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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Buscaglia: The stats are there, as is the remarkable talent he exudes on the field even on plays where he isn’t directly involved. I’m only a game and a half into the film of his 2019 season and I’ve already seen Diggs make defenders look silly several times with his setup, his speed into cuts and his ability to stop on a dime and gain separation. And separation is the name of Diggs’ game here. The Bills won’t have to worry as much about tight throwing windows for Allen over the next few years because Diggs creates a cushion against defenders. I think the underrated part of the Diggs deal is what this does for John Brown. Brown is a great route runner himself and has the ability to win in several different ways; now, without the focus of the defense solely on him, he should thrive next to Diggs. The way these two receivers win on their routes fits Allen’s skill set. Instead of a big receiver, what the Bills really needed is someone who can separate, win in the intermediate areas and make the tough catches with defenders draped over him. Diggs’ ability to go over the top is a bonus.
  2. The QB situation is going to be very fluid for a bit...
  3. A retweet with no comment generally says you agree with it, and it was his take a month a go. He's not reporting that it is done Edit: I tweaked the title to Rumor
  4. allbright retweeted it and then he started getting questioned
  5. Oh Murphy sticks out like a sore thumb, add a year and gtd $$ this year. I think my move would have been dump Murphy and pay Shaq $10M (due to age & health alone), but we have some work to do here
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