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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Dareus was a huge piece missing and I'm sorry, but I'm over him - he can go fu%k himself with his bong. All of the coaches should just resign and leave now. The 4th down BS, the lack of any speed in a 4 minute drill down by 2 scores, the lack of field awareness by Clay instead of going out of bounds, the timeouts. Why challenge a 4 yard pass? Ragland wouldn't have mattered that much since he is a rookie run stuffer; maybe Shaq would have mattered. The problem was really the offense going 3 and out all the time and no pass rush with 4 players to force Fitz and help the CBs....
  2. Don't forget the Biscuit trade.... Once Polian was canned that was it. It took a few years to decline, but we have been going down the drain since then. I know some love Butler, but his drafts especially the last couple were nothing special....
  3. Good coaches adjust their scheme to the talent; we don't do that. We change a coach and change scheme which leads us to play players in a scheme they suck in while we add and subtract players to fit the scheme. In Bills fashion, once we have the players we have already learned that we blew it with the coaching staff. Rinse and Repeat. What irks me the most is that, we are so far from being a well-coached team, it doesn't matter what you have for players. What I saw last night was more bumbling around with blow time outs and a dumb challenge on a 4 yard play (I know at least we got one right, but come on). Down by 2 scores and we move like we are playing in cement shoes, zero urgency, not more than one play called at a time, Clay (IIRC) instead of going out of bounds he turns inside and loses more time for us. The basic fundamentals are not being taught. As far as the offense goes, you have Roman, Palmer and Kromer - no one teaches this?
  4. He was the 16th pick a couple years ago...
  5. Oh Whaley will be toast; not a good GM. Maybe in the future, but doesn't know how to build a team. He does find talent, but this is ummm... a clusterfuc!
  6. That is where I was going and didn't want to bury it in another thread. If you fired Rex who would you promote? Rob? Dennis Modkins Thurman? Roman? Slim pickings. If things keep like this, I'm not sure he can go the full year. Yes Coughlin is old, but he is a Parcells protege as far as instilling discipline into a team. Doesn't hurt that he also beat the Pats* in the SB. Their GM is also horrendous at finding talent, which is why they fell of. Is an up and comer really where we go? Gregg? Mularky? Marrone etc? Hold on!!! Wait????!! Is this true? I need proof - link please! my life might be over now
  7. Veteran contributions aren't much better...
  8. Tom Coughlin anyone?
  9. He does have Sammy, but if you don't throw it to him - don't matter
  10. I figured anywhere from 7-9 to 10-6. This team will check out once we are 0-4 and we win 3-4 games this year because of a better roster.
  11. John it isn't. As much as I want to have hope/faith; this is a bad team and might go down as one of our worst ever. The only option is to run out the season and fire everyone immediately after that last game. Pegs needs to drill another well and get Wolf or someone like him (I really do not like Casserly) in here to hire a GM and coach. Players will be released/traded and the rebuild will begin...If you cut Rex lose now who do you promote? Rob? Dennis Thurman? Roman? This is over and it needs to be over... Edit: Fire Rex and Hire Coughlin
  12. It self-aborted; didn't you see the red blood bath on the field tonight?
  13. We do have some blue chip talent...
  14. Here's Sully: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2016/09/15/fitz-carves-bills-gets-redemption/ Can't even argue. Even though he is an A$$hole, he may be right about the bills all along; how bad is that?
  15. It's only year 2 according to Pegs...
  16. Sammy is still young; I'd keep him but would send Marcell packing....
  17. I dunno if Wanny would have given up 400 yards to Fitz...
  18. I will say this, you have really been hitting it out of the park lately with your takes. I just really wish you were wrong
  19. That is just dirty...blech
  20. Oh this is entirely true...
  21. As Polian said - it was too heavy of a lift; it wasn't going to be easy and quick....
  22. Could have easily added a bit on offense and kept that D; this set us back another 4-5 years at least. 2 decades folks...
  23. The Sabres were trash and they should have learned from there. This is exactly why Polian stayed away; total rebuild. they need to burn the fuc&er down...
  24. https://twitter.com/greggabe 30 years NFL scouting, 9 years as Scouting Director (Bears) https://t.co/XjnDt83tWb, https://t.co/KtNkYucKy7, analyst 670theScore, Gabriel Consulting Inc. Also someone that many would have liked to have been our GM I know it's only 2 games, but this is just a bad situation that isn't going to get much better unless they really change a lot of things...I don't know enough about them to know if they will...
  25. Greg Gabriel ‏@greggabe 2m2 minutes ago Been a Bills fan since their beginning in 1960 (except when they played clubs I worked for) and this is tuff to watch. So undisciplined
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