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Everything posted by KCNC

  1. I'll be making at least one and maybe two trips up this fall to see the Bills play. Gonna bring the wife and kids (ages 10 and 8). Just wondering if you would fill me in on other things to see while in the area. Niagra Falls is definitely on the agenda and the Anchor Bar. But what else is there to do with the family? Thanks guys and gals.
  2. Maybe he was talking about Vernon Davis....?
  3. See my thread here Link
  4. Thanks, Dan. That's the one I wanted.
  5. Because he just moved recently and has not called to give me updated info. In fact he probably does not have a permanent address in the Buffalo area yet.
  6. Very funny, guys. Seriously, my roommate from college is now tight ends coach for the Bills and today is his birthday so I was going to try and call him. He may not even have an office phone yet, but I was going to try and locate him.
  7. Anyone have the main phone number for the Bills?
  8. Charlie Coiner was my college roommate for 2 years at Catawba College as I pointed out in another thread. He is a tremendously hard worker and a good guy. He has told me on numerous occasions what a great guy/coach Jauron is. I'm looking forward to coming to Buffalo next fall!
  9. I have never heard him say anything about Fewell.
  10. I'll tell you anything that does not get him or me in trouble. He has told me before that Jauron is a great guy and coach and I'm sure that is why he is happy to be back with him.
  11. My roommate of 2 years at Catawba College is now the TE coach for the Bills. Just got the email from him on Friday. He's been with the Bears since 2001 as offensive quality and control and special teams assistant. He interviewed for QB job too, but was happy to get the TE job. I'll be coming up to visit you guys this fall!
  12. I have been saying the same thing for years. I even send an email to the NFL asking why the paradigm of Sunday Super Bowls could not be broken and I never got a response (predictably). I have yet to stay at an entire Super Bowl party because we always have to leave to put the kids in bed. Those advertisers should recognize that we might not be watching those pricey commercials.
  13. Perfect. I could not have said it any better.
  14. Agree with Dawgg. No way do you pass in that situation. Run three times and if you don't get it in, take the field goal. That's what Marv would have done. Instead we give them the momentum and the rest is history.
  15. Did somebody forget the cheeseburgers again???
  16. When they say you have to light two torches, what are they talking about?
  17. For one thing, we may get inclement weather in NE which always brings the top team's advantange down a little. You never know, but would love to see the Bills have another shot at the Brady Bunch.
  18. Big error - Indy plays AT Denver. They will likely lose at Denver- tough place to play.
  19. McKeller works at the Honda dealership here in Winston-Salem, NC. Next time, I'm in there I'll ask him about it.
  20. Don Pierson link = PMSNBC report
  21. Q: How well do you see J.P. Losman playing in Buffalo when he finally gets the nod, which I will assume will be within a year? I think he has some good young talent to work with on offense, and could develop well with Lee Evans, Willis McGahee and Eric Moulds for another year or two.—Ed, Brockport, N.Y. A: He looks like a loose cannon to me. I haven't had an opportunity to study him closely, but if his reputation as a cocksure gunslinger is true, it will take him a longer time to develop because patience and prudence won't be among his strong suits. On his side are three offensive coaches with reputations for developing quarterbacks: Mike Mularkey, Tom Clements and Sam Wyche. Kordell Stewart gave Clements much credit in Pittsburgh. Losman may require the kind of close scrutiny and patience that Brett Favre got from Mike Holmgren, Steve Mariucci, Andy Reid and others in Green Bay. It is true that Buffalo has talent, but this will not be the kind of ready-made situation that Ben Roethlisberger benefits from in Pittsburgh.
  22. I watched the whole thing, but only because we don't get the Bills very often on TV here in NC. It was totally disgusting.
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