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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. That's exactly what our society does wittingly and unwittingly creates the divide. Its why we have 2 extreme political parties and nothing in between. I look at it as a divide and conquer situation. SOme of it planned by the evil in the world some of it self imposed on ourselves as we struggle for understanding of WTF is wrong with our world our species. There is so much hatred., White on black, liberal on conservative, Nationalist on Immigrant... and the fact is news movies blogs feed everyone's desire to believe one thing over another. Many of us go through a process in our lives understanding the world we live in thinking we figured it out, learning that all we thought to be true is not true, being angry about the deceit and lies, spewing that frustration in the form of anger and hatred. Then coming around to realizing it all was a waste of our time and serves no real purpose but to allow us to be consumed with emotions that do not make life better for anyone around us or even away from us. That has been my journey. My reality now is willful ignorance. I no longer follow politics nor do i care anymore. There is literally nothing I can do. I've never been a racist, I view others and human beings, not by their race, or status. Not whether they are an immigrant or some misguided Nationalist. I have a family and maybe 20 - 40 years left on the planet and I am not going to waste them consumed in frustration stress, anger and hatred. As a wise man once said. " Do onto others then run" wait a second that doesn't sound quite right.. Its "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you" Simple Karma based spiritual guidance.
  2. Like you said common ground. Now if the officer had a New England Patriots sticker this would be a much different thread
  3. Twitter is for Twits more rumors and gossip turn up on Twitter 10 fold over factual news or meaningful info
  4. I would think in Texas that would be considered your patriotic duty It matters.. Its just Pot
  5. Playoffs with the team looking stronger in November and December
  6. Who really cares about perceived value I only care about the Bills as a team. I have to laugh because in another thread there are complaints about NFL players making too much money.. But here we see why NFL players make so damn much money. If you want to lower prices for tickets and concessions then these perceived franchise values will need to reverse direction. We still have the cheapest tickets in the league... So are you happy to pay less or do you want more monetary value for the franchise ?
  7. It all comes down to the coach.. If Mickey D is the real deal he will have us in playoff contention. If we are not in contention then I will start to believe we are looking for a new HC sooner than later. I expect a up and coming "Great" HC to be able ot take a average bunch and make them contenders getting better as the year wears on. If I see the opposite then its coaching that gets the blame in my world
  8. Actually players win the majority of the time. I mean they are getting a significant chunk of the revenue already and rightfully so... I will always support players and organized labor... I will support the fans if they want to boycott the sport to reduce overall pricing, but if the fans are willing to pay the prices then I side with the players. If the fans decide they had enough and walk away and refuse to financially support the sport until prices come down across the board, then I will supprt there cause, but as long as they are willing to spend then the players deserve as much of the moeny they can negotiate for themselves I buy NFL Sunday ticket and that is it. I don't own any jerseys or t-shirts or any other NFL swag and rarely attend games.
  9. This is the only way, because as long as fans are willing to spend the money then the players deserve it. Its only when the fans decide enough is enough can or wil this change. This is capitalism folks. Nobody should be upset with players because our corporations, banks, wallstreet, and plutocrats/oligarchs do this all the time themselves... Whats good for the goose is good for the gander Fact is players are the product, and fans are paying for the product. Don't like it stop paying for it. If you can not stop and walk away then you really can't complain
  10. If we don't make the playoffs then as far as I'm concerned it means McDermott is not all that and a bag of popcorn If McDermott is the next great coach he will find a way to get this team to the post season. We have the players what we need is the X's and O's
  11. It all comes down to the coaches. A great coach can take a mediocre team and make them a playoff contender. We have a mediocre team so the only question that needs to be answered is what kind of coach is McDermott and company
  12. Always hopeful at seasons beginning You are correct nobody knows because a good coach will take a mediocre team and make them a playoff team. So the only question is all about the type of coach we have. Proof is in the puddin Tyrod is a better option than most any other option we had this year... He needs to be able to make magic when the pressure is on and were down by a score in the 4th quarter... Worse case scenario we get a decent QB next year in the draft
  13. The Raiders deal in Las Vegas is almost the same. Their taxing the tourist and giving Davis full revenue http://deadspin.com/the-raiders-robbed-las-vegas-in-americas-worst-stadium-1795475973
  14. I to think much of the money should goto the players and coaches. Nobody pays to watch the owner sit in the box. If you are truly upset with amount of money athletes get paid then you must stop buying tickets and merchandise. As long as the money is flowing then the players deserve there share.
