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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I will look again at the tape of the Chad Jacksom TD (if I can stomach looking through this game again, because it would not surprise me if the guy who really got beat was not McGee who badly trailed Jackson, but Ko Simpson for not recognizing the play and not playing the cover deep like he was supposed to.



    McGee turned out too shallow and was not looking at the WR until after he broke too short....he tried to correct it buut was way too late...and Ko was slow to recognize and broke too late...

  2. What I think is that the coaches have the players concentrating on running the scheme so intently that they miss the play.  A lot.  Can't see the trees for the forest in this case.  Why the defensive middle is almost always open is one of the great mysteries of life for a Bills fan.



    If the other team needs to convert on a 3rd down...the TE or Slot receiver will be open over the middle...all the time

  3. That's part of the problem as they only try to run out of the I-formation and when the do they don't get the backs and TE's involved enough in the passing game.



    they should run it in the spread formation...should give Willis more room to run...our WRs can actually do a better job blocking than the OL...Shelton is a waste...I remember TT saying that he would rather have a 1 back set...it was 1 less guy he had to run around....


    They need to pass over the middle of the field...the WRs are always covered when JP actually has time to throw...I said this last week....they never get open...why is that? The TEs should be a good outlet for him...its better than his 15 dum,p offs to Willis..at least it cuold keep the D guessing more...My only thought is that the TEs need to stay on their blocks to keep JP from getting killed...

  4. one thing that does concern me is that most successful coaches know that they need to fit their scheme to their players....example if you have players that are suited for a smash mouth run run run offense, you taylor your scheme to the talent....that isn't happening here...


    I think Marv, Dick, Steve and Perry probably decided what the best schemes in the NFL are right now...[Cover 2 (Indy, Chicago, Tampa) and an offense that I have no clue about the O...I would say Indy's or the SB Rams, but we aren't doing that...]...they want to gut the roster and bring inpeoeple who will play what they want to run...which may not be a bad thing because...I don't think we have the veteran leadership that will allow us to win...


    I actually think is next year will be another big roster purge...next year we will be a bit better, but the results won't be until 2008..that does not make me happy...they decided on their schemes and will be brining in a whole new team to be part of it...at best we will keep Morman, Willis, Evans, Crowell, Parrish, Reed, Lindell, Peters, Mcgee ( we just signed him) and the 2006 draft class...Fletch will be gone, with Ellison taking his place, Clements will go...If TKO can recover and not be a Sam Cowart (he was Great), he'll stick around..JP...he has 9 more games...I think it was Bill Walsh & Holmgren that said it takes about 20 games (Starts) for a QB to see if he can hang in the NFL and be a factor ir not

  5. I said it in an earlier post, that today would show where we were at ....the remainnig players from the TD era are just awful....I think Willis, Evans, Parrish, Morman, Lindell, Crowell, Shobel are worth keeping....What was Kelsay thinking diving on Brady when he was on the ground....that was the turning piont right there... the first series...NE called and exectuted great, our D played well in that series...You knew that the team would implode after a bonehead penalty like that..I am sick of the mental & Disciplne challenged players...


    not to bring our glory days up, but back in the day...we had leaders, Talley, Bennet, Smith, Reed, Kelly, Thomas...you never saw them sitting on the bench sulking looking like a bunch of losers....when we were playing bad, they fired the team up they were in each others faces, studying plays...this team does not care..


    While we made some progress by getting rid of some players that had issues...we have a group of others on our defense that should be firing each other up on the sideline...Fletcher, Spkies, Clements, the OL sit on the bench looking like someone just ran over their dog....this team has NO HEART and veteran leadership...


    The OL is a joke, the WR's cannot get open, Fairchild's playing calling remins me of Tom Clements or Killdrive's....talk about boneheaded plays....we are unable to adjust in a positive manner at the half...just like the last 7 years... Our tackling the last three weeks has been a joke...


    Is it JP??? Hard to blame it solely on him...I have kept very quite on the whole JP topic...he seems like he tries...he makes some progress, but he reminds me a lot of all of our QBs since Jimbo...is unable to step up and turn things around....Its very hard to say it is or it isn't...the Offense is terrible...the Tampa 2 is awful...we need the big fat guys on the DL, quick LBs and DBs who can actually play man 2 man...

  6. This game will show a lot about the make-up and character of this team and should be agoo dmeasuring stick as to where we actually are...


    We looked alright the first few plays of the bears game (Until the 4th &1) and were dead most of the next 7 1/2 qtrs...the players talk about their embarssment and how they should have won against the lions...and willis stating how he wants to finally beat this team...


    If they lie down again...things haven't changed too much since the '99 playoff game aganist the titans (It was a forward pass!!!)...and a significant amount of overhauling still needs to be done


    If they win...finally some hope and a sign that things are going in the right direction...and only a couple years away from some good things...

  7. This is why I hate it when we play the Pats....we have to hear about this big steaming piece of **** the entire game....ugh!!! I almost hate him more the Bryan Cox...ALMOST....at least the media wasn't all over his manhood...makes me sick...

