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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. you are a bold risk taker my friend
  2. I stayed in a Holiday Inn express last night ... so I got that going for me
  3. no team in the league has one.
  4. unnecessary poll.. there is no doubt he is, and arguably the best ever to play the position
  5. Not a fan but he's stayed true to his sound and his band... I have a respect for that. that being said Bon Jovi music should never be played in WNY again
  6. OK I have to bite. please give all those great details...... ( i think I hurt myself with the massive eye roll after reading that)
  7. problem with on field celebrations is players started to turn into a 5 minute production of stupidity.. Always trying to out do the last guy. It got boring and stupid
  8. If our CB's continue to give a yard cushion Brady will expose us easily. Look at what Fitz did to us with accurate passing and no pressure. so Rex better have a plan to bring relentless pressure on Brady, and our DB's have to reel in any slack But hey lets keep our eye on Miami 1st.
  9. There are racists everywhere. Problem is now they are emboldened to speak their mind.. And a shirt with anyone in the crosshairs is just wrong IMO... I fully support Kap, everyone should be protesting this nation the government and the greed from wallstreet and its over zealous monetary influence into our politics..
  10. The firing of Roman sure seems to be a catalyst for the improved Bills. When was the last time a subordinate replaced the Coordinator and such a dramatic improvement happened. Usually a fired coordinator leads to a lost season or symbolizes the wheels coming off in most cases when you fire the OC 2 games in, 99% of time that's all you need to know about the season. Maybe the football gods are finally smiling upon us. My wife who is Mrs. Postive had thrown up her hands after week 2. That's how bad we looked after 2 weeks. The Jets game was just typical sucky Bills football of the last 17 years and everybody was miserable. No reason to even believe for a second that this team was anything else at that point. Too many negative years leading up to those 2 lopsided losses for anyone to think we would be where we are now. Heck I would of bet the farm on a losing seaosn and Rex getting canned after week 2.
  11. Whaleys been GM since May 2013... A credible GM would of had 6 SB rings by now.
  12. Is there any scenario EVER where a win is a bad thing ? Yes there is. When your season is already tanked and you are hunting for a better draft pick. Otherwise every single win is necessary and important. Bills are in good shape to end the drought this year. Not possible if you can't win the ones you are expected to.
  13. \ LMAO.. Ok so you want this player(s) to publicly call out the HC.. Would you then think its nice that this or these players now have nads.. How do you think that would effect the locker room. As of now its becoming pretty obvious there is problems in the locker-room because Rex "has Nads" Well I thought rex was a buffoon but now I know he is
  14. Hopefully he's on the right track because I was so disappointed when he came into camp like a tub of lard and then we HAD to cut him. His inside power game is missed
  15. Hats off to Lynn.. Play calling has been very nice ... Using the quick throws more often as well as the middle of the field some
  16. You just described our last 4 GMs not just Whaley... We've always been woefully thin at multiple positions, mostly OL over the years
  17. I said this a decade ago that football would see a slide in the amount of fans..The increased awareness to the brutality of football and concussions, coupled with the fact that more and more and more kids play soccer at an early age over football. Kids today grow up with soccer it will be the game they love going into adulthood.. My only problem with soccer is that there is an identical sport already being played that is much faster more scoring and more physical and way more fun to watch.. Its called Hockey then you can add in the lack of quality QB's and the plethora of unnecessary rule changes in the NFL and I am not surprised at all..Over the next decade I think we will see a significant decline in the popularity of football.. Many of the games best future athletes will choose other sports
  18. 17+ years actually
  19. Yes rex is an idiot.. I concur
  20. there has to be something wrong with some Bills fans.. In what universe did a single win erase all the crap we endured last year and the beginning of this year. If we are over .500 at the mid point maybe we have a chance to be a worthy team in the 2nd half.. Until then I think Rex is crap.... Proof is in the pudding
  21. Lets have this conversation again after the half way point Inconsistency is this teams modus operandi...... One win from a west coast team traveling east is a win, but it does little to fill me with hope for the rest of this season. Traveled this road way to many times
  22. the question is do you remember the last 17 years and how many different coaches tossed out the simply solution after poor showings. Always the same quotes always similar results. its a broken record for me at this point.
  23. The simply solution has been tried by every failed coach in Buffalo. Simplifying is never the answer... Simplifying simply means the HC is very desperate and doesn't have any real answers Usually the following seaosn after a "simplify" that coach is sent out to pasture
  24. This grain of salt is probably big enough
  25. grasping at straws on that one We only traded 1 1st rd pick. We swapped 1st rd picks and then offered them our pick the following year. SO we only wasted 1 1st rd pick which may still turn in our favor if we ever get a real QB And we actually traded back for EJ and gained other picks in that process, but the fact is Buddy was GM when we drafted EJ
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