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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. " Down 14-6 early in the second quarter against a desperate team in St. Louis, the Bills did exactly what you'd hope to see a young, on-the-way-up team do. They responded to the adversity, scoring the game's next 25 points to bury the reeling Rams, 31-14.


    It's pretty obvious, isn't it? These Bills will eventually lose a game. But they're not going away. They're going to the playoffs. For the first time since Wade Phillips was their coach in 1999. "





  2. I can't help it. This team has something to prove to me so far. The team has yet to face a great team in the league. Teams coming off a humiliating loss are usually tough to beat.


    You're right it is a great win and I'm happy about it but I really want this team 5-0 going into the Bye week. :flirt:


    I think you make a good point. We really haven't played a great team this year and based on our schedule I am not so sure we will - In the REGULAR Season at least :rolleyes:


    We have played 2 teams that people expected us to walk over and we didn't...The Raiders are not as bad as I thought they were. Plus the players seem to like Kiffin...The Rams really aren't terrible either...Stephen Jackson is still a beast. Holt is a helluva WR and no team wants to go 0-4; they were going to play hard....


    The Cards are not going to roll over and after giving up 6 tds; yes they are pissed about that showing to the crappy Jets...They will play hard...As bad as the Browns are, they will play hard on the Monday night game...

  3. After seeing the effort that Lynch is putting in this season I don't know how anyone could make this assertion. While Jackson is a good RB and a wonderful player and makes a great contribution to the team. Lynch has exceptional talent and puts in maximum effort on every play. He has the potential to be a hall of fame caliber player as a starting RB. Jackson has the potential to have a long and productive NFL career as a role player.


    On a side note did you also think Frank Reich was a better QB than Jim Kelly?


    Easy Doc...I never said I thought Freddie was better than Marshawn...I simply asked a question to see what others thought...and provided some discussion points...


    I think they both bring a different element to the game and it helps keep teams off balance...I think they both play well...

    This is a team game and this truly is a team. I like what both bring to the table and as The Dean said - they are one helluva tandem. Marshawn is one helluva beast....


    Oh to answer your question....


    Yes Frank Reich was a better QB than Jim Kelly....


    IN the Wildcard game against the Oilers :rolleyes:


    (Yes I know JK didn't play)

  4. i think your answer lies in your first sentence....they are a great tandem....from what i can see, Marshawn is more of a bruising runner and Jackson is more of a speedy runner....defenses are kept off balance with the inclusion of both of them in the backfield


    I have been waiting to see if someone else would've posted this yet...I am sure a few others may have at least pondered this...I love them both and it is great!! We haven't had this since Kenny and Thurmal :rolleyes::flirt:


    I share these same thoughts, it's not like Lynch is slow though. Look at Freddies TD today, there was a huge hole for him - I just don't think I have seen that big of a hole ever for Lynch...When Freddis catches a pass - watch out; when he runs he gets good yardage. Lynch seems to get stood up a lot more...

  5. Let me say this - I love both of our backs. They are a great tandem...


    I know I may get flamed for this; but why does Freddie seem to rip bigger runs off than Marshawn? Do teams focus less on Freddie? Does the O-line block better? :sick:


    I know Marshawn has more attempts, it just seems that Freddie does more with his opportunities than Marshawn....Lynch gets a ton of 3 or 4 yds runs and Freddie always seems to rip a long one...



  6. Good points and that certainly was evident today. It was dissappointing to see the O-line struggles. Especially on pass protection. The fact that they stepped up at the end reveals some character and the capacity is there to play at that level. Even in the kelly era, we had games where everyone seemed out of synch. Its still a young team and a young season. This game will give the coaches game material to try to shore up on our weaknesses. I am just glad we could expose our weaknesses and still come out with a win. Peters obviously needs some more work to maintain a high level through 4 quarters. It is exciting though to see the team wim again in the 4th quarter. It builds that mentality that you are never out of a game. It has been a long time since I felt that way.


    I recall a game, I think in the 1992 season where we were on Monday night against the cheifs and we lost like 30-6. Christian Okoye ran all over us....and we were obviously an awesome team :lol:


    Sometimes, you stink it up. In this decade when we thought things were looking up, we could beat a good opponent and then play a dog the next week and lose...today and last week - we won :thumbsup::beer:


    Enjoy the win...we are 3-0 I could careless if we play like crap and win or blow a team out...a win is a win...was it pretty? No you don't get points or inch closer to the playoffs...


    As our Good TBD Senator says....



    19-0 Baby :P

  7. I saw this posted on a PF fan site...


    No one can replace Richard Wright. He was my musical partner and my friend.


    In the welter of arguments about who or what was Pink Floyd, Rick's enormous input was frequently forgotten.


    He was gentle, unassuming and private but his soulful voice and playing were vital, magical components of our most recognised Pink Floyd sound.


    I have never played with anyone quite like him. The blend of his and my voices and our musical telepathy reached their first major flowering in 1971 on 'Echoes'. In my view all the greatest PF moments are the ones where he is in full flow. After all, without 'Us and Them' and 'The Great Gig In The Sky', both of which he wrote, what would 'The Dark Side Of The Moon' have been? Without his quiet touch the Album 'Wish You Were Here' would not quite have worked.


    In our middle years, for many reasons he lost his way for a while, but in the early Nineties, with 'The Division Bell', his vitality, spark and humour returned to him and then the audience reaction to his appearances on my tour in 2006 was hugely uplifting and it's a mark of his modesty that those standing ovations came as a huge surprise to him, (though not to the rest of us).


    Like Rick, I don't find it easy to express my feelings in words, but I loved him and will miss him enormously.


    David Gilmour

    Monday 15th September 2008

  8. Retaliation.


    It sure the !@#$ is...


    The team was pissed he decided to have surgery 3 days before the opener, when it has been bothering him the last 2 training camps, without providing any indication he was thinking about it.


    Screw him and Peters! :lol::lol::lol:

  9. My point is that the Bills have already set precedent of renegotiating when performance outstrips pay- the difference is Peters has out-performed two contracts - and sure he already is making big money but just like Ralph complains when he's only pulling in 26mil because other owners are making 4x that, it's all relative.


    I am wondering, with all of your quotes of past articles indicating the Bills reneogiating deals and your obessive justification as to why Peters deserves a new deal are you infact Parker or Peters? If you are - Get you A$$ to camp and we'll talk a new contract :lol:

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