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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. I would be embarrassed and it would change the way I view this franchise. In fact I would never watch another Bills game again if they cheated blatantly. I'd rather lose then win without integrity, Really disgust me that anyone would fee differently I unlike others like only want to win with the greatest of integrity, anything short of that is for LOSERS
  2. Pats got off with a light slap on the wrist IMO.. A huge message to the entire league should of been set. They should of suspended Brady for the year, and Fined the Pats way more than a measely million Instead it still pays to cheat... so sick of the leagues BS way of handling everything they do
  3. anyone defending Brady or the Pats after tampering for Bellicheat, Spy-gate, and deflate-gate has serious mental issues and this doesn't even take into consideration the high probability that they have done more shady stuff to win
  4. He will be missed. One of the funniest political satire personalities to ever exist. This is not opinion, this is fact Funny but I never ever have seen a conservative comedian, probably cause the right wing is a sad sad extremely pathetic joke in itself
  5. add in spygate, illegal substitutions, and the fact that the NE Patriots had to give up draft picks for tampering with Bellicheck while he was a Jet all add up to lots and lots of cheating and none of those superbowls would of been won if it wasn't for all the BLATANT cheating' so what haven't they been caught doing is my only question. But the fact is the Cheatriots are nothign but cheats, and their fans that support them are a bunch of m!@#$s
  6. Hes a solid QB but he is not in the same category and Aaron Rogers, Brees, Peyton Manning, and the Grand Cheater Tom Brady. He is the product of the great defense, He deserves a fat raise but Seattle is not going to over pay him.
  7. Again pay attention.. He said he would not sign with any team if drafted outside the 1st and would just re enter the draft in 2016. Thats why no team drafted him in the 2nd rd or later.
  8. LMAO you are a real piece of work http://www.swinglecollins.com/top-5-most-expensive-states-for-homeowners-insurance/ http://www.valuepenguin.com/average-cost-of-homeowners-insurance http://www.swinglecollins.com/top-5-most-expensive-states-for-homeowners-insurance/ Calling me out.. thats funny..
  9. you said 1 bad hurricane .. I was pointing out there were more.. And my moms insurance is high in Leesburg Move along son,
  10. Port St Lucie got hit 2x with lvl 4 Hurricanes a couple of weeks a part a few years back.. All my family who lives there says Insurance is expensive. mom lives in Leesburg, its more expensive then Buffalo
  11. home owners insurance is probably extremely high in Florida compared to Buffalo due to Hurricanes.
  12. he was traded, he wasn't happy when he 1st found out
  13. Him and his agent said they would not sign a contract if drafted in the 3rd round or lower and would simply re enter the draft next year.. That's why
  14. there's no caution. you either aggressively pursue him or you don't. Once you decided to pursue caution is out the window there is a loophole in the UDFA rules that will open up the pocket books more so
  15. Pretty sure all money that can be on the table will be on the table. Any team that wants Collins has to do their best to pay him like he was an upper 1st rd pick. So its going to come down to where he wants to play. Buffalo is cold and might be the most unattractive to a UDFA from the deep south who can have his pick
  16. It would completely destroy the league, which is why it will never happen
  17. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. I stopped reading their articles for the most part. I think the BN sports journalists are a complete joke
  19. Peters was also given a raise and extension without asking a couple years before he demanded the big contract. The fact he wouldn't sign the $9 mil deal Buffalo offered was really a kick in the nuts to Buffalo. he never wanted to play here and he played the game and forced the trade. Bills were right not to offer more then what they did, Peters would of only played here if he was over paid to do so, and that wouldn't' of translated into a good player for us.
  20. refreshing optimism. He has the right attitude and works hard. I sure hope it all comes together
  21. I would rather go 0-16 for ever then sign Tim "the thumper" Teblow
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