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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Yup. Overall brains are not solely indicative of football intellgience...
  2. Meh it's an intelligence test - I don't expect athletes to do analogies or simple math and get the answer correct in any amount of time really. I would say they should give time-based tests based on football intelligence related to their particular position. They key is to see how quickly they can understand and process information related to their position. Although I do understand that this is also wrought with issues since many college teams don't coach the players this way. It is usually run here, throw the ball there...
  3. I don't need a Wonderlic score to see if he can run an offense, 26 games has shown me he can't...
  4. Our offense is tied to Shady and the home run pass; other than that it is a quick 3 and out with wide open players over the entire field our QB won't throw the ball to. Even with our trash QBs (noodle-armed Fitz, Holcomb, Trentaive, JP, etc) we had the same type of record. Replacing TT with another one of them will generate the same result and they come at a fraction of the price. Spend the money on WRs since Sammy is the only one under contract next season, an RT and a CB/S. Draft QBs the next couple years and move up if you have to grab one. Don't forget our offenses unique ability to quickly go 3 and out and pout the same crappy D back on the field to make the hole even deeper to climb out of...
  5. It really is, the most important position has been entirely overlooked for 2 decades. Any person with any level of authority needs to be jettisoned for gross incompetence; it surely isn't a simple oversight, especially as the rules of the game changed to favor passing offenses. Getting rid of Ryan is an easy way to hit the rest button on the entire franchise; he should have did it when he bought it, but I can accept the fact that we had a good defense and they wanted to try to tweak the offense to get over the hump. It didn't work, over the past 5 years we were what 5th (?) in total money paid out in contracts and we are a mediocre/average team. Those players are aging and we have a ton of holes to fill this next year, maintaining continuity in the FO changes nothing, same decision makers making the same type of decisions. Most have been around long enough with all of the trash coaches we have had as well. A smart owner torches it now and starts fresh.
  6. The bare metal should be melted down and re-cast; just to make sure any impurities are extracted as well...
  7. This is just sad. Spin it as year 2, but it really feels like we are going to hit 20 years. It all just needs to change.... Different time, with a different owner who has no ties to any employee there. Sometimes, you just need to wipe the entire slate clean to start fresh.
  8. They should; I don't think he is the problem...
  9. This really made me laugh Jay Skurski ‏@JaySkurski 3m3 minutes ago Charles Clay over the middle. A Christmas miracle!
  10. Whaley has been really good with Pro-personnel and I generally like the guy, but if you are going to fire Rex, take the time and just wipe the whole slate clean...Just start fresh... I have hopes for Jones, but don't expect much really... In his defense, he is better than Geno....
  11. I'm pretty sure that most are judging TT by more than just the Raiders game....
  12. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 3m3 minutes ago Which ever def-con level is high in regards to #Bills and this report, I'd lean to the low end of the def-con scale.
  13. Jerry Sullivan ‏@TBNSully 6m6 minutes ago Jerry Sullivan Retweeted NFLTradeRumors.co Sounds like someone in Bills management is feeding stuff to the national media. "Superior talent?" Says who? http://nfltraderumors.co/bills-hc-rex-ryan-fired-soon-monday-oc-anthony-lynn-possible-interim-hc/ "“I’d say I’m 95 percent sure Rex is gone by the end of the season,” one source who has been in contact with owner Terry Pegula tells La Canfora “and he could be out as soon as Monday.” According to La Canfora, Ryan’s relationship with GM Doug Whaley and other team executives has “always been rocky” and the team believes they have assembled “superior talent” to the results they’ve seen this season. Beyond that, La Canfora says that the relationship between Ryan and Whaley “is not tenable” long term, and ownership is aware of this. In regards to front office changes, La Canfora reports that Pegula has “cooled” on the possibility of hiring a senior vice president of football operations and Whaley has forced a strong bond with ownership." "La Canfora’s sources have said that the team is “intrigued” by rookie QB Cardale Jones, and it’s “virtually certain” Buffalo will not pick up Taylor’s option next year. “Unless Tyrod turns into Russell Wilson the last four weeks — and that’s if he’s even playing all four weeks — then he’s not going to get that option,” a source with knowledge of the situation tells La Canfora."
  14. Bucky Gleason ‏@ByBuckyGleason 2m2 minutes ago Whaley likely to remain Bills general manager.
  15. Bucky Gleason ‏@ByBuckyGleason 2m2 minutes ago Whaley likely to remain Bills general manager.
  16. Bucky Gleason ‏@ByBuckyGleason 18s18 seconds ago We'll see what happens in game today. Bills' win today could delay Rex firing, but it seems a matter of when, not if.
  17. Tim Graham ‏@ByTimGraham 2m2 minutes ago Been told Rex Ryan being axed before end of the season is on the table. IF that happens, OC Anthony Lynn likely promoted to interim. Bucky Gleason ‏@ByBuckyGleason 1m1 minute ago Also hearing OC Anthony Lynn is likely replacement for Rex Ryan for this season and possibly beyond. We shall see.
  18. I would be shocked if it is. To quote DC Tom - 'You are F&*king Idiot' if you buy any of that horse$hit and it should not be taught to anyone, cause frankly it isn't true. It also goes on to perpetuate all of the creation myths and the bronze age form of government aka religion. It also gives more credence to the idiotic evangelicals and their BS that they want to push through. This country was founded to be the land of the free, religious freedom, and most importantly separation of church and state. I suppose my atheism is showing through. I honestly have zero use for and tolerance for religion. They are all the same and all equally deplorable; although it is convenient to frequently forget about the abhorrent portions and pass it off as, well it was a different time, or it doesn't mean it in that way, etc with the rest of the cliches. This was a big problem and turned really a majority of people away, from the get go she was the perfect definition of flawed candidate. Some of Trumps best ideas are identical to Sanders. Um they aren't. Do a simple google search and see how they are not for equality. Let us not forget the states who went to ban LGBT rights. There is plenty out there to see, especially right now. There is plenty on my twitter and facebook news feeds (some true and some most likely not). You are an ostrich if you think that hatred and bigotry aren't out there still; they mostly vote GOP. Protests are fine, usually you should be smart and do that before and election to strengthen your cause and rallying cry. It is really stupid to do right after you lost. It is acceptable if major legislation is going through (it may not stop it, but FFS at least it is at the right moment).. I am a dem, but am more independent as I find a lot of the dem points good theory but almost impossible in practice. Healthcare for instance shouldn't be tied to your job, it should be affordable, pre-existing conditions are idiotic and no one should be price-gouged. That being said the ACA well some good is an udder failure. There is no way you could go even further without destroying a trillion dollar industry and collapsing a major portion of the economy though.
  19. Could the DNC have honestly picked a worse candidate? Especially one that riles up every conservative. They did get what they deserve... I never wander in here, but Trump actually said a few of the main things that Sanders said; that resonated with a lot of people. Also with the failed hope and change from Obama; there was so much more that could have been done. It honestly was more of the same, as always regardless of party. The only concern over the results that I have is that there is equality for everyone and the GOP is not known for that. Pence is deplorable as a creationist and down with gay therapy. He could have chose a much better running mate. I am curious to see how Trump deals with those in Congress from both parties who are a waste... All in all the entire establishment needs to die, I am curious though as to why those fed up with the establishment keep sending the same GOP crooks in congress back every year. And yes the Dems have plenty of crooks and cronyism as well. Everyone should have been tossed out IMO...
  20. And I will take this, very happily right now....
  21. He moved that ball and got us in position. With Wood out (well Mills didn't really play either) and the play calling there wasn't much more he was going to do...
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