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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. every single time our offense or defense falters they tells us they'll simplify and every time they do that it just confirms what we feared the most. Its the players and coaches inability to just win
  2. get a grip people. I knew before I opened this thread exactly what to expect. This obsessive whining about the title is strange.. You've all been on the internet for a decade plus now.. you know what to expect you don't need internet political correctness... I agree time to become sellers but unfortunately the Bills are not going to do that because rex got too much money to hang him out to dry 3 games into year 2
  3. They're just really new at this and are learning the hard way IMO. They are not qualified, and neither was Ralph to make any decision regarding the actual product on the field IMO.. You hire a GM for that and if you can't trust the GM well then you need a new GM. I think almost all of us are really frustrated that Rex is our HC now and it came to this because they were involved and fell in love with his interview. Yes its their team they paid the money to own it but we are the customers and they need to remember who really pays the bills that is us and we are tired of sub standard BS product
  4. Brandon will never go anywhere either because he's extremely good at marketing.. If Brandon sticks to that part hes awesome, if he's involved in coaching and player decisions then that is a huge issue. I also hope Terry and Kim have learned a lesson as well.. We love you we thank you but let the GM run the actual team and trust your GM. Let Whaley run the show on the coach next year and lets see how he swims with all the team decisions on his shoulders...
  5. LMAO... I honestly do not understand why people need journalist to tell them what they already know or to justify what they think based off what they see with their own eyes I wont read the article because i already know the Bills will need to be semi dismantled and rebuilt again. But I guess when the Bills are this terrible yet again the BS sports guys can just do what they do best .. grind the ax. I mean if it wasn't the Eagles it would of been some other surprise team they would be comparing to. Rex just simply needs to go..... as does the FO... and I would like the Pegulas to have 0 input in regards to coaching decisions in the future
  6. Dude he had to go.. He didn't want to be here and he wasn't even playing well that last year he was here. He also was closing in on a suspension after numerous questionable actions. Dareus is next, if he does one more stupid thing most of us will run him out of town to. I do not understand how people still cling to Lynch should of never been traded notion. .Yes he should of and yes he was.. He got his crap together but IMO he would of continued his disgruntled play if he stayed
  7. Most of us hoped Schwartz was going to stay, and in hindsight most of us were right to hope so
  8. I think this team will suck till the half way mark and then in typical fashion find a way to win enough games to ensure we don't get a high enough draft pick to make a difference at QB I'm thinking 6-10
  9. Sully is Sully. if I saw balanced reporting from the guy over the last decade then his negative rants might mean something...But Sully to me is a pure ax grinder, His style is nothing more than in your face negativity... Although we've had a rough run his style the entire time is just boring. I never read him anymoe and I never will again.. I'm more than capable of being upset with the product on my own terms then to listen to the same old tired rant from a half assed journalist with no ability to write anything with real substance... Any person here could do what Sully does. I mean I can put on a page long rant of negativity 5 days a week if you like, but that would get boring and tiring for me and you
  10. No its not. Its the leagues fault for not using common sense But there is no reporting MJ to the league because they do not accept it no matter what.. But Seantrel and every human deserves access to this herb for whatever reason they choose.
  11. well looks like I'm listening to the radio.
  12. Love it.. I want to see more people protest what this country is becoming..To me its about wallstreet abuse and the politicians who kowtow to it..Way to much money pouring into politics and way to many people unwilling to stand up to it but would rather whine about all the other BS
  13. yep got my tix... flying in for a week and catching the Thurs night game and I will also be at the Monday night game in Seattle thinking about bringing my Buffalo Bills Stanley Cup Champions banner
  14. I fail to see why he's still here. He just can't stay on the field and when he does its nothign special
  15. More than likely this will be the reality
  16. I'd do it if he comes cheap
  17. I haven't called it rich stadium in over a decade, and I will never call it Ralph Wilson stadium
  18. ROTFLMAO... we all begged Ralph to sell rights decades ago so we'd have money to sign more top players.. Not selling stadium rights was a typical dimwitted Ralph Wilson decision IMO We do not owe him a damn thing.. He still owes us about 25 competitive teams..
  19. The DEA is in the pocket of big pharma although there is issue with state to state legalization the NFL can simply stop testing for it
  20. Its going to change eventually... I would much rather have players smoking weed then drinking alcohol, taking pain pills, or any other self medicating option But that being said when your making millions weed should be an easy thing to set aside
  21. and you know whats really funny all the offseasons over the last 17 years had us pretty much saying similar things before the season, and yet I agree this ones the worst This franchise has sunk to new low, and in all honesty nobody thought it was possible.
  22. Start watching the Sabres.. They'll be in full swing
  23. ridiculous to be banning any player for weed.. so much more to be worried about Oh well.. I'm laughing.. I hope this team goes 0-16 and the fans run them all out of town.. I have lost all cares when it comes to the Bills. It started after last year and is diminishing every day closer to the season Could this train possibly have come off the tracks any worse
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