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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. No...that one is for us. We will lay him out....
  2. Darby blew last night and Gilmore should have made that tackle on Graham. Those instances aside, Wilson made perfect throws - not much you could do against those. TT looked as good as I have ever seen him; I hope he can keep this up, but I am worried about the effect of losing Wood....
  3. ^ This. Hopefully the roll into Bellicheat* and Carroll as well and take them out too
  4. YPP put up a image from Trappaso (I'm at work and can't link it). Looks like he was still in the pocket when the unsportsmanlike penalty occurred. Regardless one of those was a 15 yarder and a 1st down on the goal line.... Yes Walt Coleman is out for us, but the ref was Walt Anderson....
  5. We would have a similar defense to that of the Schwartz?
  6. because it doesn't fit the Hawks fans agenda... If you also really look at it, it is close to a judgement call if TT was out of the pocket or not. Additionally, the NFL this year is calling this penalty more as a way to protect defenseless players. A WR running is route and getting blasted by Sherman is truly a defenseless player since the play is still developing and the QB is attempting to pass the ball.
  7. Provided it isn't unnecessary roughness, and well it was...15 yards and a 1st down... Article 6. Unnecessary Roughness There shall be no unnecessary roughness. This shall include, but will not be limited to: unnecessarily running, diving into, cutting, or throwing the body against or on a player who (1) is out of the play or (2) should not have reasonably anticipated such contact by an opponent, before or after the ball is dead;
  8. A few edits to clean this up... First off; this fits perfectly into what Landry did to A Williams and was missed... Secondly: If the quarterback or the receiver of the snap demonstrates no further intention to pass the ball (i.e., hands off or pitches the ball to another player, throws a forward or backward pass, loses possession of the ball by a muff that touches the ground or a fumble, or if he is tackled) the restrictions on the defensive team prohibiting illegal contact, or an illegal cut block, against an eligible receiver will end, and a defensive player is permitted to use his hands, arms, or body to push, pull, or ward off an offensive receiver, pursuant to Rule 12, Section 1, Article 5. If the quarterback leaves the pocket area with the ball in his possession, the restrictions on illegal contact and an illegal cut block both end, but the restriction on defensive holding remains in effect. Article 3. Illegal Contact Beyond Five-Yard Zone Beyond the five-yard zone, if the player who receives the snap remains in the pocket with the ball, a defender cannot initiate contact with a receiver who is attempting to evade him. A defender may use his hands or arms only to defend or protect himself against impending contact caused by a receiver. Note: If a defender contacts a receiver within the five-yard zone and maintains contact with him, he must release the receiver as they exit the five-yard zone. If the defender maintains contact beyond five yards, it is illegal contact. Penalty: For illegal contact by the defense: Loss of five yards and automatic first down. Also one could make the case that the illegal contact was pass interference: Edit: Article 2. Prohibited Acts by both teams while the ball is in the air Acts that are include, but are not limited to: Contact by a player who is not playing the ball that restricts the opponent’s opportunity to make the catch. Playing through the back of an opponent in an attempt to make a play on the ball. Grabbing an opponent’s arm(s) in such a manner that restricts his opportunity to catch a pass. Extending an arm across the body of an opponent, thus restricting his ability to catch a pass, and regardless of whether the player committing such act is playing the ball. Cutting off the path of an opponent by making contact with him, without playing the ball. Hooking an opponent in an attempt to get to the ball in such a manner that it causes the opponent’s body to turn prior to the ball arriving. Initiating contact with an opponent by shoving or pushing off, thus creating a separation in an attempt to catch a pass. I will also add in unnecessary roughness: Article 6. Unnecessary Roughness There shall be no unnecessary roughness. This shall include, but will not be limited to: Using the foot or any part of the leg to strike an opponent with a whipping motion (leg whip); forcibly contacting a runner when he is out of bounds; Note: Defensive players must make an effort to avoid contact. Players on defense are responsible for knowing when a runner has crossed the boundary line, except in doubtful cases where he might step on a boundary line and continue parallel with it. a player of the receiving team who has gone out of bounds and blocks a kicking team player out of bounds during the kick. If this occurs on a kick from scrimmage, post-possession rules will apply if appropriate (9-5-1); running, diving into, or throwing the body against or on a runner whose forward progress has been stopped, who has slid feet first, or who has declared himself down by going to the ground untouched and has made no attempt to advance (see 7-2-1-a, d); running, diving into, or throwing the body against or on any player on the ground either before or after the ball is dead; throwing the runner to the ground after the ball is dead; unnecessarily running, diving into, cutting, or throwing the body against or on a player who (1) is out of the play or (2) should not have reasonably anticipated such contact by an opponent, before or after the ball is dead; a kicker/punter, who is standing still or fading backward after the ball has been kicked, is out of the play and must not be unnecessarily contacted by the receiving team through the end of the down or until he assumes a distinctly defensive position. However, a kicker/punter is a defenseless player through the conclusion of the down (see 12-2-7-7) using any part of a player’s helmet or facemask to butt, spear, or ram an opponent violently or unnecessarily; or grabbing a helmet opening of an opponent and forcibly twisting, turning, or pulling his head. Penalty: For unnecessary roughness: Loss of 15 yards. The player may be disqualified if the action is judged by the official(s) to be flagrant. If the foul is by the defense, it is also an automatic first down.
