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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Mods - Can we merge this thread with the Aaron Williams neck injury thread? Pointless to have 2 of the same open....
  2. If this was true, dumb to trade for a 5th if you could get a 3rd conditional...
  3. 3 way trade. Smith to Eagles, Smith for Gilmore This could be why he took all mention of the bills of of twitter and instagram
  4. I think overall people want better QB play, but he is the best we have right now. I also don't think anyone views him as a franchise QB. It kinda is what it is.
  5. The problem (if you will) is those players were able to haul in bad passes. He hangs WRs out to dry, injuries are part of a game, but he puts his players in harms way and causes some injuries due to his ball placement. Why don't you see other WRs getting injured and dinged up so much? Ball placement keeps them away from the hits and allows them to get YAC....
  6. Really have watch using QBR as any meaningful stat. As you pointed out look at those he is above and the ones he is right under - does that really pass the eye test?
  7. I like this idea and he has been outstanding this year; I hate to lose good players because of cap hits and age wise he is getting close...
  8. Code-red was ordered on Cam when he ratted out Ed Hercules I mean Hocculi
  9. We got exactly what I expected. Actually and in all honesty; I expected it to be worse...
  10. Hands down he is the best QB I have ever seen and I feel disgusting for saying it. The only thing you can do is jam the WRs at the line and hopefully crush him in under 2 seconds and pray that a penalty or a rushing play stalls them out. After that you have no choice but to score a TD on every possession and play a perfect game. That is definitely not us.
  11. You can't really read a ton into the defense when we play NE. Brady makes you pay for everything and then still takes more. I saw a stat on twitter (i'm at work and can't post it) that he is 16 for 16 with a 158 yards when he gets rid of the ball in under 2 seconds. Sorry you are not going to do much about that...at all.....
  12. We all know this and I have even said it, but it really means nothing other than we have had scrubs for years. Saying this doesn't make him a great QB; it makes him the cream of the crap....
  13. Unfortunately, regardless of coach - this is always an issue for us
  14. He is and I love him; one of my favorite players on our team actually. I just don't know if we will pay him the $8.3 he is on the books for....
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