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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Fu&^ what a homer he is... Of Course they will defend them..Their careers are all tainted too; it doesn't help them seeing that they are taints anyways
  2. And here comes Florio... ProFootballTalk ‏@ProFootballTalk 12m12 minutes ago Mike Martz's statement about the Patriots was published in 2008, and it hasn't changed since then http://wp.me/p14QSB-9QzL "...But the Martz statement posted Tuesday by ESPN.com is identical to the statement he issued in May 2008. The full text was copied and pasted from an article by Mike Reiss (then of the Boston Globe; the link to his story is now dead) to the website PatsFan.com, and portions of it appeared in a May 2008 story from the Associated Press....Maybe ESPN will make the change now. Right after it changes the story that 11 of 12 Patriots footballs were two pounds under the 12.5 PSI minimum." Of course he goes to Patsfan.com...
  3. Was it the beginning? or did he bring it from the Giants?
  4. He wasn't that good in Cleveland...
  5. He should be collecting their videographers and surveillance (I mean IT) people....
  6. He could go rogue...
  7. LOL I was joking with my comment.... That makes a lot of sense for the Giants
  8. Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 17m17 minutes ago The #Seahawks traded for #Chiefs safety Kelcie McCray, giving them some depth on the back end. Jason La Canfora ‏@JasonLaCanfora 17m17 minutes ago Rumblings among NFL execs and agents about Kam Chancellor perhaps seeking a trade. He hasn't been granted permission to speak to other clubs Seattle does like Buffalo RBs...Git her done Dougie
  9. ProFootballTalk ‏@ProFootballTalk 23s23 seconds ago Keep an eye on the possibility of Matt Cassel heading to the Texans http://wp.me/p14QSB-9QnF
  10. Is that really true? Do you really believe that?
  11. Joe Buscaglia ‏@JoeBuscaglia 12m12 minutes ago #Bills HC Rex Ryan: I'm tired of seeing us miss a field goal. We'll certainly be looking. Nobody earns this job by default Vic Carucci ‏@viccarucci 10m10 minutes ago Rex Ryan: upset w Dan Carpenter's missed 40-yard FG attempt. "Going to look at every kicker known to man if there are any out there." #Bills
  12. Happy Birthday man!
  13. Thurman Thomas ‏@thurmanthomas 2m2 minutes ago Nope, just waiting for 9/13/15..RT @MikeHoock: @thurmanthomas u hear any rumors out of One Bills Drive about QB choice sir ?
  14. Tyler Dunne ‏@TyDunne 26m26 minutes ago OK, time for a Twitter poll. Who do you want as the #Bills starting QB? Tyler Dunne ‏@TyDunne 5m5 minutes ago Your votes are in: Tyrod Taylor 70, EJ Manuel 13, Matt Cassel 0. (With five saying anybody but Cassel, two for Aaron Rodgers, one Jim Kelly)
  15. It is good, but still made me wonder for a bit as well. I didn't see a good replay until someone posted it on here. That being said, you still have all of the other times stuck in your memory, so I need to see a little more consistency when the real bullets start to fly to feel more secure in the fact that he has overcame it...
  16. Not an EJ lover; but that pass was tipped there is a gif somewhere on TBD with it
  17. Rex wasn't overly concerned... "Bills head coach Rex Ryan wasn’t overly concerned about his team’s pass defense against Pittsburgh Saturday. While he wasn’t thrilled that they gave up big plays he said going into the game he purposely challenged them on the back end with play calls and a lack of blitzing. Ryan said the plan was to force his secondary to communicate more to prepare them for stressful times in the regular season. “I put us in a lot of situations again challenging us,” said Ryan. “I was going to challenge us with different coverages and make them communicate" http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/180280-darby-i-played-badill-come-back-stronger-next-week/page-3
  18. I hate how twitter copy and pastes are now...
  19. Hopefully you can override the starting QB choice if it is Cassel....
  20. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 4m4 minutes ago Buffalo, NY Seems like Rex is torn. Cassel or Tyrod. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 3m3 minutes ago Buffalo, NY John Wawrow retweeted Nick May whispers. John Wawrow added, Nick May @NMay11 @john_wawrow what makes you say that?
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