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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. In response to this article... Joe Chenelly ‏@jchenelly 3m3 minutes ago Don't underestimate Bill Polian's influence on the Pegulas. He could be running the #Bills right now if he wanted
  2. And this takes us where? Same place we have been, are at now and where we are heading...
  3. The goal the team needs to have is to assemble a team that can win the Superbowl, not assemble a team who can sneak into the playoffs. IMO we are the latter and that is what we have clearly said we were trying to do, get to the playoffs. Once we get there than what? Get smoked by the same teams we can't beat during the season is what. TT is one of the guys who is good enough to give you average and keep you average. Best bet is to acknowledge that and move on, if you have to take a few steps back to bottom out for a season or clean up the roster by letting a few players go, fine. Build a contender and not a team that is built to sneak into the playoffs and get killed by teams you just can't compete with. That is simply the reality of where we are and have been for the past 17 seasons and most likely the next 3 at least...
  4. The big thing is to fully hit the reset button and clean out the stench. Find and hire an experienced football person who can create the vision and find the right people to execute said vision. Evaluate the entire operation and make the changes necessary to create a coherent and functioning organizational structure.
  5. LMAO I forgot about Thurman. This is very true though, or Danny Crossman either...
  6. If you followed the press conference, I believe he said Rex picked him for interim coach and it wasn't his choice...
  7. His GM undermined him and brought in zero the last few years. The year he is gone, they spend money and fix their $h!tty defense...
  8. I'm pretty sure we will end up in the 4-6 win bucket next year just looking at the talent on this team, players aging, and the looming changes coming with FA and our ability to fill those voids. I just don't see enough left over to get us past the 7 wins we had this year....
  9. I recall last year when he interviewed with the Eagles; he acted like a jilted bride and bad mouthed the Giants the entire interview...I also seem to recall that the Jags weren't seriously considering him either. It would be a bad move for us to find a coach who cooks and shops, you are correct; it almost never works out...
  10. It's interesting isn't it? Also IIRC when Pegs met with Coughlin Russ was there and Whaley was not... I do also wonder how the Pegula's feel about the team after yesterday's press conference. If it took jw to text Terry to get a response and clarify things; you have to wonder how confident he feels now and can we expect to see that play out during the HC search and eventual hire?
  11. What I like about Coughlin is that: 1.) He is a CEO type who delegates the coordination and is focused on managing the game and the overall team; we really need that. 2.) He won 2 superbowls against the damn Cheatriots*; instant credibility with the players and within the organization to buy into his philosophy 3.) He is a bit of a hardass with the players, but also was able to move to the middle a bit. He will not stand for all of the BS and lack of accountability we have been hearing about. 4.) He knows how to run training camps, work with the GM on drafts, build a team and knows the ins and outs of how to run the entire football team. There is no getting a first time HC up to speed on how to handle all of the additional tasks they have never done before... 5.) He can also hopefully help straighten out or give recommendations on the personel department and football ops departments (he has seen and worked in many) 6.) He won't be here for more than 4-5 years and can have a successor being groomed in place to take over for him. 7.) He will help make us a credible organization again and give us a vision and direction that honestly we are sorely lacking
  12. Skurksi's response to this tweet: Jay Skurski ‏@JaySkurski 22m22 minutes ago Jay Skurski Retweeted Vic Carucci This makes sense. IMO, Coughlin fits best as football "czar," and first order of business would be to fire Whaley.
  13. Sorry I went to bed jw texted Terry after the presser and Terry called him. jw did indeed tweet that. I posted it in another thread somewhere.... LOL the Brownies..wasn't it like 7 candidates or something before they settled on Pettine?
  14. Joe Chenelly ‏@jchenelly 6h6 hours ago @KyleBeachkyle21 Lynn is in the lead, but Whaley is not excited about him. Coughlin is a fav of the Pegulas. Reich is actually a possibility
  15. Joe Chenelly ‏@jchenelly 6h6 hours ago @KyleBeachkyle21 Lynn is in the lead, but Whaley is not excited about him. Coughlin is a fav of the Pegulas. Reich is actually a possibility
  16. I saw a pic of him on twitter wearing Clemson orange before the game....
  17. I'm too busy at work to look it up, but I would also gather they they do not go 3 and out as often as we do and can string some drives together to take some time off of the clock as well...They are not the home run or 3 and out machine we are
  18. I'm not even trying to be a dick; I just cannot fathom how anyone could have watched that and felt good about any of it. It was that bad. So bad in fact that jw texted Terry after the presser to get him to speak on record regarding this. If anything jw helped the Pegs save some face from whatever that was supposed to be. It is really well beyond the "do you like Whaley" and "want him to stay or want him to go". Even the PR team that helped prepare him for this, failed. It was brutal, uninspiring and might even be worse than the 27 candidates who turned the browns down before Pettine accepted.
  19. And this is all Whaley had to say was: "It was a private conversation between Terry and Rex. All I know is that everyone wanted continuity and really hoped this would work out; in the end they felt the team wasn't going in the direction they wanted and felt it was best to move on." Case closed...
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