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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. My faith in the Pegulas is at an all time low since they are batting 0.000 since taking over the Sabres and the another 0.000 for the Bills I like what i see on paper but proof is in the pudding
  2. this is because our owner hired the wrong coaches.... I'd blame Whaley but Pegula's did the most of the coach hiring damage IMO Can't change schemes every 2 years and expect anything different. Can't chase players for one scheme and think they can all carry over to the next
  3. has there been a doom and gloom bunch because of Maclin now that's hilarious. Glad I avoided that non sense
  4. Afew years ago I did a swim with the manatees trip in Florida. Tuten was the boat captain. we shot the **** for a little while Guy was no angel though. Looked up some info on him after the boat trip and he was arrested about 10 or so years back for moving stolen ATV's etc None the less it was interesting meeting the man in that situation
  5. Wholly cow we are already traveling down this road with the point the finger blame game. Already sewing the seed of the fire Beane campaign They brought him in took some pictures made him an offer. Sounds like a standard affair to me... I honestly can not understand why some people are so focused on making up a narrative
  6. Yeah and that's the sign of a high quality organization.. Putting the screws to potential FA signing if they decide to see what works best for him. You always let a FA player do his tour.. That wins points for the organization long term... Being a dick and threatening a player and his agent by pulling a solid offer because your feelings are hurt won't win you anything. The Bills can up their offer if they don't want him to tour.. And that is the game.
  7. Best move ever Flutie fans are just delusional enough to believe that it was relevant to the future
  8. LMAO if they actually did that to appease fans because of Kap.. That is knee slapping hillarious. Just shows how easy it is to reel in some fish
  9. Nothing...... He's not worth the cost it would take to obtain him. We would have ot mortgage the present and the future. Plus he is a cold weather puss
  10. Maclin would be an unexpected off season gift for sure. Would turn a possible weakness into a strength quickly and allow the young WRs to get experience learn and make a bigger impact as the season moves on IMO F5 F5 F5 f5
  11. I'm not all in on anything this franchise does until we see a decade of winning consistency / culture.. then and only then would I push all my chips in. I'm hopeful but no way could any Bills fan possibly swallow the bait hook line and stinker after what most of us have endured
  12. slurp........ Make the playoffs with a convincing season that shows the team can win and still play in Nov and Dec. The team needs to win games its supposed to and will need to beat the good teams regularly. Must beat NE anything short than that means no praises will be sung
  13. Hopeful yes but show me the baby 1st.... I've traveled this road too many times now
  14. yep we are cursed no doubt about it. Theres always the 2018 season, so we have that to look forward to LMAO at the usual over reaction
  15. Nope.. show me the baby 1st but if this team starts showing its typical 8-8 tendencies the wheels will come off fast and the Pegulas obviously do not know how to keep that from happening after what I've witnessed with this and the Sabres org I'm just reserved to 100% show me 1st.. all I see are the usual cliches and politically correct answers in pressers. Once the real heat starts coming will see if this is going to work or not
  16. LOL. here we go again... I'm hopeful but when I hear stupid quotes like this it screams more of the same. you are not a franchise QB until you prove without a doubt on the field you are a franchise QB Peterman and Jones don't even qualify as depth yet because neither has done or shown squat in the NFL until they show some things I don't even consider them depth. Such a BS quote.. so tired of the charade
  17. Mildly optomistic, but this always happen with a regime change or a coach change so my opinion here means NOTHING because I've been wrong every single time
  18. guilty till proven innocent and he merely put up a bond for bail for a family member. Yes I have a huge issue with judges using these tactics. Abuse of position IMO. Sammy is in the NFL has the money and its well documented. Guarantee if this was a trust fund baby who committed a racketeering crime the judge wouldn't have said anything or demanded anyone show up in court. But because it involves two black men and one from the poor side of town this situation is much more dire I guess. Hey this is Florida
  19. There were tons of positives coming out about Whaley at the time we hired him as for Bills fans opinions on the matter.... who cares the negatives are same ones complaining now and would complain and find reasons for people to be fired if we went 10-6 this year I really think the only goal of some Bills fans is to lob grenades into every thread to some how bring satisfaction to their miserable lives. You can't have a single thread without these fools
  20. Then stop being a fan if it makes you this upset. Its just a form of entertainment nothing more. Most of us don't want ot wade thru post after post of why this sucks or that sucks. It pollutes the board and makes it a crappy place to hang Im not happy with our drought but I won't pollute the board with numerous chest pounding posts whining constantly because our team hasn't been to the playoffs. OH WELL move on to something important in your life
  21. Just typical salesman fluff means nothing at all to fans who just want a pair of teams they don't have to be embarrassed about.
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