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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. low IQ is nothing to be proud of son.. Triple digit IQ is the goal not single digit :thumbsup:
  2. Are you !@#$ing kidding me
  3. tyrod is 1st.. No matter who is coach or GM TT doesn't have it rex is 2nd Brandon and Whaley are a tie
  4. Kyle Williams way above Freddy. Freddy was good for a spell.. But Kyle has been here for a decade Honestly Freddy's body of work is too small to warrant the wall IMO
  5. too little too late.. I had little faith in sideshow rex to begin with and yet here we are
  6. This team is not going to make it to he superbowl and making the playoffs means nothing to me if we aren't' a real team and we are not. TT gets injured we are stuck with his salary cap hit which will ensure we don't see the playoffs for another 3 to 5 years Whaley doesn't do the contracts.. Overdork does
  7. I don't watch football unless the bills are playing.. and once they are eliminated I usually forget football all together. Don't even watch the superbowl
  8. ...and may your arms be to short to scratch
  9. yeah no way we will pick up the option now as TT has regressed considerably... I figured he was good enough as a stop gap but that ship is sailing to far away from shore for me now.. if we are going ot clean house then clean house, but it will be another 3- 5 years before we ever come close to thinking playoffs again
  10. he's getting worse not better at this point.. He wont be resigned.. so we best gut the team completely and start form scratch
  11. yes lets rush him into duty and ruin him like we always do Nope TT or bust..
  12. until we have a better option step up and prove they are the better option this team can not afford to not have TT here. We can't go backwards at the QB position. I'll take a half ass TT over what will be available to us. We stil draft another QB and we still work with Cardale but TT is going to be a Bill for the next couple of years, Cardale Jones is going to be groomed very slowly.. as will anyother options we can come across.. There will be no vets worthy of taking TT place available IMO
  13. Brandon has less than zero to do with the Bills futility.. He is a marketing man and has done a masterful job of bringing in extra coin for the franchise Ralph Wilson was to blame for most.
  14. Got no choice Tyrod is still the best option we have and had in a long time, and there won't be anything better in FA or trade only a fool would let him walk and roll the dice on a different QB... We can still draft and groom but we need Tyrod till the next QB is truly ready to take over
  15. He's a franchise tag.. he'll never see FA
  16. none of this means a damn thing if we don't win the superbowl IMO
  17. I sure hope the league just gets rid of this stupid marijuana rule...recreational or medical. Would MUCH rather have the players using pot instead of alcohol to wind down or anything else for that matter But the beer sponsors probably would be upset.. Can't have people smoking the herb cause they won't drink as much.. Can't have that can we Na.. just keep the players on pain killers and let them hit the booze.. It just makes so much sense now doesn't it
  18. Rex sucks..... gave him a season but before the 1st season was over with I knew we were hosed again.. Oh well my care meter is nose diving
  19. Let me think about this for a second NO
  20. He just wasn't good.. He had a few plays here and there he pull out of his ass, but overall he just wasn't that good I hated him because so many thought he was way better than he is and was.. Plus he used the media to air his grievances.. I hate him more today that i did then because people still want to talk about this completely over rated....
  21. Im laughing at the calls for WR.. We have WR's unfortunately our QB does not see a full field.. Injuries happen. You could put the best WR's in the league in there and it won't be a difference maker for this team... I like TT but he will never be a pure pocket passing QB. He has ot do more with his legs and buy time I do nto recall tons of dropped passes and we have WR open most every play.. TT just doesn't find them.. Just not his strength
  22. This one IMO is all about the coaches. Our secondary will get destroyed if we cannot produce constant pressure. Brady is too damn accurate and our DB scheme seems to always allow an open receiver or 2. Brady won't miss those targets
  23. Tyrod is by far the best option we will have for the next couple of seasons even if we trade, sign FA, or draft for another QB IMO... Best bet is to stick with Tyrod then continue to find his successor via the draft and hope one actually develops
  24. Chicago would be wise to tank the season for a top draft pick then No scrub QB is going to change their reality
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