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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Half are and the other half will continue to buy into the way we have done things the past 17 years....This board is proof of that; you aren't a real fan if you are critical and don't drink Russel's kool-aid...They all just need more time
  2. IIRC they were in Philly together
  3. I am a bit concerned about this myself. Kim and Terry need to turn this over to someone who is very experienced in football ops and learn as that person runs the team...I am afraid that they are in over their head. Whaley needed to get clipped; I am not okay with how much power they have given an unproven McD... Edit: My hope as a fan is that works out; but I am afraid this sets us back 6 more years (3-4 with McD and 2-3 to fix that)
  4. Watch Sammy leave and go to KC and tear it up with Mahomes...
  5. I don't disagree, but I would bet that the feeling in the league is to discount what happens in Buffalo (especially with Rex and our offensive system/passing game). It will be the same as everyone who said "NE way overpaid for Gilmore". I would wager on Stephon having a phenomenal year... Tag is 4mm higher I think
  6. Seeing he renegotiated and took less to stay here I think sheds light on what his value is in the league. If he could have made the same as he originally signed for and moved on I bet he would have...
  7. Most likely he will make bank on the FA market given the team he has played for, has not caused any issues on or off the field, our offense, and our QB - he will get the benefit of the doubt. 2 Things, teams recognize talent and in FA, everybody with some level of talent and isn't a headache gets (over)paid...
  8. This ^^ You bet he is motivated. He will play his a$s off and GTFOH; as he should...
  9. Simple lack of an overall vision and strategy with a primary focus being on short-term gains at the expense of long-term team building...
  10. Well Brady had some games like that too...besides I read on here he is the next Brady
  11. What does Brandon know about football? Edit: HOCKEY, I meant HOCKEY
  12. No guarantee they will be able to land one of the good ones. Jets, 49ers, Vikes, possibly Browns, Chargers will be most likely picking before us and will need one as well.... Wasn't sure this was you; the profile pic change threw me off
  13. The saints will also put 50 on us and we won't be able to throw to keep up. I also think the Broncos will shut us out... In all honesty I think this team is a 4-7 win team depending on breaks and a ton of luck. The closer we are to bottoming out the better IMO Stop it kdiggz; no one buys haven't you read this board at all? It will be easy to trade up for a QB... Now excuse me while I get on my unicorn and fly away to the land of bubblegum and fairies...
  14. Bucs are going to be really good...Brate, Evans, Howard, Martin, Winston - good luck
  15. I have seen Chris pop up a few times on twitter; I hope Murph is wrong.
  16. Leroi survived! - In shoutbox, QB next year and DT when Kyle retires...
  17. Leroi in the shoutbox says QB next year and DT after Kyle retires...
  18. I don't think anyone who worked under Grigson should have anything to do with us...IDC how good the person was/is
  19. Can we keep Pegs away from the Bills as well? You know maybe hire an experienced person to run the franchise...just a thought
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