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Posts posted by Reed83HOF

  1. If there's any chance that he could kill Dick Jauron in the future, then I'm all for it. Especially if he can beat the murder charges a second time..


    I overlooked that...


    Think what our 75th anniverary team could look like...



    Travis Henry

    Ray Lewis

    Possibly Lynch


    All ne need to do is draft a Dahmer, Bundy and a Manson



  2. Obviously a complete tight end would be the preference, but finding those on the open market and even in the draft is uncommon.


    Buffalo would prefer a tight end that’s a strong blocker and can offer some big play ability. Finding it is another thing.


    “We’ll look,” said Jauron. “We like our young guys. They are fairly well-rounded. I do believe they’ll all be efficient in our passing game, maybe more. But yeah, it’s hard to find a guy. The guys that are great pass catchers are often not strong on the other end.”



    Ok, I'm trying here. But if it's so impossible to find that complete tight end who can stretch the field and really be effective/dominant in the passing game as well as be an effective/dominant blocker, wtf would you not just get one who can at least stretch the field and be dominant in the passing game?!?!


    How can you try to get the perfect tight end who barely exists forever and never even take a chance on a tight end more in the mold of a receiver? Robert Royal was supposed to be a dominant blocker right? Did our running game take a quantum leap while he was here? Has any tight end really made a big difference in any team's running game? I doubt it, I mean I could be wrong, but I doubt it. But on the flip side, has a tight end with great pass catching ability made a big differnce to any team's passing game? Yes. Just think of all the tight ends who factor in the passing game - any tight end that doesn't play for buffalo. Why is this a$$ clown Jauron willing to hold out and say "we'll look" for that perfect tight end along with every other team in the NFL and CFL. What is your problem?!? Take a tight end who can help the biggest weakness of our offense - the passing game.


    Am I completely off base here?


    It could be as simple as in our OL blows and they need someone who can block so TE and ML/FJ don't get blown up int he back field...which is more important that a TE who can catch and not block

  3. This off season I actually think that we are going to make a splash and fill some holes with solid some solid pick ups with at least one big surprise. Just thinking of last season's rollercoaster as well as Ralph being inducted into the HOF and his comments about talent leads me to believe that he will open the pocket book.




    Of course this team always finds new and inventive ways to disappoint me :lol:

  4. ok, not dismissing the actions here, but either this story is really, really odd, or simply really odd....she is a teacher at an elementary school....that goes to what....11 years old? middle school, 12-15 years old....this 15 year old is likely a freshman or sophomore in HS, so did she go to the local mall trolling for this kid? :blink:




    Maybe he wasn't the brightest kid in elementary school :doh: and he was held back a few times :P

  5. linky


    Buffalo’s players were open in stating their support for head coach Dick Jauron as a season of unmet expectations came to a close. Those same players were obviously very pleased on Tuesday when their owner Ralph Wilson announced Jauron would be retained as head coach.


    “I’m very excited that Dick Jauron is going to be my head coach moving forward,” said offensive lineman Brad Butler. “He’s is the best leader I have ever worked under not only in football, but in any job I’ve ever had.”


    “I’ve said all along that I have the utmost respect and faith in coach Jauron and his staff and to see Ralph make that decision it’s really overwhelming at this point,” said Chris Kelsay.


    The players understand the fans are frustrated with no playoff berth this season, but they believe they’re better off staying the course and trying to improve off of what they did do well in 2008 despite the fact that it didn’t translate into more wins.


    “I can sympathize with (fans) completely,” said Duke Preston. “I think nine years without a playoff team and three years at 7-9, that’s frustrating. That’s frustrating for us, and it’s got to be even more frustrating for them because we have a say in it. But like I said yesterday I think in our day and age of instant gratification and stuff, making switches and pulling pieces apart in my mind I don’t know if that’s the best way to do it all the time.”


    “I think if you were to bring in another coaching staff, you’re starting from square one and you’d have to build up from there,” said Kelsay. “At least we have our fundamentals and our foundation intact and we can build on things that we need to build on instead of starting over altogether.”


    The players know in a season where things don’t work out the coach is the one held accountable, but most of them are of the opinion that it’s on their shoulder to get better results on Sunday.


    “The players, we’ve got to go out and play,” said Paul Posluszny. “It is on us, the coaches do the best job they can and on Sundays we have to go out and do our part. That is the most important thing, on Sundays we have to go out and play the game like we have been coached and like we know how to play.”


