-No, I haven't heard of this.
-No, I haven't been informed by my son's HS
-Yes, it does bother me
Given the opportunity, I also will opt out. I'm so sick of the hidden language in these 'Acts' that are buried somewhere in a tiny paragraph on the 1097th page, yet its so typical and so not surprising. You can never, ever, ever take anything at face value with this administration. There's always, always something being deliberately kept quiet or something given so much spin, its laughable.
Unless my son decides (over my dead body ) to enlist on his own, it will be a cold day in hell before he gets any encouragement from me or his father (a former sergeant in Nat'l Guard who was critically injured on active duty) to join the service. He knows how we both feel about it and thus far, shares our views. He also is an only child, which I believe also exempts him from any draft that may occur.