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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. That just doesn't sound right...Not that there is anything wrong with it
  2. I have no words....figures that he and JFF have shacked up. Let the Good Times Roll
  3. Not comparing him to any of these guys: 1.) Bruce 2.) LT 3.) Derrick Thomas but, are they worth $20-$25 million a year in today's game?
  4. Didn't Roman want Meh Cassel?
  5. Next thing you know he'll be living with OBJ and Drake...."not that there's anything wrong with that"
  6. To be fair, have you looked at the Browns roster - can you really make the claim that they previous regimes had any scouting roster-building experience?
  7. So it looks like Cook made a visit...
  8. You really have no choice at that point you have to take the QB....
  9. Nice deep ball and inconsistent short stuff reminds me of JP (I kid I kid). I do recall that there were a lot of questions as to why he wasn't named a captain of his team as a senior QB. I thought going into this season he would be one of the top available this year. That goes to show you how much I know. Hackenberg has just stunk the last few years and being dead last in completion percentage under pressure is not good. QBs are tough to evaluate based on stats since there are so many other factors, crappy play calling, players who can't catch, bad OLs etc. It would be nice to hit it out of the park with a QB though
  10. Not these 2: I learned this from among the 264 pages of the first draft effort by PFF: a. The lowest-rated of the top 22 quarterbacks in accuracy percentage: Michigan State’s Connor Cook (21) and Penn State’s Christian Hackenberg (22). Cook’s “inconsistency on the short stuff is maddening,” PFF says. b. Of the same 22 quarterbacks, Hackenberg ranked worst in completion percentage under pressure (47.2 percent) http://mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2016/04/10/will-smith-murder-new-orleans-saints-nfl
  11. I didn't know we had a Carlos....I know we have a Karlos
  12. I don't even want to know why you knew this existed... It is going to be interesting to see how he improves his game in Year#2. You would expect defenses to force him to throw over the middle by taking away everything else... The search will be painful no? As the talent of the team ages with no QB, the good players get older and more resources will have to be spent on replacing them... Well said!
  13. I know there are a ton of hypothetical points, I was just looking to spur some discussion around this particular 'what if'. I'm not looking for the Tyrod lovers or haters to come out and turn it into one of those threads; just a simple question of what happens if we get this wrong. It is a possible outcome and we should be somewhat prepared for it... I really hope this isn't the case btw and I think the kid played well given the circumstances with camp and such.
  14. What I think will happen in this draft is that we go defense at #19 and then any point after we will take BPA and a QB at some point. So the point of this is moot if we trade up to grab a QB; which I would be surprised to see. We go into this season with TT, EJ and this rookie; what happens if Taylor's play stays the same or drops off? Where does this team turn and what do you do with what you have constructed thus far? Do you mortgage the future in next years draft and make a Redskins play for the pick? Or do you bumble along for the next few seasons and rinse and repeat the last how ever many years?
  15. He's from Utica, good chunk of my family went to high school with him...My cousin played ball with him too Sad news to wake up to today. Beyond senseless...
  16. ^^ This... And my god if you are wrong; yeah...I don't want to think about that
  17. This might be the best answer I saw on here in some time
  18. All TVs are flatscreens now...no need to differentiate
  19. To be fair our coach is a feet guy
  20. Hold on wait...most importantly, when did we check him for CTE?
  21. Carlos Hyde Verified account ‏@elguapo R.I.P Eugene Parker
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