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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. It kinda was - I went back to find this: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/191503-new-jw-tweets-19/page-10 this makes sense. jw jeffismagic, on 09 Jan 2017 - 10:44 AM, said: it's that confusion that has me stopped short, as well. jw
  2. http://pro32.ap.org/article/ap-source-buffalo-bills-and-sean-mcdermott-agree-deal-make-him-teams-head-coach
  3. Basically it was that the Pegs wanted one guy (seems to be McD) and Whaley wanted another (dunno who). So Pegs overrulled Whaley
  4. Jason La Canfora ‏@JasonLaCanfora 2m2 minutes ago Sean McDermott has agreed to become the next head coach of the Buffalo Bills
  5. Some more updates: John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 59m59 minutes ago There is no framework of a deal reached yet in talks between #Bills and McDermott. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 47m47 minutes ago It all comes down to who determines when the deal is considered done. DPants ‏@john_wawrow So no framework on a deal but barring some kinda epic collapse, McDermott is their guy, yes? John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 36m36 minutes ago Nothing I've heard has changed that path. Question now being raised regarding GM Doug Whaley. aaron s @john_wawrow @dpants5150 what questions? John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 33m33 minutes ago The one I raised on Monday ... John Wawrow @john_wawrow 32m32 minutes ago Oh, boy. I'm sure this'll turn out well. WaltPatulski @john_wawrow to be fair that's not raising questions. That's putting out speculation in a vacuum John Wawrow Is it now. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 22m22 minutes ago Just saying, it hasn't been a good few weeks for Doug Whaley. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 10m10 minutes ago Also leaves me wondering if there might be a shift on Tyrod Taylor's future in Buffalo.
  6. He won a playoff game with Tebow and Orton had 3800 yards. He does good with junk QBs... Score
  7. Whitner was overdrafted and there were better players out there. These top 3 safeties are actually BPA around picks 6-12ish and have to potential to be special; Whitner was not even close to that...Hard to pass that talent up... Of course this being said, if we do end up with MCDermott, Ruben Foster might very well be our pick@ 10
  8. Graham isn't awful, but he is getting up there and honestly is our best one right now. Not sure you could dump him and upgrade, but he does look a lot better with Gilmore, Darby, Adams/Hooker/Peppers along side him. It also gives a you a pretty good overall secondary and you should be fine against most teams who aren't stocked with pass catchers. You can upgrade him the following year actually; I don't see how you could do it all at once. Once you start doing what described, you really are drafting to fill holes and not staying close to BPA - you miss a lot of good players that way. You also start to mention the tough cuts like Kyle or Wood and how tight the cap space gets. Let me ask you this (not being a dick btw) how far does that get this team this year? How far does it get us next year? Is it worth it overall? Just remember we won 6-9 games with Kyle Orton, Kelly Holcumb, Fitz, Trent, JP etc... Just saying you could cut TT lose, resign Gilmore, Keep Kyle and Wood, and still have $38 millionish to plug your gaps in FA (WR, LB, DT, OL, CB/S), draft BPA and go after the QB next year. It sets you up pretty nicely and gives you a ton of flexibility next offseason in regards to Kyle and Wood..
  9. Easy buddy I have mentioned them in other parts of this thread... Also everyone is very reactionary to the NC game (he played well, especially in the 2nd half). He has good numbers, but they did run 99 plays. Context is important. You need to look at the entire body of work. It doesn''t entirely matter what Alabama's D is like; they are different in the NFL. But I will again without much explanation. Top 3 things to look at: 1.) Accuracy (Ball Placement as well) - his overall accuracy is sketchy at the goal line - some throws sail or are misfired. Ball placement does not place the ball in the best position for the WRs often enough. His WRs mask this weakness by making great catches. You saw this in the title game in the 4th when Williams made a great catch on a bad throw. He can however, like TT, make a great deep throw and make a great play with his arm. You have to be able to put the ball where it needs to go. This is the top trait you must have IMO. 2.) Poise in the pocket - Most running QBs have this issue. The run too damn often. Steve Young didn't become great until he learned to stay in the pocket. Watson, like TT, falsely senses pressure at times and takes off running. There are times were only 3-4 players rush and he takes off; all he has to do is step up or slide in the pocket. Can be developed, but it is tough to rework what has worked well his entire playing career to date. 3.) Decision Making (correct reads, know when to run vs throw & throw people open) - They run a lot of plays that emphasize quick and somewhat easy throws. He doesn't see and respond well to the intermediate and deep plays. This is where picks come in, he tends to either try to force the ball or tucks and runs when they guy he wants to throw to is covered. I don't know this, but you have to have the sense that when a pick is throw he is able to understand why and learn from it. It is hard to get a good feel for this trait without being a coach in the room with him. Next top 2 traits: 1.) Mobility - Yeah he does, but he needs to learn to slide and not take hits.... 2.) Arm strength - Doesn't appear to be an issue... He is a winner and comes up big in big games. You