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Everything posted by ddaryl

  1. Cause you dont know what you really have till you do. They didn't draft him necessarily to be a backup, And its too early to give up on Nate after 1 start... I doubt the Patriots knew they had arguably the best QB to play the game when they took Brady in the 6th..
  2. Be careful with that ax Eugene
  3. The only hope I have is seeing Peterman figure it out.. Watching this team for any other reaosn at this point is just not posisble for me I guess.. But I hear what you are saying...
  4. I have no issue with starting Peterman but there is always an ax to grind... I probably wouldn't have had any excitement for the chargers game if TT was the QB, at least I had a few days ot look forward to this game. As for talent being traded away or let go.. Not so sure that happened. We perceived it as talent but this is what happens when you switch coaches and GM's.. Most who complained wanted Rex and Whaley gone, and they brought in players to match that style of play... You signed on for it now we have to let this one ride out. Dareus' contract was insane for what he was bringing. Watkins was average and rarely great and bottom line fact is McDermott was hired and he doesn't do defense the Rex Ryan way so parts were swapped out. I never phathomed this type of collapse after our 1st 7 weeks but this painful.. and officially we are in full rebuild mode
  5. 2 weeks in a row before the Chargers game this team was in a free fall and TT didn't have much going for him.. So unless we wanted to change the entire OL or the entire Defense the only move was a QB swap... which obvioulsy didn't help but at least we get to see what we have going forward.. I'd like to see a few more games of Peterman.. I want to see what kind of resolve the man has.. The only reaosn I want TT playing QB would be because this OL sucks realy bad, and Peterman might end up on a stretcher
  6. Me too.. can't keep doing this over and over
  7. Gotta stick with this rebuild for better or for worse, we just can't keep switching every 2 years.. That is getitng old and isn't working. This one needs to play out over the next 5 years. I'm depressed
  8. We need to ride out this rebuild for more than 2 years people .. We can't keep switching horses every 2 years no matter how painful... We'll never dig out from this if we keep demanding a new GM and New HC. We're gonna have to grin and bare it
  9. It looked real bad. a planted leg and full on hit to the knee. Yes I usually don't beleive in curses and have fought that thought for decade plus, but after that play its true this franchise is forever cursed.
  10. I would rather let Peterman play and try to learn. TT won't be here next year and we are in no way going to the playoffs. NOT A CHANCE The only reason to start TT is because this OL sucks so bad he'll get killed, but I want to hear the coach say this because TT is not getting this team to the playoffs.. I dont want ot hear any BS about starting TT till we are mathmatically eliminated. I'm Tired of BS, call a spade a spade
  11. I'm glad we are starting Peterman.. let him learn now in hopes he gets better, but with this OL it might get him killed. this is a lose lose situation for the bills and us fans
  12. This is the worst crash I've seen and we've seen some epic season crashes But we are now officially in full rebuild mode. There is very little to salvage from this existing team I gave up after the half.... The reality is watching this team depresses me and ruins my day and I'm not going to be torturing myself the rest of this year with this crap. I've got much better things to be doing
  13. If you can't throw for at least 100 yds in any game you play for 3 or more quarters, its a no brainer. Start the next guy heck I'd say in a half of play any QB in this league should be able ot put up 100, unless the running game is working rediculoulsy well
  14. My reaction will be simply turning towards the 2018 draft.. 1 game shouldn't be a deciding factor but honestly I expect him to be better in the 1st few games he starts and then see how he adjusts to teams that now have tape on him and can prepare for him
  15. I'm just looking for a solid outing. A mixture of throws as well as the abilty to continue ot hit the quick passes while and not having to check down too often..From there its how he grows an dhow he reacts ot teams that now have tape on his tendecies. Does he adapt or does he get stuck in a rut ? He's shown enough to at least be a little excited ot see
  16. Thats the issue.. Viewership is declining the game is becoming unaffordable for many to attend, and much of the youth doesn't find it a worthwhile passtime. Coupled with the the fact soccer is gaining some popularity, many parents including NFL players won't even let their own kids polay football and the inevitable decline in the the game and its present decline in quality doesn't bode well for the long term. its inevitable IMO... However as long as Bills fans can tailgate and party on a Sunday like Monday doesn;t exist then it should remain popular here for awhile, but our younger generations don't party like we used to. Today's party scenes aren't football friendly.. None of my nieces nephews or cousins are interested in buying tickets or watchgn the games on Sunday...
  17. After watchng the Peterman tapes I agree... Those quick passes are paramount to a succesful Offense in this league
  18. Blown away about this decision.. Change is good.. This is solid move.... Here's hoping Nathan is the 2nd coming of all the great QB's to ever play this game
  19. Our glass turned out ot be a cheap plastic cup laying on the ground and cracked after a Lady GaGa concert
  20. snap out of it.. The majority of the world is very passionate about futbol. And kids today will have more affection for the game then we would...
  21. All my nieces and nephews play soccer... The fields are loaded I live north of Seattle these days and the popularity here is off the charts. I don't understand it but its gaining major momentum.. Sad IMO.. I always tell people why watch soccer when there is the exact same game being played already. One that is a lot faster more physical and offers more scoring.. Its called Hockey
  22. Unfortunatley the reality is more and more kids are growing up playing Soccer and that will be the sport most of the best talent migrates to in the the next couple of decades... If you grow up playing Futbol you don't switch over to football unless you're not good enough to play the sport you loved as a kid. Brain injuries and the brutality that is Football will continue its decline in popularitry. I called this 10 years ago when it became obvious that many NFL players wouldn't let their own kids play football and the soccer fields were loaded wit young kids
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