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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Ugh...Posts like this (Peters threads as well) are why I rarely post anymore...I could honestly care less who our :) QB is as long as the Bills win and make the playoffs... :(


    Isn't that what we should focus on and talk about? :beer:


    JP has had more than enough time to prove he could be our starter (Jacksonville was indeed his last chance); just like Collins, Flutie, Johnson, and Bledsoe...We clearly know what JP is or isn't - depending on how you look at it. Yes it would have been great if he was it, but he isn't. The same excuses people are tossing out there now remind me of the Rob Johnson defenses that I was caught up in back then - if only we had this, he needs an offense like this, he has a cannon for an arm etc. That is all irrelevant - either the guy can play the game at a high enough level to be a good starting qb- make good quick decisions, moves the offense and does not place the team in a position to lose the game, or not. Regardless of the type of offense you are in, regardless of your arm strength, regardless of shatty play-calling; reading defenses and not making poor decisions on where to throw the ball are basic skills that are irrelevent to the excuses people make for a qb...JP is incapable of these traits. Which sucks to say because I think everyone wanted to see him succeed because it would fill a hole for the TEAM and we could focus on other needs. It also sucks that he is a decent guy - he tried to clean up the city and is doing the right thing now and is not causing issues given his situation. It is what it is...


    We still do not know much about Trent, what I do see is that the Offense at least moves and he is not running around after holding onto the ball for 5 seconds and throwing a dumb pass that gets picked off... :D all the time!


    In any event, the regular season starts soon and we should be excited and rallying around the fact that it's a new season and we filled some needs throughout the offseason. Did we fill them all - no? Do we still have question marks - yes? What teams don't? The friggin Giants won the Superbowl last year - who thought that at the begining of the season.


    Let's go Bills in '08!!!! :beer::D:D

  2. Because I am bored at work today and well...I for some reason decided the watch the Favre fiasco last night on ESPN...I have to agree with Dr...I was thinking about the same thing last night and even talked to my gf about it when she got home. There definately simliarities between the 4-12 Jets and those Bills with Bledsoe. I agree Favre will make them a better team than with Noodle Arm as QB, but they do have a bunch of "new" older players and favre will probablty get them a couple extra wins...


    While watching the news conference, I lost a ton of respect for him - he really gave the appearance of only wanting to play to prove a point to the packers. This is going to be on heckuva media circus following the JETS all year and the focus is going to be on Favre and not the entire team. Which I am hoping will cause plenty of issues for them



  3. OK as a Utican (Not sure if its a good thing...) :blink:


    They don't make Matt's anymore...Matt's unfortunately caused what we call - the Matts splats :unsure:


    for some reason Utica Club has made a comeback with the younger generations...but the Saranac brews are quite good...Thankfully the damged part seemed to be the canning area (Utica Club). The bottling area is unknown at this time....


    The good news is is that the beer the have is still good, they can still brew and sell in kegs...Other breweries have offered to bottle for them while they rebuild...They also plan to have the Saranac Thursday parties back possibly this upcoming Thursday. 2 beers for $5 :beer::beer: music and a ton of chicks... :lol:

  4. Haven't been on in awhile - this reply feature has changed...


    Anyways, I waited outside at the Utica Best Buy on the 16th from midnight to 7 am to get my ticket; I was number 13 out of 18...all I have to say is I have not had this much fun with a Vidoe game system in years, not to mention that Super Mario was available to download on Christmas Day....I spent 6 hours playing the damn game...


    My best friend who is a PS die hard was amazed at how fun this is and is trying to talk his pregant wife into letting him buy one...seeing she still has a bout 3 1/2 months left; it is tough for him to say its for the baby....


    Anyone who has not played this system or is unsure on what to get...you cannot beat this system...my arms are sore from the sports game that it comes with and from Madden - I haven't even started Zelda yet!!!

  5. A lot of the basics have been covered....dawn, my gf, kept telling me since I love star wars I'll love LOTR; wrong....the only reason I watched all 3 was after watching the first one I had to see how it ended...they don't live up to the hype IMO....it was more of an effort to see how they looked on my TV and how the sound was on my HTS


    Titanic, someone smart on here already stated the obvious - we already know the ending - DEE DE DEE...besides I hate Leo (even though he was really good in The Departed) - I love mob movies and Scorese has done some real good movies Casino, taxi Driver, Goodfellas, the Departed; but some have been clunkers too


    Brokeback Brady/Burschi/Mountain - no way in hell will I see that, not my cup of tea; not that there is anything wrong with that...


    Only The matrix was good, the 2 sequals sucked...the last one was god awful


    Here's where I may get flamed....I love Spaceballs, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, etc... spoofy dumb movies; but I hated Napolean Dynamite - for those of you that saw Casino Royale, I felt like 007 getting his balls smashed with a bull whip while watching it...Jon Heder was great in school for scoundrels and bench warmers, so I know it isn't a dislike of him, but this movie was just torture....

  6. Being Italian, I have been cooking since I was like 12, I have always done the cooking; I taught my ex-gf/wife how to cook, my current gf - I taught her too...seeing I will be 30 next month :censored:, this equals about 9 years of my life in teaching women how to cook....


    I love to use the grill and make the meals; the deal I try to come up with is that, I'll cook if they clean up :D I hate that part...


    I saw it earrlier int his post, I think Joe six pack, all of my gf's since I was like 16 knew how to bake - they couldn't make a meal, but they could make good pies and cakes...I taught my gf how to bake, cause I hate it, and now she is quite the baker....plus seeing she's use to cleaning my mess when i cook, she cleans up after her self too :lol:

  7. What about building a new stadium around the Niagara Falls area just across the border? That's a booming economical area and will likely increase fans coming in from the Hamilton and Toronto area?


    Just a thought and you could still of course call them the Buffalo Bills and get some Canadian funding to build it?



    Abso :w00t: inglutely NOT!!! The Bills will not go to Canada...Niagara Falls isn't a terrible idea, the American side is where they need to be....


    Dowtown Buffalo wouldn't be open enough for the tailgating experince....


    There is nothing like the drive up Abbot road though....they should stay in OP

  8. Being at the last 2 homes games; the upper corners will be the empty seats, way back in the late 80's/early 90's I remember freezing my balls off in those seats...a lot of people don't want those seats in December, even though it should be decent out....which is prolly why it wasn't sold out earlier...


    I'm a little sad/surprised to see that the Fins game didn't sell out...if we were 7-6, it would be


    We had plans to go, but due to the holiday and its requirements; we can't make it




    This is something I can get over though, knowing one of my Christmas presents, that I can't use until Sept 2007; Season tix in Section 127



  9. I've played FF for years, not this year though, and the only issue I have with players playing FF and I guess overall my feelings towards FF is that it will breed more players like Randy Moss, TO, and C. Johnson - who are stat driven players that are more concerned about the number of balls thrown their way - Catches, Yards, TDs, etc... instead of winning.....

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