  15. Stay Douchee my friends
  16. Doug Marrone Head Coach of the Jacksonville Jaguars and champion for tighty whitie wearers everywhere
  17. Disagree... Always a great time IMO. But I've done my share of large events, so if you have a low tolerance for partying then I could see why you would feel this way. I love me some pre and post game debauchery.. to me that's just good fun
  18. I don't see the bills finishing at the bottom unless that is their goal. I see no reason why this team cannot compete for a wildcard if the coaching is anything for us to get excited about. Any new coach heading for greatness should be able to take an average bunch and make them a playoff contender showing signs of improvement as the season wears on I expect McDermott and Co. to be able to muster up 9 wins myself.
  19. Those huge contracts for QB's are going to continue to kill franchises.. Its the most important position but if Carr was to take another serious injury that's a lot of coin that eats away at at a franchise for years... Most QB's are not long term durable either Are we seriously turning this thread into another Tyrod thread.. C'mon people get a grip
  20. I agree with the masses. this silly 10 page debate over opinions about a simple form of entertainment is SAD those who can't walk away and keep engaging in a debate that will never end you're polluting this forum and offering nothing why do any of you feel you have to dig in and always get the last word in.. say your peace and move on to another topic for Christ sake. After you say it once its been said It happens on lots of message boards but its obvioulsly much worse now that the official BBMB is shut down, and the reason they shut it down was because of crap fest's like this one
  21. Jerry Jones meets the Pope during a recent visit. "Hello Jerry" says the Pope, "I'm sorry Jerry, God is just not a Cowboys fan." "What?" exclaims Jerry, astonished. "You heard, God is not a Cowboys fans." "But, but, but, I've been a good man and we are Americas team", replies the Jones. "Oh really", says the Pope. "What have you done in life that God would want to be a supporter of your Cowboys then?" "Well" said the Jones, "Three weeks ago I gave 100,000 dollars to the starving children in Africa". "Oh" says the Pope. "anything else?" "Well, a few weeks before that I also gave 100,000 dollars to build a shelter for the homeless." "Hmmm. Anything else?" "Yeah. A month before I that I gave 100,000 dollars to the Albanian orphans." "Okay", said the Pope, "You wait here a minute while I have a word with god." Ten minutes pass before the Pope returns. He looks Jerry in the eye and says, "I've had a word with God and he agrees with me. Here's your $300,000 dollars back, now f**k off". plagiarized and edited for your reading pleasure
  22. Tyrod has to prove he can put the team on his back and string together some come from behind and 2nd half / 4th quarter victories Bad defense or not.... that's what has to happen
  23. That's blasphemy. Say its not true.. ---------------- A good coach can take an average team to the playoffs, and a great team to the promise land. Its all aboot putting the players you have in the best possible scenarios to succeed. Easier said than done but I believe this to be true We have an average team.. We make the playoffs with this team this year I'd say he's a keeper
  24. I honestly don't even care if we make the playoffs ... unless we are a real contender. I surely won't be squirting any tears for making the playoffs. A superbowl win yes but playoffs are something I expect not something to cry about. When they make the playoffs I will simply say took ya !@#$ing long enough losers
  25. signing these FA's will not going to get us to the promise land. Unless your promise land is a weak wild card possibility. MY promise land is multiple deep playoff wins with a superbowl win mixed in Years of swapping coaches means this team has to purge assets and replace them yet again and the best way to build a winner is through the draft, not using piss poor choices that fit a different scheme that is no longer here. Because we are purging lots of Rex and Maroone players it will take multiple drafts to rebuild the team into something To be honest I think this team expects to lose this year and expects to use its 2 1st rd picks for a QB to build around in 2018. They are not going to waste resources and bring in a FA like Byrd who is heartless and a waste of a roster spot
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