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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Smart move, #22 for the Tier 2 guys was a big overdraft. To go up and secure one of the top 3 would require a lot of picks - this hits it out of the park
  2. Forgot to update this title to match the other they started to overlap. It appears as if he is being released. news was flowing on this and it shut right off after this...
  3. They will both be similar IMO. Sony has the exclusives
  4. I'm gonna pull the cap info now, it made sense in here for a little bit, but doesn't fit any longer with the other signings
  5. Not disagreeing (because you do need that depth), but Beane did even say at the end of the season presser, that he didn't see all of our original picks prior to this trade making the team and would use them to move up down or acquire players
  6. Dalton I think is the best fit for their offense as constructed
  7. I wanted him, but too rich for us. Would rather put that money elsewhere. Edit: File this under the know when to walk away category
  8. even if you give it full value for arguments sake; it's not that much especially since with our roster as it is now, we are not going to be have room for all those players. I am thinking we may take about 4 players in this draft
  9. the 5th & 6th were house money with the trades last year as well!
  10. Now that I have changed the title I am not sure what I had there. I originally had the picks in, took them out for names since that was a big issue and then someone commented they wanted to see the picks instead of the names, so I quickly added the picks back in - may have easily made a typo... The trade is: Bills to MIn 2020 #22, 5th (Teller pick) & 6th (Bodine Pick) 2021 #4 Min to Bills Diggs 2020 7th
  11. The trade details are in the first post & the the cap space is there saying those guys are not included - not guessing on the total remaining until contract details are out! Go back to Post #1
  12. I just cut it all off, we don't need that anymore. Just Bills trades for Diggs works! The picks are in the top post
  13. Oddly enough it is. I think I can actually edit the thread title down a bit - there was a lot of talk on the picks and what was given up and worked well last night
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