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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. And this is why good coaches aren't married to a scheme. In the salary cap and free agency era, it is too damn hard to find the right players and have all of those players stay together. Smart coaches adjust their schemes to the talent they have. Damn I hate using Bellicheat* as an example, but it's true. You look at the talent that is available in the draft and draft those with the best talent, look at FA and look at the talent. In the end talent will almost always beat scheme. Rex's scheme doesn't work well if he doesn't have all of the pieces = that is a big problem since team has all of the pieces. Hasn't been that way since 93...
  2. TL;DR article, but it's not like the NFL isn't on TV in the LA market. Games are televised all season long (national games) and the major US advertisers still have market penetration. It seems like lost ad revenue is related to "local" type businesses... I really don't think it makes that large of a difference in the TV contracts
  3. Would love to see JFF and Tebow on the same team.... Tebow would shave "Sinner" into the side of JFF's head
  4. Living in LA for a little bit now, it appears this is how things work: 1.) Older generation grew up with Rams and are Rams fans. Rams left and they either stopped following football or found a new team; not many followed the Rams. 2.) No football in LA for 20 years - new generation likes other teams; the Rams are not in that conversation - they suck. 3.) The Raiders - the colors are cool so I like this team What the market place is now: 1.) I'm not from LA (no one is from LA) and like a different team. I will always root for my team, but you have to pull for the Rams when they aren't playing my team. 2.) I only like my team and no others. If my team left I would never follow the NFL 3.) Meh - they are below .500, the ref's suck, no one knows what a catch is, too many commercials, it is warm out. The Kings, The Clippers, The Lakers, The Dodgers, USC, UCLA are good etc.. 4.) Older fans are crawling out of the woodwork and are excited, but don't really care for how quickly a team can get pulled out from under you...
  5. No Sir, I do not prefer to imagine that and thanks to the Peg's I don't have to..... Anymore!
  6. Gronk probably called Bellicheat* when Jones was tripping on synthetic weed and when he arrived Jones decked him...
  7. The leadership aspect is what was sorely missing this season...having someone like him to challenge these players and to help get a leader to step up is enormous...
  8. I didn't mean to take away from this thread...it is sad that he passed, may he RIP. BTW. Boehner always cried, a lot https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=john%20boehner%20crying%20memes
  9. The John Boehner of coaches...when didn't this guy cry?
  10. I was half heatedly joking that when we win 4 games next year we have a shot at Chad Kelly...It might be true now
  11. I don't see him being EJ-ish...maybe more Losman like You are totally correct though in your take...
  12. So next year when we flame out and win 4 games we should be in a good position to grab him... Ducks and runs for cover!
  13. It's not a bizarre jab at him and he didn't get run out of town...he QUIT! He informed everyone via text. Maybe it is a mistake on my part, but I really don't recall you posting in any thread/post that doesn't pertain to Doug, If you are so outraged and defending of coaches who "were ran out of town" why no posts about Mularkey? Why no posts about Donahoe who was also "ran out of town", or Greggo etc...
  14. Ian Rapoport ‏@RapSheet 13m13 minutes ago I mentioned #Bengals DBs coach Vance Joseph & #Dolphins. I should've said he'll be targeted as DC. No done deal, he'll have options.
  15. This is where you lose me; I don't really see you posting in any other threads other than the ones with Marrone. You joined as soon as he opted out, and only post when the fans here have a thread about Dougie...You can't call yourself a Bills fan...
  16. When the team is sold; it will be easier to dump Mularkey than a "big name" coach...
  17. I think it will actually help focus us, since no one will want to look like a moron on TV. If the players aren't taking things seriously; all will see...If Rex is all my scheme idk about your talents, that should show too as well as fake smile between Rex & Doug
  18. Charles Robinson ‏@CharlesRobinson 12m12 minutes ago Charles Robinson Retweeted Sean Fazende So a plane with the Dallas #Cowboys star is sitting in New Orleans tonight. C'mon. How often is it THIS easy? This is at Lakefront Airport tonight. https://twitter.com/SeanFazende/status/684595781844643841 Jason La Canfora ‏@JasonLaCanfora 11m11 minutes ago Nothing is cooking between the Cowboys and Sean Payton. Understand the photos of Jerry's plan have some wondering. But nothing to see here 80 retweets 41 likes
  19. Expectations were not met this year, meet them next year or else. Obviously there are conditions, as there should be. Injuries will come into play just like they most likely did with Pagano and that is extremely reasonable; now a crappy scheme where you only rush 3 and give the WRs a 10-yard cushion and lose games because of that is fire-able. You reach for players that don't turn out in the draft or make bad trades or draft players that don't fit what we want to do scheme-wise, yeah you get the boot for that. Draft for the scheme, take BPA, your players develop and you will be alright. Whaley is being tied to Rex, just as other teams do. Whaley getting an extension is no different that Grigson being tied to Chuck. Widely reported that Grigson & Pagano don't get along, but yet "all was well" at their presser. It is much easier for Pegs to tether them together and cut them both lose and start fresh with a new GM and new HC. GMs typically only get to hire 2 HCs before they are trashed in today's league. Pegs hasn't hired a GM yet and the structure of our org is a bit nonstandard. This gives him the ability to clean house and bring in a full new team. Hire the GM the GM hires the coach, Coach reports to GM.... It's not exactly unreasonable or wrong and the answer is in the middle. It isn't winner take all, this side or that side. This is fair.
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