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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I have read some stupid ***** in this thread but holy ***** this is the worst one yet. I don't idolize the Bills, in fact I really don't idolize anything - so please continue to make ***** up. You call that a creative story to explain why the lie wasn't a lie? You should see the creative story I can write about you and your conjecture... Perhaps I should have said I don't like the phrase of McD lying in everything he says - he doesn't lie in everything he says, but he also dances around the truth. All coaches do it... If in fact they did talk last night and possibly even this AM, you can bet your ass, part of it was McD having to walk things back today
  2. I don't like the term "lying". Yesterday McD was pissed, today was the typical PR game. We had such a good conversation and great communication that we felt we all needed a break and some space, so I excused him and we met back later. They disagreed, argued, it got heated and either McD told him to leave or Diggs stormed out. Based off of the presser and what was being said yesterday, I'm leaning towards Stef storming out; hence Sean being very concerned. I'm sure calls from Beane to the agent, players to Stef and beane and McD talking happened, he came back and they found a common ground to move forward, that doesn't equal cool. Today Sean's job was to get the toothpaste back in the tube and to do a mea culpa publicly for yesterday. This is the agreed way forward by all parties. It doesn't make it cool or resolve a darn thing. Sean is always talking in coachspeak, and yesterday was the devation out of frustration. JMO at this point... I found this...
  3. Agree with everything except the assumption that everything is cool now, we have no basis for that at this point.
  4. The fact that this has been festering and gone unresolved for 5 months is concerning. What I hope is that internally this has been put to bed, that won't stop questions up through training camp, 6 months after the Bengals game. And I promise diggs on the sidelines are going to have cameras glued to him all season
  5. It's trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube at this point. With McD saying very concerned yesterday, I still think he was really hot about whatever was discussed and once he said it, he realized it and shut down those questions. Straight PR to save face, bust some serious **** certainly went down
  6. So this is the same as the explanation for 13 seconds....as expected
  7. I was wondering where your insightful analysis was
  8. I think Sean did too, he is way to measured and mired in coach speak to say: "very concerned" on accident.
  9. He flies the the team....tbh for that kind of access my head would be up their assses too
  10. If Josh is having trouble preparing, here is a new Netflix series he can watch to help him
  11. You have to realize that what Beane and McD put out in interviews is meant for players as well. They have known what this issue is all along and controlling the messaging to Diggs is very likely part of it.
  12. I'm also certain that Diggs who wants to win, would obviously be frustrated if Josh's focus was elsewhere; which I am clearly certain it was. To hold this for 5 months though and it seems apparent that they didn't try during the offseason leads me to believe the rift is a fairly wide chasm. I would make the assumption that everytime Diggs saw in the news or on Twitter about Josh doing XYZ had to frost his ass even more. I would assume the Madden cover would even add to it, if he felt Josh wasn't preparing enough...it builds and builds
  13. I think you just became the TBD TMZ person now...
  14. Rumors of Brittany pushing Josh to get married, Josh cheats etc. = lots of ***** in your personal life is affecting your ability to concentrate at work. Diggs has been pissed since at least the playoff game in January and no resolution to this point. He can be pissed at scheme and dorsey, but it really seems like this is personal between him and Allen. It's been 5 freaking months...and he leaves before practice starts, McD is legit pissed with the very concerning statement, that you never get from him and he shuts it down right after that comment = foot in his mouth. Josh has an 11 min presser and even throughout the offseason, he is more focused than ever etc... This sjit is between Allen and Diggs. I can only think of one that that can come between I'm thankful for you between bros that lasts at least 5 months.... Meow
  15. And miss all the fun? Also you we are all n0w g0ing t0 write like this: Can s0me0ne give bullet p0ints and a debried with0ut all the drama?
  16. IIRC, they plan to not let the WRs read the D and run a route based on the their read, the move is to predetermined routes like many other teams use that allow you to scheme guys open... An entire new room of WRs who have to get on the same page as Josh and knowing where they all need to be is a real big ask heading into year 1 with the WR group. I do also wonder with Patrick Peterson saying they knew what route Gabe would - i do wonder if the WRs making decisions on where to go became a tell for opposing defenses and made us very easy to defend against, once their was enough tape. Dorsey didn't really have anything to fall back on at that point... just a though at 1109pm
  17. That certainly would make it personal from Stef's perspective. Something obviously made him say nope, I ain't going out there today and I'm out...He was that hot today. Also making an assumption, him and Josh did not talk this entire offseason and he is still pissed enough to say nope, I'm out and put the team in that position...
  18. both can be true, toss in chad hall leaving, Ty Dunne article saying the coaching staff didn't talk about 13 seconds with the team, Diggs last off season wanted to know why we are winning it all, why do we have these issues - do you think he got answers from McD? There are likely lots of reasons. It does feel like there is something between him and Josh right now, how do you go from I'm thankful for you on Thanksgiving to this? It just feels like something went down and it's personal
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