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Everything posted by TracyLee

  1. Oh, but Bush says everything is going so well in Iraq!
  2. So Losman should be back in 5-9 weeks? Isn't he ahead of schedule too? Is it unrealistic to have him playing 4 weeks from now? How many weeks has it been? 3 or 4?
  3. I don't think all the 'lefties' run away and hide all the time. I think they just get tired of listening to drivel and spin about how great Bush is as a president. If you buy into Bush's rhetoric, that's your problem. Some of us see him for what he is. If he does get four more years, we'll see how much you all support him at the end of the next four years. The rest of us will just shake our heads and wonder why it took four more years for you to see Bush for the idiot that he really is.
  4. Yeah....tenney, I thought I heard someone declare "Mission Accomplished" a long time ago...? He wasn't pulling my leg, or was he?
  5. With Bush, its always relavent, isn't it? He's just plain 'bad'. I can't even stomach hearing the guy try to talk. He's such a piss-poor excuse for a president. I don't believe that he understands half of what he's talking about in his speeches. He's just a puppet.
  6. -No, I haven't heard of this. -No, I haven't been informed by my son's HS -Yes, it does bother me Given the opportunity, I also will opt out. I'm so sick of the hidden language in these 'Acts' that are buried somewhere in a tiny paragraph on the 1097th page, yet its so typical and so not surprising. You can never, ever, ever take anything at face value with this administration. There's always, always something being deliberately kept quiet or something given so much spin, its laughable. Unless my son decides (over my dead body ) to enlist on his own, it will be a cold day in hell before he gets any encouragement from me or his father (a former sergeant in Nat'l Guard who was critically injured on active duty) to join the service. He knows how we both feel about it and thus far, shares our views. He also is an only child, which I believe also exempts him from any draft that may occur.
  7. Ahhhahaha! LMAO!!!
  8. I wish you the best, you and yours are in my prayers. Stay positive.
  9. Protection, representation etc. etc..... You would really have to compare his union contract to what your company offers to find exactly what he has that you don't... It's funny how many people look down on unions when they've never had the privelege of belonging to one or if they have, they paint them with a broad brush that says 'all unions are bad'. It's just simple ignorance.
  10. Mine too! I actually said "my baby boy is going to high school" as I kissed him on the cheek on his way out the door this morning. "Can you make me some coffee in the morning from now on?" was his response! On a side note, do any of youse ever dream at night of your kids when they were younger? Every now and then I dream about my son and he's only a baby or he's 5 or 10 years old, when in reality he's 14. Although I do enjoy watching him grow, I know I sure do miss when he was that little, so treasure every minute peeps!
  11. Yeah, whatever you say pal . Care to tell me exactly what 'tired socialist views' of mine you're talking about?
  12. You too blz! You've gotta walk away from this board once in awhile in order to keep your sanity you know?!
  13. Walmart? What's that? Oooohhh, you mean 'China'-mart. Yeah, I've seen the place. Can't bring myself to shop there tho'.
  14. Scary stuff. They do grow out of it though. My son had them. Not every night, just occasionally. Over about 4-5 years. In his case he would get up out of bed looking for me. He would be shaking and agitated and inconsolable all the while still asleep. He didn't scream and cry or anything, more like he whimpered. He would just look terrified. And he never remembered any of it. One time he actually unlocked the door and let himself out of the apartment in the middle of the night. Thank god I was living upstairs from my sister at the time and he just went downstairs looking for me, he told her I wasn't home and he couldn't find me. She brought him back up to me, and he still insisted I wasn't there, he couldn't see me right in front of his face. In his case, I think it was stress due to his parents splitting up. Needless to say I'm glad he doesn't do that anymore!
  15. Is that the only way you can defend Bush? By attacking me personally? What's the matter, running out of excuses for this piss poor excuse of a president? You feel the need to try and insult me instead? Typical. Hmmm, since you got nothing better to say, why don't you go outside and clean up your dog's stevestojan along with your own, missy .
  16. The post you're referring to is my point. And don't put words in my mouth. I never said joining the NG is dishonoring ones country. As a matter of fact my son's father served in the NG for 8 years until he was injured on active duty and was then honorably discharged due to his injuries and could no longer serve. Talk about painting with a broad brush! I also didn't bash Bush for joining the NG, I bashed him for being a coward and hiding behind his daddy. Stop making stuff up, it's annoying and unintelligent.
  17. Be serious, he was missing for a significant amount of time, awol if you will, while he was doing some political work elsewhere. His daddy pulled some strings and got him in the Texas guard, which he did by moving him up ahead of a long waiting list of others who had applied before Bush did. Yes, he hid behind his daddy to avoid the war. His co-hort Cheney just applied for several deferrments to avoid the war as well. Two peas in a pod. All I'm saying is Kerry voluntarily served in the war while Bush pulled strings to stay stateside. It's not about Kerry's medals it's about honor and character. Kerry did what he thought was best for his country while Bush did what he thought was best for himself.
  18. This medals debate is getting so old. How many medals does Bush have? Oh, that's right, zero, zip, nada, zilch. The bottom line is Kerry voluntarily served while Bush hid behind his daddy. That's all that really matters, isn't it? Regardless of the medals issue, Kerry served, Bush didn't. Even if he did not have any medals, Kerry did the honorable thing for his country, did he not? Did Bush do the same honorable thing?
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