can't knock that. I am not saying Watson won't develop; but there is too much of a bust potential for me to feel comfortable trading up for him; and you will give up quite a bit to move ahead of SF, Chi or NYJ for that opportunity. Depending on who is there are #10 you could have: 1.) a generational player in Adams/Hooker that also fills a hole, 2.) Mike Williams with Sammy clay and Shady? fills a hole and a huge need and gives your offense 3) Ruben Foster - this might be an enourmous need with McDermott These talents are better for the overall roster at this point than taking a flier on Watson. Watch a little film on Trubisky - you see him going through progressions, making the correct reads, you see good accuracy and ball placement, can look the defense off. Look at the gifs that Josh Norris is putting up today on Trubisky; this is the guy you move up for (yes there is a bust potential as well and a small sample size, but trust your eyes - dude is a QB) . He did Watson back on the 3rd or 4th I believe... https://twitter.com/JoshNorris?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
  10. We have 23 players as free agents - Sammy is the only WR under contract btw (I believe there is one more but it is like Dez Lewis or something). $10.2 million in cap space is not going to get it done and to have enough for the draft class. Fine cut Kyle and Graham and Carp to save some $$; how do you replace both starting safeties and a starting DT; Kicker is the exception...We will have to run the veer next year as an offensive scheme. With the roster and the way it was constructed; there is no way you kick this can down the road and creating dead cap space. That has worked great for the Saints with Brees, no way we should be that foolish with TT, who is not a good QB. This team is no where near talented enough to win a SB right now as constructed to be bale to justify going all in and pushing everything to the middle of the table. It is irresponsible actually...
  11. You can still have a blend of zone and man coverage and give even more flexibility to your defensive design...
  12. This guy has so many holes in his game and people want to trade up for #1
  13. No Schitt. If one hit us in the face we wouldn't know what to do. I'm not convinced our scouts are able to identify one....
  14. If our Safety situation was better; it might be easier to let him walk since you could scheme your way around it. With us, you almost certainly have to let Tyrod walk to sign Gilmore and I think that is a trade off I would make... Darby, Robey-Coleman, Listenbee, Meeks, Williams, Graham just does nothing for me...I feel it's better if you add Hooker/Adams/Peppers, but I would feel really good with Gilmore tossed in there...
  15. Obviously you want a HOF QB - everyone does. You should always, always, be on the lookout for any potential ones and do the risk v reward calculation of obtaining one. If you don't have one, you get the best one you can and load as much talent around them as you can. You simply hope that elite/great/good/above average talent at multiple positions will help cover those short comings.The problem you run into with this latter approach is that it gets expensive to keep that model going, especially given the going rates for the other high skill positions (WRs, CBs, Pass Rushers, and FA OL men). You also tend to reach for players to fill holes in the draft IMO with this model and miss out on BPA. It is cheaper to pay one HOF QB and sustain the overall talent level at those other positions with cheaper and more frequently turned over players. You can almost always draft BPA and a HOF QB will make average to good WRs and an average OL to perform at a level much higher than their talent dictates...
  16. This the kumbaya that is always spun when a coaching is getting hired. When you step away from the ledge and look at the facts; the same dysfunctional people that were hired while RW owned the team are for the most part still there. These are the same people who said that when Rex walked in the room, they could finish each others sentences. They were lock step in alignment, etc. The best move the Pegs could have done was clean house once Marrone left; they didn't. they had another chance this year; they didn't. Same people, same culture really will give you the same results...
  17. At some point a blue print to shut your run game down will be established and copied; it will be used until you can beat it. You are just way too easy to defend. Even with TT stop the run and take away his first read with double coverage and force the plays to the middle of the field...It's not sustainable I don't care how good your Defense is; at some point you will need to come from behind and running sin't going to get it done; especially if it is with the game on the line. Aaron Rodgers his known for his screen passes at the end of the half/game...
  18. I wish it was a simple as every makes it out. No you really can't. Every team has to be able to run a 2 minute drill and not be 1 dimensional on offense to win consistently. You have to be able to come from behind.
  19. jw article: http://pro32.ap.org/article/bills-interview-mcdermott-again-coaching-search?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP_NFL
  20. FML this saga.... John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 2m2 minutes ago Per AP source familiar with discussions: #Bills scheduled to have 2nd interview with McDermott on Wednesday.
  21. It is actually Steve Wilks, DB coach, if the Panthers let him walk and don't promote him to DC.... Or I did see this earlier: Sal Capaccio ‏@SalSports 3h3 hours ago If Sean McDermott is new Bills HC, and it appears things are going in that direction keep hearing his new DC is http://tinyurl.com/gqy5gng
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