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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Michael Silver ‏@MikeSilver 25s26 seconds ago I do not expect Norv Turner to join the Bills as OC...
  2. Oh definitely - I mean Stone Cold basically had to retire, Brett Hart is in awful shape, many die fairly young as well. That being said The Rock did a great job in being able to make a move the the movies before wrestling took too much of a toll on him...
  3. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 25m25 minutes ago #Bills owner Terry Pegula weighs in to AP on what he liked about new coach Sean McDermott. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 23m23 minutes ago Pegula text to AP: "2x natl prep champ wrestler says it all. I know that isn't a quality for NFL HC, ... ... but of character & hardwork focus that says it all." Pegula noted influence AReid had on McDermott. #Bills.
  4. With spin master Russ - I really don't buy into much of anything they say. Everything is PR spin and it is a shame; other owners, coaches and GMs speak and you can tell it is honest and genuine. Here we have Don Draper carefully scripting everything that goes on there and the narrative that is given...
  5. Again, same song and dance with all of the same characters - different owner of course, but they still don't really know any better. I will say they learned a little and dumped Rex, but the rest need to go as well...
  6. You can't get any information that is true from TBN - They are all awful at their jobs and have axes to grind. We also can't trust the national media because the are voices for the agents and other agendas... The entire FO doesn't really deserve it - same cast of clowns for years - Ralph's trash. We have all seen the stellar results...
  7. So are we just pissed because it is a Jerry article? I ask because I don't see a discussion of the article; just it's garbage and he sucks
  8. I never thought the goat would still be in Ed Reed's office... Anyone want to ride the tandem bike with me? I have Frontsies!
  9. As was mentioned in another thread, if someone is calling to interview Monos for a GM position, I would help Whaley pack his office and walk him to the curb....
  10. You're crazy. Trubisky shows the skills that I have not seen in Watson. Watson may be the superior athlete, but the better QB is Trubisky. Watson is too boom or bust for me @10 with the other talent that is likely to be there. I sure has hell would not trade up for Watson... Edit: btw he does a really good job
  11. Since the other thread got locked... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/191541-mcdermott-new-hc-per-jlacan-new-jw-tweets-re-whaley-tt/page-29 John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 59m59 minutes ago There is no framework of a deal reached yet in talks between #Bills and McDermott. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 47m47 minutes ago It all comes down to who determines when the deal is considered done. DPants ‏@john_wawrow So no framework on a deal but barring some kinda epic collapse, McDermott is their guy, yes? John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 36m36 minutes ago Nothing I've heard has changed that path. Question now being raised regarding GM Doug Whaley. aaron s @john_wawrow @dpants5150 what questions? John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 33m33 minutes ago The one I raised on Monday ... John Wawrow @john_wawrow 32m32 minutes ago Oh, boy. I'm sure this'll turn out well. WaltPatulski @john_wawrow to be fair that's not raising questions. That's putting out speculation in a vacuum John Wawrow Is it now. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 22m22 minutes ago Just saying, it hasn't been a good few weeks for Doug Whaley. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 10m10 minutes ago Also leaves me wondering if there might be a shift on Tyrod Taylor's future in Buffalo.
  12. We were talking about the newest Whaley tweets and stuff from jw on the one you locked - should we start a new one for that? Edit: Nevermind - started a new one...
  13. John Wawrow ‏@john_wawrow 2m2 minutes ago Nothing firm, but options for McDermott's staff include McCoy or Norv Turner (as mentioned), and Panthers LB coach Al Holcomb as DC. #Bills.
  14. Thanks! I'm at work and I'm not logged into my twitter so I can only see a few things...
  15. Well said! I am hoping WIlliams makes it to us, but I could easily see Tenn take him to pair up with their RBs and Mariota. If that happens I hope Hooker/Adams/Peppers are there and is our pick...I wouldn't hate Foster, but meh
  16. The only way I can reconcile what Leroi said to this is that Pegs wanted Lynn Monos wanted McDermott and Whaley someone else... Who's on third?
  17. If you look at it as it has been a rough week for Whaley; he didn't get his guy; it obviously wasn't McDermott...
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