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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. WGR 550 ‏@WGR550 1m1 minute ago Two Bills players have been selected to the Pro Bowl: LeSean McCoy Lorenzo Alexander 0 replies 2 retweets 4 likes
  2. He has the answer, but he isn't calling Whaley and the Front Office out; which is a good thing IMO. We also have a talent issue
  3. That gives you just about 7 and 7; you are what your record says you are....
  4. We were going to fall off the cliff in 2015 regardless....
  5. Denver can't even maintain it. It is hit bottled lightening one year and then back to middle of the pack the next year... You can't lay all of the blame at Rex, he has his flaws; but talent and the roster have a lot of blame as well. You have 2 options really: 1.) Keep it the same, but know that there will be further regression with the way the roster is constructed - more aging, tons of FAs, not a lot of cap space, not a ton of draft picks and not a big way to improve our current weaknesses on top of all of this. 2.) Blow it all up, Coaches and Front Office all go. The front office does not know how to build a team and most have been involved since Donahoe was canned (exception Whaley). Doug is a pro-personnel guy and damn good one at that; drafting and scouting below average. The third option maintains the wheel of mediocrity - fire Rex and keep the FO this fixes nothing... Personally I prefer option #2, a new FO will want their own coach; rarely does a new FO keep the current coach and not end up canning them a year or 2 down the road. I think you can find better than Rex and have a new GM find the guy. I also think you can find a better GM....
  6. Got news for you, we will be worse next year. It is a talent issue and we don't have lot of cap space or draft picks to fill all of the new holes from free agent losses and to be able to improve areas of weakness. I fear, this team sadly is starting it's decline...
  7. Shady is our best O player and he has been healthy all year... Who is responsible for the safeties, WRs and overall depth? Were these concerns coming into this season seeing we had issues there last year too? How does that person get another shot, but a coach who has to deal with these realities doesn't?
  8. It's the way the team was built, the age of the players, lack of depth, lack if acceptable coaching (late play calls, moving in molasses in the 2 minute drill of 4 minute offense, etc. There is plenty of blame to shift around, just like there is every year. Everyone thought it was Rex's scheme in 2015 with Mario, nope he fell of the cliff; Aaron Williams destroyed his neck in 2015; Preston Brown stunk (Still does); Kyle was injured. This year we loaded up on D in the draft Lawson (injured), Ragland (ACL), Williams is lucky to still be walking, CBs took a step back, Dareus suspended and hurt, Kyle hurt, Graham a year older. At the end of the day the mighty Schwartz wasn't going to have the same level of success. There was no plan for safety going into this year at all and we took an injured player in the first round. How did anyone expect this to get better? It clearly is not all on Rex.... On offense in 2015, TT was better than what we have had in a long time - didn't throw over the middle, couldn't anticipate throws, had accuracy issues, doesn't go through progressions, has happy feet, misses open WRs/TEs/RBs; Harvin got hurt, Goodwin got hurt, Clay was not used (and paid a lot of $$) as well, Sammy wasn't getting the rock, Shady was hurt, Right side of OL stunk. In 2016 we didn't add any WRs, Sammy was hurt back in May, still no moves; Rt side of line still stinks (Miller looking ok), TT still can't throw over the middle, can't throw a WR open, still lacks anticipation, still not entirely accurate with his passes, still doesn't go through progressions, still has happy feet, still misses WRs/RBs/TEs. It is clearly not all Rex.... We are also high in cap spending and have more free agents than anyone else. There is clearly no way we will be a better team next season either. All we will do is keep plugging more and more holes without increasing our overall net talent at the same time our current talent ages and becomes more expensive...That is also clearly not on Rex.... I can't believe I'm defending a coach, I am not 100% for, but it sure is hell isn't all on him.
  9. I really was against this upfront, but you have a great point right here...
  10. You say this and then offer up this? It sure as hell sounds like he is Cleveland is not a team you would use to illustrate being good in any phase of the game; yes they are that bad. Even Sal C said that was the worst team he has seen in his 3 years on a sideline. They are most definitely worse than the 0-16 Lions team. You simply cannot justify what you saw in a game against the Browns and say something works...
  11. This is actually true. You actually feel that when one of those teams is behind they can make a play to comeback. the bills can't and TT's record shows they can't and don't. That is a BFP (Big F&ing Problem)...Sometimes you actually have to run the clock out or have that last drive to put the game out of reach, we don't do that and we really aren't capable of doing that; our record in those situations clearly indicate that. Edit: looking at the other posts that popped up while I was writing this. How have we (as a fan base) become blind to the fact that sometimes you simply have to score more points than the other team? It is an Offense oriented era of football and Defense has been on the decline for years; it is not unreasonable to think and expect that on some games, the offense has to be able to step up and score from behind or to score enough to make sure you win....
  12. Terry had a chance last week and said "See Ya" when asked about Rex's status. Even, what was it yesterday or the day before, "I don't know what my future holds; do you know what you future holds?" comment. Now this? The writing is on the wall and I will be amazed if he is back....
  13. What gives you any inclination that Lynn is a good HC Candidate?
  14. Their only chance at getting an in demand coach is if they torch the front office as well...It is an easy sell for the new ownership group to spin when they are all out.... I seriously can see us canning Rex and promoting Lynn. The marketing story will be, look at how it worked in Denver, NYG and TB...
  15. Again with cherry picking of stats and not looking at the whole picture that many posters like to do. And if you don't have a lights out defense that also at times has trouble forcing 3 and outs or stopping a running back or giving up big pass plays - care to guess what happens to that team's overall success when your offense can't stay on the field for more than 2 minutes a drive; repeatedly? What do you think would have happened in the Oakland/Miami/Jets/Steelers game if we could have had a few sustained drives in the 3rd and 4th? We most likely would not have put our sieve defense back out on the field to get torched and we would have either won or had a chance to pull off a late minute score to steal the game. We have given up the 22nd most points in the league; not exactly a defense I want to put out there repeatedly. We are 19th in plays against on D. We have the 5th most rushing attempts against our D and 6th most rushing yards against. We also are tied for 2nd in most big rushing plays against (#of runs over 10 yards) https://www.sportingcharts.com/nfl/stats/team-rushing-big-plays-against/2016/. We are decent in passing because teams don't have to pass against us in order to win. So if you go three and out frequently, do you not give the opponent more opportunities to score against you with this type of defense? That puts more pressure on your team to score every possession which we are not great at. What is our WL record when we are behind by 4? Hint it isn't good enough to be in the playoffs, or to be mentioned as a good team...
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