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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I must be missing something, I didn't see him in the second video at all....
  2. I'll bite...I hope we win against the Jags, injure Brady's shoulder/leg, Bellicheat retires, their Coordinators are all hired elsewhere and it is finally over. If we can break the 17 years of no playoffs; let's also be the team to blow them up too
  3. Marrone would prefer to win by never passing the ball; our key to victory is to stop the run and win the turnover battle. Additionally we need to be on the lookout for a fake punt when Marrone decides to punt on 4th and 1 from the 35....
  4. The DLine looks like a talentless and aging group. Lawson is a 43 run stuffing end and has not shown that he can rush the passer, Kyle is just about done, the other DT spot is severely lacking talent; leaving Hughes as the only pass rusher. You can't send a linebacker on a blitz because that will put even more pressure on our secondary who are all dinged up and very poor depth. Tough to blame coaching here as we are really limited with what we call for plays imo.... I agree....
  5. Seeing that the season was set up to be a tear down and to turn over the roster for the long-term, it is clearly a talent problem and this will persist for another season or 2. That being said, I really dislike Dennison's playcalling and I hated his hire, even though he was at the bottom of the barrel. I can't fault Frazier too much, because aside from the starting secondary the defense is horrendous....
  6. I'm pretty sure they are in long term mode now....
  7. Excellent post! I started getting this feeling earlier this am and expect more trades for 2019 picks next season as well. I honestly think this is closer to a 3-4 year rebuild if you factor in a trade up for a qb...
  8. It all should have been blown up once Pegs bought the team. Take out all the trash and burn it all down....
  9. Oh boy: Sal Capaccio ?‏Verified account @SalSports 1m mBinutes agoKelvin Benjamin facing surgery for his injured knee. More on WGR550.com Benjamin facing surgery
  10. every position and don't reach based on need. If the QBs blow, don't take one; if there is one you are sure on - get him
  11. Not sure I even want a new shiny QB playing behind this line; they are very very bad... There was a small window under Marrone...
  12. Have to make sure we don't trade up for fools gold either. If they guy isn't there; don't force it... Kinda the problem with our entire roster. Most thought it would be Watkins, Glenn & Dareus; possibly Darby.... Glenn is out every year for a foot/ankle injury. I expect that he will be moved at some point sooner rather than later. Looking at the roster, one should be able to deduce that this is not a good team....
  13. Step back and look at every move that has been made (sans Benjamin) it has never been about this year. Shedding a bad contract, getting value for a player you won't resign or one that doesn't fit your scheme and evaluating everyone on the roster for picks and players under contract for 1 -2 more seasons that are very team friendly doesn't exactly screen win now.
  14. We had a small window to maybe get something going, but that was all blown on Rexy. Ownership (including Brandon in here) screwed this team with all of the HC movement and subsequent scheme changes. You ended up with a patchwork roster (that had a degree of talent) but was incompatible with the schemes being employed. The Rex draft has zero players that are able to contribute, the drafts before them had players who couldn't play in the 34/46 of Ryan. The whole thing was a mess. I didn't love Whaley and thought he needed to be shown the door, but he was in an impossible situation....
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