flat balls sung to AC/DC's big balls the song is on the web page no direct link http://www.sportsradiokjr.com/onair/sports-radio-kjr-55035/toms-big-balls-13172153/
  9. how many times does he get to do these things before they actually punish him obviously the money means nothing to him
  10. try again physics will tell you the ball is not going to lose that much PSI with that little of temperature change. a 2 PSI change is not going ot happen going from a 70 degree indoor temperature to a 48 degree temp on field http://www.boston.com/sports/football/patriots/2015/01/21/how-the-patriots-could-have-cheated-without-letting-air-out-the-ball/Eocm5m29nIlh0HRBjFWsYO/story.html
  11. You were not chased out of the other thread. You just didn't agree with the majority and are looking to surround yourself with people who will agree with you
  12. I find it pretty pathetic that people are trying to defend this. Weather factors were not great enough to cause that amount of PSI drop, there is a definitely advantage to under inflated balls for the offense, and how long has it really been going on? They were caught now how deep does the rabbit hole really go. the entire league was riddled in PED's in the 70's and rules were enacted to stop that. Same goes for sticky substances used in that same era Ball PSI rules were established and in place and violated I'm disgusted at the 30% -40% who are trying to convince people this is no big deal. Just amazes me that people are trying to blow this off as nothing. Cheatroits have placed the integrity of the game on the line more than once now. the Cheatrioits will forever be a mere asterisk
  13. LMAO.. now this is a whopper How can any rational person defend what the Patriots have been doing. Yeah it definitely pisses us off, and yes I definitely want to see the Patriots legacy destroyed. If I were you rumblefish, I just hang your head in compete shame after this post, and if you won't' or can't then you're no better than the Cheatriots.
  14. I so look forward to media week
  15. One thing for sure every single Patriot fan has no defense against the Cheatriots claim. Anytime they try and show team pride regarding the Bellicheat years they are going to be laughed at, and slammed. Now the question is how long has this been happening. is it this one incident or have game balls for much longer been under inflated for Brady. no matter how you slice it the Patriots are a mere asterisk
  16. that would be a complete waste of an opportunity to improve economic development in the city. There is close to zero economic development around the Ralph and that is after 40 years. Not moving the stadium to the city would just be a real bone headed decision. The economic development that will occur around the stadium will do more for the city and state then going cheap and keeping it in Orchard Park
  17. I would hope the Bills make a play for him if he is a free agent... Spiller most likely will walk, AP is better for the ground and pound . A year off will put some pep back into his step
  18. unless the Bills are playing I'm taking the cash heck I won't even watch the Superbowl on TV.. Just have no interest in this sport unless the bills are playing
  19. agreed.. Lynch was a disaster here and rightfully traded for whatever we could get for him. No teams were jumping up and down to trade for lynch at that time. He was only worth a 4th. In fact we were lucky to get that forth
  20. and that's is still the missing ingredient in any offense. A QB still has to make plays and keep the D honest. Even with ground and pound
  21. Lynch was apiece of crap here in Buffalo and the fans ran him out of town because of his !@#$ personality... Buddy just made the deal, but it was the fans who wanted Lynch gone. This forum was loaded top to bottom with people fed up with Lynch's off field antics. Me included. He was a screw up away from a long suspension No team would of kept putting up with Lynch after the off field stuff he was doing here. AND it was the fans who ran home out of town. Fans were livid and sick of Lynch's BS here
  22. ????????????????????
  23. as everyone starts to design defenses to combat high octane pass attacks the ground and pound will definitely be successful IMO Still need a Solid QB no matter what, because without some threat of an air attack 8 in the box counters a run game
  24. there is no intention of leaving the Bills in OP. The goal is to bring people to the city. Economic development will happen in the city, it never happened in OP. Nothing built up around the Ralph
  25. Unless EJ lights it up Parker won't matter
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