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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Boy take a vacation from TBD for like 8 months and come back to see somethings never change...
  2. I am sure they don't want to get S-canned right away either - these 2 jobs are incredibly heavy lifts
  3. Been a busy year, moved back to CNY, bought a house, remodeled a kitchen, started new job, and watched the Bills every week! Just haven't had much time to hop on! Hope all is well and thanks for the welcome back! What a season!
  4. I know I haven't been on at all (what a friggin year), but the best part of this season was seeing Josh grow and get better every single game. Even earlier in the year as he struggled with making plays against zone coverage and didn't have his best game, you see the growth now as he has put it all together. Could you imagine the stats if he was "on" all year as well?
  5. so how do you go about it and what kind of reform are you thinking of? If you take funds from let's say police and reallocate it over here, how do you deal with the system upfront that is "creating the criminals" in the first place? What do you do with the ones who are too far gone?
  6. The rioting occurs when the protest is not able to self police, which many of them were pretty good at doing until mayhem started. Once the mayhem started, the ability to self police went away because everyone was trying not to get their eyes shot out, beat, arrested or dealing with the effects of tear gas and pepper spray. This created an opportunity for the bad actors within the protest and those from outside to come an achieve their goal. There was a local article out here in LA, from a local pizza business https://www.dailynews.com/2020/06/03/la-pizza-shop-weathers-pandemic-takes-beating-from-vandals/ “We were slinging slices. Everyone was happy. It was a very peaceful march,” Alt recalled Sunday as he surveyed the damage at his restaurant. As the sun was setting, most marchers had moved on. Then a different group came into the neighborhood, he said, and they weren’t carrying signs or protesting anything. “These were professional looters,” Alt said. “It seemed like people were excited to rage and riot.” He watched in disbelief as several cars pulled up across the street and a group of about 20 people got out and rampaged through a liquor store. They grabbed bottles of booze and bags of chips. Within 30 seconds, they had cleared the place out. Alt closed early and left around 9 p.m., taking all the cash and tablet computers. It seems like if as you suggest, you a de-escalating technique upfront and during the protest, it is easier and more likely for self-governance and achieving good results. It is near the end of the protest or as it moves on, making sure you have the resources left to provide the basic security for the area that is needed. But that begs a question, sould you have more enforcement in the area or do you police it as normal? I am not going to discuss the effectiveness of regular enforcement for a burglary at a business in normal situations since that id likely another discussion LOL
  7. But there is more to than just the simple policing aspect of it. There are police unions (who were formed with good intent), but like everything can become corrupted over time. If you have a force that has enough "bad apples" they will chose a "bad apple leader". You have DAs who won't bring charges, the coroners (Minny ruled G. Floyd was natural causes), mayors and governors are scared to act against the police industry because of the veiled threat of have a great community of crime without us. You have non violent offenders who have been incarcerated due to the system racism above, how do you handle rehabilitating the people who are serving 10 years for dealing weed? How has prison changed them? Can they become functioning citizens again? How do you handle all of the mental issues that will have to be overcome to build trust and establish new patterns of behavior? It's all of this and it isn't a simple quick fix... and finally The Corportations Industries and people profit off of all of this. There are lobbyists, private companies, publicly traded companies and employees who feed their families off of it, so dismantling this to ensure truly colorblind and just system, will affect this group as well. Here is a graphic I found: This is not something that will get addressed over night and it will be very painful and tedious...
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