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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Shenault isn't the 6 yard catch and turn it into 50 type of guy; he is more a jack of all trades and master of none. Higgins we have met with a lot if I recall from Astro's list - I just don't like him that much as a player either. Mims is a solid choice and I have been up and down on Jefferson. Just don't see any of these guys being an immediate help for Josh and pick #22 is an overdraft for all of them. It is either a trade up or CB at 22. I'm okay with the non-top 3 if we get a AJ Green type player who can give us some time for the rookie to develop. I'm definitely not saying everyone else will suck, just that it will take time (longer than we want right now) and I really don't want to have to use the 5th year option on Allen for another year to decide. I really believe if Beane can find a palatable trade he is going to move up and not back. There is a big reason why he said it is imperative that they get the Board right. IIRC, according to Astro, the only 2 FO guys who went to Alabama this year are Beane & Schoen; not even scout visits - that just seems strange (not saying there is anything to it - other than it is F-ing strange.
  2. It would be a disaster - thankfully I don't think Beane is that dumb If one of the 3 WRs fall; he will be aggressive IMO - shocking
  3. LOL. It's for all of those who flamed me for trading up to 15 to take him in our Mock draft. How dare they doubt me!
  4. I have been banging this drum all offseason, Beane needs to swing his big stick and get one of the top WRs on their board (I hope they get the WR board right) or go after Green ho can give a letter round guy some time to develop, we need explosive playmakers bad on offense. Our D was honestly good enough and could have carried us deep in the playoffs if we could score.
  5. I love the top 3, but Ruggs has the highest ceiling and brings an explosiveness the others don't.
  6. we don't have many true needs, many can potentially be solved in UFA. Many of the later rounds picks won't make the team either. I'm not saying we should definitely trade up either, I would if the player is available at realistic pick (I'm not trading up #2 for Young)
  7. blue-eyed murder in a size 5 dress - is their best mainstream song Mean Street is fugging awesome I actually would say Poundcake & Don't Tell Me are 2 of the better Hagar songs... Right Now, meh Sammy is a much better sing than Dave, especially now, but in their primes DLR wins every time. Back your claim up - why is he better?
  8. you should see what he said about Edmunds- position of need and a player rated in the top part of RD = we tried to get to 14, 15 and finally got him. A drop from on of the top tier guys in a position of need, they will go up and get him; if it isn't a position a need they most likely won't. Beane actually said this.... Beane also talked about the bust rate of WR busts in RD1 last year - basically reaffirmed what he said above about Edmunds. Follow your board... While I don't know if he will pull the trigger for next year's one, he will trade a second and/or third this year. How ballsy he gets will depend on how he feels after FA
  9. the gap between the top 3 and the rest is pretty big and #22 is a tough spot to be in, most likely yes WRs drafted in later rounds will develop nicely, but they will take more work and very likely more time (1-2 years), which shrinks the impact they can have this season and help us understand if Josh is the guy or not. Diggs makes a lot of sense, mainly due to his young age and he is proven...
  10. Also, you guys need to stop comparing this to the Watkins pick, who was the top rated WR. The situations could not have been more different, I don't care to explain this again and this narrative is overplayed on this board - it is a false equivalent
  11. Nope! But they were 2 different bands, especially Eddies playing style. Both have their place. Listen to any Van Hager album and then listen to Fair Warning; not even close to be comparable, especially Eddie's playing at him
  12. It's really 13 or 14; DEN is certainly taking a WR at 15 if 1 of the top 3 fall. What will be hard is trying to get the Colts at 13 or TB at 14 and have them willing to slide back to #22, when DEN @ 15, Miami, the Raiders Jags & Eagles all in front of us, who will be WR hunting. How far do they want to slide back and how do you sweeten the pot enough?
  13. This guy is worse than incarcerated Bob and that is saying something... Go on his timeline and all of the bs he posts, he is beyond the worst source for anything. https://giphy.com/gifs/wwe-wrestling-excited-cbG9wtoO8QScw
  14. And this is why it is imperative to swing big this year in giving him the tools, so you have more information on what we need to do with him. I cannot reconcile myself to buy on a WR prospect who will need 1-2 years to develop; I need a guy who can hit the ground running. This is also why I see TE and RT as big needs for us. Give Josh the tools and talent before we have to pony up some serious $$$
  15. That's a good point, I have only been looking at players and how they would fit in with us. Part of what is clouding my judgement this year with looking at the incoming class, is how will they contribute to this team this year and make us better by giving us weapons Josh can trust and help us score more points. Higgins - I just don't like him that much as a prospect - inconsistent drops at times, not great at separation, limited route tree, not great at YAC, not a great route runner, gets dinged up and isn't as physical of a player as he should be. I'm only looking at the negatives (positive - he can make some damn good catches as well) and at pick#22 this causes some levels of concern that I'm not comfortable with the areas he needs to work on at that level of a pick. Obviously, if draft him I will be behind him as a player, but meh - not interested....
  16. 5'9" is a smurf. 5'11" plus with vertical and ability to fight for the ball. 2 inches for a wr around this range is not going to matter that much Like yolo said hard to ask for a lot in a deep class
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