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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Big roster turn over new systems new coaches... Still huge?? At qb... Its going to be a rough year It will be a very pleasant surprise if we are even sniffing a playoff berth in november
  2. So the run the GM and HC out of town train has already arrived at the station. We can not keep doing this no matter how painful. Gonna have to see a GM / HC for more than 3 years no matter the resultsl. Insanity would be not letting this play out for more than 3 years
  3. So I sing you to sleep After the tankin' I brush back the hair from your eyes. And the disgust on your face Is so real that it makes me want to cry. And I know that my song Isn't sayin' anything new. Oh, but after the tankin' I'm still in love with you
  4. Fans can stuff it up their yoohoo.. Time for ownership to stick with a coach and GM through the thin. if fans want to B word and moan.. Who cares.. At this point we have to get assets for any player that won't be here after next season. More then likely this season is going to be tough to handle and 7-9 records are counter productive to any long term goal
  5. At this point I really do not care. If we can't or are not going to sign McCoy Hughes etc.. next year then trade them now and get useful assets for the future. But at some point the bills are going to have to stick with a coach and GM thru the thin no matter what.
  6. Kids are growing up today playing Soccer. I called this reality a decade ago. The facts are football is dangerous and violent. Parents don't want their kids to play The other fact is Football is inaccessible for most families. Way to expensive and parents can take kids to pro soccer game for 70% less money. With a lot less drunks Add in the fact that girls and boys can play soccer together is appealing to many. Over the next decade the talent pool for the NFL is going to sink mightily.. which will start to hit the bottom line. Expect ridiculous rule changes to try and save it in the faced of this reality fast approaching No its not. There are 1000's of bands rocking hard.. They're just not catering to the demands of the major recording companies. I never have a shortage of amazing music at my disposal and can find much more. Got to dive into the underground for the sound these days. But there is no shortage of amazing music out there. Of course rock and roll as we knew it in the 60's and 70's is not the same because to day rock encompasses so many styles. Folk, Rock, Heavy metal, Speed Metal, Grunge, Punk, Jamband etc.... Its because rock and roll has splintered into so many sub groups the recording companies can't force it into the pop sound that country has become. IMO most pop music is simply lowest common denominator music. It appeals to broad audience and makes money... Most rock bands today are forging their own styles and directions and mixing and mashing genres.. The mass commercial appeal of rock is gone because many do not like their music to experiment. They want a clean standard sound, and the recording companies only pimp that.
  7. And he is still the best option for us this year. All this is known... But there was nobody who was worth bringing in this year that would of been much if any better
  8. McDermott looks lost on the sidelines and the other team is beating us on all sides of the ball
  9. Its has recreational and medicinal benefits.. It doesn't matter what the game is its not something that needs to be illegal for any reason. and the medicinal values are not limited to just certain strains for certain ailments. The medicinal properties of MJ are beneficial even using recreational forms. Motives wouldn't be necessary if the majority of people took their heads out of their asses to begin with. There were WAY MORE Motives by the industries and people who fought against it than their are by those legalizing it. So do keep in mind it was those who fought to make it illegal that started this "Motives" game
  10. there are many physical and cognitive reasons to use mj . Its not for everyone, but many very very successful and unsuccessful people use the stuff for many multiple reasons. The only way to know is to try it.. But many newer users don't use it correctly and think getting themselves stoned to the bejesus is the way to go. Its really not
  11. really .. you are having pre seaosn jitters on a team with a new GM new coach new systems I suggest you wait till we actually see improvement before you get your underwear in knots.. Then maybe next year or the year after you can have jitters as there will be expectation associated with it. If you have expectations this year then just accept disappointment now Myself I'm hopeful but if it all goes to poop then oh well wasn't really expecting much either
  12. I'm thinking we can do better at RT but I'm also thinking Shaq might be a bad ass
  13. EJ has to tell himself this to be able to still believe in himself enough to be an NFL QB Its the part of the acceptance process. Eventually he will accept he is not good enough
  14. Whats with the infatuation with this guy He's fast..... so what
  15. the body at rest has a 99% saturation rate of max O2 in the blood. In healthy athletes I doubt that can be improved.... Something else needs to metabolize that oxygen faster for it to be enhancing.. But i didn't' really get into the science of the article so just tossing that out there .
  16. If I had a dime for every hall of fame WR that never realized potential do to sub par QB play and coaching
  17. Ok then passing can produce 1.) Interception 2.) Incompletion 3.) Lose yards 4.) Gain yards 5.) Completion. Gain yards and lose yards can happen on anything. Kind of why they don't say that about the run game in comparison to the pass game.
  18. I have to agree mostly with this statement. A great coach takes a mediocre team and has them competing in the playoffs. A bad coach takes a team of solid above average players and misses a wild card birth. How many QB's have the bills ruined in the last 17 years.... There is something to be said by intangibles and hand size arm strength and cognitive ability... but a bad coach wouldn't be able to maximize those traits anyway
  19. In defense of Saint Dougie.. 3 things can happen when you pass the ball and 2 of them are bad. But as mentioned the rules of modern day NFL football favor passing.
  20. There are no veteran options worth pursuing If TT goes down we see what we got on the roster for better or for worse. You do if you beat the KC chiefs along the way
  21. ??? LMAO. better than the usual instant !@#$ just add alcohol crew I am glad to see this forum devolve to another low though.
  22. Step 1: Make inflammatory hateful Bills article. Step 2: Wait for it to be shared on social media / message boards Step 3: Wait for the clicks I don't even pay attention to them anymore. I don't click on their links or visit the web pages. That's the only way.
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