    “Coaches can only prepare you for Sundays and I think coach Jauron and his staff have done a great job in doing that and it’s up to us as players to execute and get the job done on Sundays,” said Kelsay. “We failed this year. Ultimately we didn’t play well enough to win more football games. Obviously the first person they look at is the head coach, but as a leader of this team and a captain I take that upon myself. We have to do our part.”


    Knowing Jauron’s fate was anything but certain at season’s end the players are now energized knowing he’ll be coaching them in 2009 and realize they’ve got to make the playoffs a reality next fall.


    “I can only speak for myself, but I know this inspires me to work that much harder this offseason,” said Butler. “And I’m confident my teammates will also be encouraged by this.”


    “This should be a wake up call,” said Kelsay. “We have a really good thing here with coach Jauron and his staff and we should meet the expectations of ourselves and they’re really expectations that we’re capable of meeting. I hope other people look at it in the same fashion. So hopefully this will get us motivated for this offseason and I’m already looking forward to the ’09 season.”


    I just don't even know where to begin critiquing this crap...The players were prepared to play? :wallbash:


    This gem is one of my favorites:


    "At least we have our fundamentals and our foundation intact and we can build on things that we need to build on instead of starting over altogether"


    A foundation and the fundamentals of mediocrity...





    As I posted from an ESPN AFC Blog in another post...


    Let's face, Shanahan's recent track record is one of a coach who deserves to be fired. The Broncos failed to make the playoffs the past three seasons. They were a combined 24-24 in the last three seasons. That is the epitome of average.


    The Broncos tied the league mark for blowing a three-game lead in the AFC West. Denver lost it's the final three games of the season to finish 8-8.


    Those are the credentials of a coach who deserved to be fired.

  6. From the ESPN AFC West blogger...


    Let's face, Shanahan's recent track record is one of a coach who deserves to be fired. The Broncos failed to make the playoffs the past three seasons. They were a combined 24-24 in the last three seasons. That is the epitome of average.


    The Broncos tied the league mark for blowing a three-game lead in the AFC West. Denver lost it's the final three games of the season to finish 8-8.


    Those are the credentials of a coach who deserved to be fired.


    I am just disgusted over keeping Dick....Fewell's scheme is garbage and our offense...well it sure is offensive...April is the only worth while member of the coaching staff worth keeping...I suppose we could toss Cheuck Lester in as well :(

  7. Its always the head coach that really should get credit for both the O and the D. How many good teams coordnators excelled as a head coach. The one on this team is on of them. But look how great the Pats were with Weis and Crennel.

    Belichick lost both of them in one year and they did't miss a beat. Also Jeff Fisher lost quite a few coordnators over the years and he still wins. Its the man on top that makes things run. What has Weis or Crennel done...nada.

    When Ralph said in the article...we have a lack of talent, he's right, its the head coach. You let Belichick run this team and you would see a huge difference.


    Are you nuts? :blink: I can coach just as good as him, plus I will be cheaper!!!! :blink:


    Now....Where is my camcorder... :lol:

  8. This album really grows on you the more you listen to it. :lol:


    It definately does...I really like it, a lot, the more I listen to it....Listening to it on my IPOD with heads phones, I hear much more intracacies in the music...more than when I am playing on my very expensive home system....

  9. My gf left in the thrid qtr of today's game to run a few errands before dinner at my parents - she came back with the new GNR album. I am curious to see who else either has it or listened to it on MySpace...


    I am not sure what to say...at first I was wating for something like the old GNR, I saw that an orchestra was used on many tracks - I expected November Rain...


    This is just different...The music is wow...all over the place...It isn't GNR as we knew it...it is refreshing, updated, the guitar playing is not Slash-type rock-n-roll...I hear Joe Satriani type playing...It's a great album, just not the GNR we know...


    The new Metallica album, I knew what to expect and wasn't disappointed. This GNR album, I didn't know what to expect - not this...it is different

  10. Deano, you know what concerned me the most about JP today? When he turned his back on Schonert (who was talking to him) and walked away. If he does this again, I am going to join these lunatics and call for Hamdan to be the number 2.


    People, did anybody else see this? I saw it as plain as day.


    There is no need for that whatsoever...I think this is worse than not studying a playbook.....JP played today like he has for the most part of his career...some good, some poor and some...yawn....but walking away from your OC....



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