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  1. You are not alone. DAMMIT!!!!
  2. It's not bad so long as it's well done. I live right around the corner and I've had many a soggy wet bottomed pizza from there. Yuck!! My personal favorite is Pizza Bella in Riverside, Buffalo. I grew up on that pizza and if we're in the vicinity we stop and get one to bring home. Yummy.
  3. That's for dang sure.
  4. Not only that, but if he gets hurt, you or his mom need to be there or you will never forgive yourself. I am a hockey mom and I've missed many a Bills game and Yankees games and Sabres games, but I just tell myself I have the rest of my life to watch those games but only a little while to watch my boy grow up donig something he loves and something I love watching him do. They grow up all too fast, enjoy it while it lasts.
  5. How quickly did the guard get to your area?
  6. 75-25 Sabres Hockey playoffs blow football playoffs to smithereens. Not that the Sabres will make the playoffs this year. But then, who knows if the Bills will either.... Four rounds of the best of seven beats single game elimination any day of the year. Sixteen games to win the Stanley Cup. It's just incomparable.
  7. Sir Anthony Hopkins (I know, he's not American). or John Lithgow
  8. Is that all you got? You can't stay on topic so you reach for something entirely outside this thread? Are you incapable of discussing the matter at hand without resorting to childish insults when someone has a different opinion than you?
  9. Didn't you read the whole post either?? I swear this is like teaching kindergarten kids how to read a post in its entirety. Inexperience is a factor, so is youth. But don't paint all motorcyclists with the same brush. For every 1000 riders you see on the road you'll see maybe one racing and popping wheelies.
  10. You're such an idiot. Did you read the whole post? I said I'm sure a lot of motorcycle accidents are due to inexperience.
  11. Motorcycle riders aren't stupid it's the stupid drivers around them. It is common sense to wear a helmet, just like it's common sense to wear a seatbelt. My husband and I have been riding for years and in our experience the helmets offer a measure of protection from the !@#$s around us who don't know how to drive a car. Operating a motorcycle definately requires experience in defensive driving. I can't tell you how many times we've been cut-off by someone who failed to notice us (that's why they say 'loud pipes save lives', duh!) or how many times someone would be riding our ass just a couple feet back. You have to operate a motorcycle with the expectation that someone around you is bound to do something stupid, and you have to be ready to react. I don't know the statistics and I'm sure a lot of the accidents are due to inexperience, but I'd be willing to bet that more than half of motorcycle accidents are the fault of a driver of a car. We've lost two dear friends in separate motorcycle accidents because of the stupidy of a driver in a car. Both were cut-off and killed through no fault of their own. A third friend also was cut-off and suffered serious injuries in yet another accident caused by the stupidity of a guy driving a car. So we wear helmets because we don't want our kids to grow up without us due to the stupidity of an idiot in a car!
  12. Nah, I think his buddy is imaginary....
  13. The number one main reason my husband and I stay is for our kids and our families. My husband has two kids from a previous marriage that he wouldn't see much of if we left the area. My son's roots are also firmly planted and I couldn't tear him away from his friends and his hockey team (or his dad for that matter). Plus I like living in Hamburg. It's a quiet area but still close to everything (5 minutes from the Ralph). It's far enough away from the city where I don't feel the need to lock my doors during the day when I'm home. I also like the four seasons. If our kids someday do leave the area, we won't be too far behind. I do think the area is fixable, but not with the self-serving politicians that rule the area. The waterfront has sooo much unrealized potential. Pataki could give us a hand, but he won't. Won't even return Higgin's calls. It's such a waste of space, literally. Have you driven down route 5 lately? Over the Skyway to the 190? It's a sad sight. We are completely disgusted with local politics, but obviously not enough to leave. If it's still the same in 15-25 years, we'll probably retire to Virginia.
  14. My ancesters on my mothers side arrived in New Amsterdam, NY about 1640 (from the Netherlands). Ended up in Erie County in the mid 1800's along with my ancesters from my fathers side at about the same time (from Germany).
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