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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Just a few tidbits on Twitter: Joe Banner ‏@JoeBanner13 5h5 hours ago If Rex hadn't thrown ball on third and long until 2:00 minutes non of that happens. Thanks Joe Banner Retweeted ltes go bills So run a short high percentage play that gets FG & runs clock. Not what they did. Big mistake and eagles get kickoff lets go bills ‏@billstalk1 @JoeBanner13 how many yards were they from FG position. I love me some Joe Banner (come to Buf) but well worth the risk for 3 points. Joe Banner ‏@JoeBanner13 4h4 hours ago Bills three man rush helping Eagles weak Oline survive. Hard to figure Joe Banner ‏@JoeBanner13 4h4 hours ago I wonder if Rex will keep complimenting all the penalties as proof they are playing hard. Joe Banner ‏@JoeBanner13 3h3 hours ago Joe Banner Retweeted Flaming Dragon Not as good as Marone after adding a ton of talent. Bad outcome Flaming Dragon ‏@KirkkLazarus @JoeBanner13 first year hc kept his team in playoff hunt in tough division. With a no name qb. Joe Banner ‏@JoeBanner13 3h3 hours ago Joe Banner Retweeted Flaming Dragon And then lost at least as many games. More talent should lead to more wins. Flaming Dragon ‏@KirkkLazarus @JoeBanner13 ej manual at 16? Rex brought in tyrod and Mccoy. Also drafted Darby. Brought in Incognito. Joe Banner ‏@JoeBanner13 2h2 hours ago Joe Banner Retweeted Flaming Dragon I don't hate Rex. I don't like all the talk, and failure to back it up. Prefer less talk, & prove point with actions Michael Wilbon ‏@RealMikeWilbon 4h4 hours ago Did I just hear 15 penalties on the Bills in this game? Isn't that the hallmark of a Rex Ryan team? Brian Billick ‏@CoachBillick 5h5 hours ago Seems like it's an on-going trend for the #Bills' Sammy Watkins to be featured early and then disappear in the 2nd half. Just me?
  2. I'd honestly be shocked if this doesn't happen...
  3. So yeah there were tears watching this, since they all happened right around my birthday SB25 was on my 14th birthday...lots of good memories with family friends and that team. You really have to feel for Scotty... I still can't billeve we didn't win at least one, we were so much better then the NFC east teams
  4. While I agree, if I was in that position and heard the whispers, you bet your ass I would reconsider... Besides is it now a heavy lift with the coaching staff we have assembled? It feels like we are in a better position (minus the Defense) as we were last year... Last year the idea was it was time to clean house, get rid of the stench of RWs minions by going through the organization. Polian was ok with that, but didn't want to deal with a coaching search, assembling the staff and finding a QB. That isn't necessarily the case now... "Polian said he had spoken with Bills owner Terry Pegula during the holidays about returning to the club in a "mentoring/advisory" role on the assumption that Doug Marrone would still be the head coach and quarterback Kyle Orton would still be on the roster. "Then, the quarterback goes away and the coach disappears," Polian said, referring to Orton's decision to retire on Dec. 29 and Marrone's decision on Wednesday to exercise a clause that allowed him to vacate his contract with one year left. "So the job, from my perspective, changed," Polian said. "It went from a mentoring and advising role, which would have been fun, to a real heavy lift -- hire a new coach, hire a staff, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. "The bottom line is the job description changed pretty dramatically and the most important thing is that it would have required a really long commitment to a new coach, who deserved a long commitment that I wasn't prepared to make. And that wouldn't have been fair to the organization or to whomever their new coach was. The coach is going to want to know that you're going to be there for a reasonably long time." http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/01/01/polian-not-joining-bills-job-became-real-heavy-lift/
  5. I couldn't and don't want to imagine the $hitstorm that will follow... NO way!
  6. Do you know that for certain? Does anyone really besides those involved? From what I recall, there was some chatter out there that if he came back, some voters were very hesitant to give him their vote since they saw it as a cap on their career... There wasn't much else out there at that time; what's not to say this isn't going to be the case this year? I am sure Pegs isn't the most comfortable right now having everyone report to him separately. Are the Pegs really qualified (or want to) to come between the GM and the Coach? I know they are the owners btw...
  7. And I wonder if they go after him again. What other execs are our there? Ron Wolf, Joe Banner? Honestly I would be shocked if we don't hire a czar; it honestly seems like a forgone conclusion. The stopping point for Polian was the HOF which make sense. Polian spurning them last year while Wolf was working with the Jets I think boxed the Pegula's in. They had no choice at that point but to move forward the best they could. GMs come into situations where they didn't hire the HC all the time. If anything it turns the heat up on Rex to produce; which I am cool with... What has changed this year that makes anyone feel they won't be looking again? Not saying that in a $hitty way; honest question...
  8. Shiv the mofo Concussion will be the least of his worries then
  9. Not this guy..He's at the Canadian ballet...
  10. Jeremy White Retweeted Jeremy Lopez ‏@jlopez21887 38m38 minutes ago @hsimon62 @JeremyWGR sitting next to a Pats fan right now at a bar in Charlotte. He says "This team sucks, people need to be fired"
  11. Vic Carucci ‏@viccarucci 7s8 seconds ago McCoy officially cleared of concussion protocol & will return for #Bills.
  12. well they have mental issues then...nothing to see here move along Btw I was like 5 miles from where this occurred today while traveling for work honestly this is bullsh!t excuse- it works elsewhere in the world without an issue...sorry to say, but it is a fact. And no I am not going to prove it because you disbelieve it. It's called google do some fair and balanced research. It works in Europe and Australia...
  13. He will. I just wish they wasted the draft pick....
  14. I really wish Jerry Jones drafted him....I really do
  15. Mike Pucillo anyone?
  16. No Mularkey & Greggo... Even Wade "we're close but should have been Johnson/Flutie instead of Flutie/Johnson. That guys sucks"
  17. Nah it was kind of my bad...I reread it and the sarcasm just did not come through at all... Or when 75% of the stadium would chant Collins Collins after a Kelly int...
  18. No $h!t. I missed that fact...
  19. LOL. I was being Sarcastic...
  20. Don't forget that the D will lose players (along with dead cap money) and have the be rebuilt for yet another scheme change when he inevitably gets canned...
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