  9. This is one reason why the game sucks. Honestly if it wasn't for my lifelong history, memories etc with the Bills - I would probably never watch this sport anymore. This is just so unacceptable on so many levels I don't even know where to begin...
  10. Walt Anderson's comments to a Seattle reporter after the game... https://twitter.com/Curtis_Crabtree/status/795866665938337792
  11. Facts yo.... Chris Trapasso ‏@ChrisTrapasso 47s47 seconds ago Sherman's hit on Powell came on a solid second before Tyrod threw the pass. He was standing on the edge of the tackle box when hit occurred. WGR 550 Retweeted Nate Geary This is true. Nate Geary ‏@NateGearyWGR I'm unsure why people are saying the Sherman play was a legal play. If he remains a passer, he can't take down a receiver. Plain and simple.
  12. I've been in the TT needs to be a lot better crowd and not sure I would pick up his option crowd- this game was not on him at all. Honestly not sure there wasn't much he could do once we lost Wood, got F'd in the A by the refs and the at times lousy play calling. I do wish he audibled out of the 3rd and a million draw and the horrendous run up the gut without Wood though....
  13. YardsPerPass.com ‏@YardsPerPass 4m4 minutes ago re: the last play contact once the QB leaves the pocket is ok... but that is clearly the defenseless player rule Also Woods was shoved off of his route before TT left the pocket...watch the full play again. Don't get me started on Avril being offsides on his sack too
  14. Brady would have gotten the call at the end and Sherman would have been flagged for a 15 yarder as well...
  15. I have been very critical of TT, he played well this game. Losing Wood, getting fVck#d by the refs, the secondary and the play calling let us down... This game was given away by the refs though...it really was. Usually I can point to a bunch of plays we could have made to win, but they really f'd us. The NFL needs to figure out how to fix this, they need to revamp the review process and have a way to fix these blatant miscalls. Full time refs do not fix this.... TT did not do anything to cost us this game and he may have been able to win it if the ref actually called a penalty....
  16. https://twitter.com/Cover1Bills/status/795850386406047744 Another Sherman gem...what a POS
  17. Well they lost me when they started with their lousy QBR stat - all credibility is gone at that point...
  18. I'm not sure that those Cheats**** teams would have performed nearly as well against the teams of 90 - 94. I would expect that the 2000 Ravens would have given them trouble as well. That last 49ers team in 94 might be the last truly dominate team. I know some may discount them since the Chargers were severely outmatched, they were in the playoff mix against Dallas every year and even the Giants in 90 - still a great team regardless. Call me a Bills homer, but our early 90s teams still would have won the division...Brady would not have been a fan of Bruce....
  19. Shefter agrees... Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter 11s12 seconds ago Cleveland Browns or Buffalo Bills need to hire Theo Epstein.
  20. Problem is on drive 1 we scored 3 and not 7; which you cannot do when you play Brady, you need TDs and not FGs. Once it was 7-3 on the next series, you better do everything you can to score that TD and hope you only give up 3 get a to or grab a punt. If that doesn't happen, you aren't running that much more, especially once you are down 2 scores...
  21. Here's the thing. It really sucks when a 1st rounder doesn't pan out or when they are a good player and you decide to let them go instead of overpaying. It always feels like a wasted pick, but honestly it happens to every team, not just ours - the draft is a crap-shoot.That being said, this year he is playing really soft and is not that interested in playing even though he can ball out, but doesn't want to get hurt. Bellicheat* would never keep one of these players around and honestly I don't want players like that on my team, even if they are pretty good. Find players who will always give it their all and play their hearts out; I'd take that any day...
  22. Is this really a thing? Why run when you are down 2 scores against Brady? You need points and have to hope to get a turnover or a stop...
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