  8. No disrespect, but watch the games man. We keep RBs and TEs in to block and Losman (who is very agile) is still getting killed, this on plays where there is no blitz.

    Our football team is getting out muscled out front. Don't you see this? Until we win battles up front, options are limited.

    The same applies to the defense, although there are a few more of individual bright spots.



    It's easy to see us out muscled upfront...watch any of the X and

    1-2 yd plays...there is no push, we snap and loose a yard....Willis has been blocking better since the Jets game...he gets his block then dumps into the flat or right in the middle between the DL and LBs...there are a ton of max-protect sets the TEs and RBs block first then dump off into their routes which have to be 10yds are less but at this time poor JP has already been planted...look at how many times he has been sacked when only 4 DL rush...

  9. I've absolutely noticed this as well.  I'm wondering if it has anything to do with keeping the offence as simple as possible?  Or possibly because the plays we call are quick developing plays which don't allow for as many double moves or complicated routes?


    What I do know is JP has been sacked a number of times where it was not the O-line at all, it just looked like he couldn't find anyone open (and the replays supported this).



    I don't know if it is from simplified offense or not...i was watching NFL matchup or whatever its called with Hoge and Jaws on Sunday and they were showing other WRs (who are not as good as Evans or Price) faking to the outside, getting the corner to bite and the saftey to cover another WR, and then he brakes it inside...a simple 15yd post that went for a TD; they were showing quite a few examples with WRs from other teams...and I was like WTF??? and then the Phi and NO game with a WR wide open (then like 3 saints ran into each other)


    Don't get me wrong..I like Evans, Price, Parrish, Reed (this year so far) and they are good WRs, but they need to get open..How often does JP dump it off to Shelton or Willis (who got creamed by a lion defender on 1 play)?

  10. Well actually he is only 300 lbs and is more of a pass rusher in the Warren Sapp mold whom he replaced but he would be the biggest DT on the Colts roster. For the money, 2nd rnd draft pick and his production the past 3 seasons I wouldn't add him to the Bills roster. But tell you the truth I wish to the minimum had kept Adams or added a Grady Jackson in the offseason. for since we rotate DT' anyway, why not keep a fat body in their on running downs or goaline; they can't be worse than Anderson! Ideally I wish we still had Phat Pat but that is another topic...



    Only 300 pounds..LOL


    I'm sure the DT's and OL will be addressed in the offseason...well...they better be...

  11. Obviously this is a new offense and we had significant player turnover from last year...so I don't expect this team to be firing on all cylinders...


    When watching game highlights, ESPN/NFL shows or even other games this season, other teams WRs seem to find a huge hole in the coverage or misdirect the DBs on false routes and end up wide open; I dont think we have had that once this season...


    I know the OL is far from being great...and Gandy isn't adequate in the high school level as a tackle, but shouldn't the WRs find away to get open or are we the only team that has played against all of the elite DBs in this league so far? How many times have we heard, thats a coverage sack? :)


    Not only do we need 1-2 OL/ run stopping DL linemen; I think we need a competent WR coach to teach receiver's how to get open...is C. Joiner in SD? :doh:


    I know the camera angles and coverage of our team is limited, so there isn't a lot of info out there...

  12. While Brady and Big Ben made plays in their 1st year as starter, if you go back and look at some of those games, you will see that they were at best good managers of the game and the teams defense and ST won the games for them. I would expect Losman to be put in a similar situation


    Marica had Tedy.....how could he not do well...ask any sportscaster...they'll tell you...That team is sooo cloose to passing the 'fins on my hatred list...Arghhh...

  13. As the team continues to progress throughout the season, this will hopefully become less of a topic...


    The coaching staff is selecting safe plays; that may work occassionaly and at times are down right ugly, in an attempt to NOT give the game a way (A turnover and momentum change) with an errant throw, a poor block on a bootleg, etc; anything that could cause the team to take a step back and loose confidence in JP/ OL and set us back even further...they will take the 3....which is better than a TO and momentum change...of course the killer instinct isn't there...it is by design it isn't...JP needs to succeed and they won't call plays that will allow him to give the game away in red zone situations....his teammates will loose their confidence in him and we will have 2005 all over again....


    They need JP and the OL to earn the respect of this team...they can't really afford JP not to succeed.....little by little they will open it up...this will be a very exciting and high scoring offense, but it'll take some time...as long as there is progress game to game they will open the red zone playcalling up abit more (which is talked about by the players in the post game press conferences)....its mostly to limit TO's and momentum changes....as long as the O puts up points whether it is 3 or 7; its points....the D can't complain the the O doesn't score (refer to the pre-2006 Ravens) and the game rests on the strongest part of our team to shut the door...


    its actually very careful and well thought out coaching / planning (Juron or Marv), put JP in the position to make playes between the 20 yard lines, grow some respect and confidence, minimize the chance for failure in the redzone, come away with points...as the team grows...more confidence = better play calling and TDs over FGs...which will lead to putting teams away and a killer instinct

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