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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. Thanks for responding! I'm quite sure we have to move up a bit to help NYG get Nelson; give Dave G his gold jacket guy. I think Rosen is our guy, but Allen wouldn't surprise me though... i was just wondering if you had an inside tip or not
  2. ^This. I think Rosen is the guy btw
  3. I would go all in this year to go to 2 and keep next year's picks at all costs. We have $100 in cap space next year and if we have a full draft with our top QB, I can live with it. We blew one draft during a tear down....Obviously this is if we are really convinced on this one player, if you are - go all-in...
  4. I agree - RW is cheap. I'm convinced it's Rosen - if you look at what Beane wants in a QB - it's him. They deferred because McD was running the draft and he didn't trust the scouts & Whaley. His approach was to kick the can to this year after Beane came in and the replaced the scouting dept. He wasn't going to take a risk with a FO who was being shown the door. If they took Watson or Mahomes last year, it would cost us no extra picks and is the equivalent of just one player busting out. Problem is they backed themselves into a corner right now in regards to QB. The cannot afford to half-ass it; that also doesn't mean reach, but it means to aggressively fix it - which is not kicking the can down the road, which is what we as a franchise continually do...
  5. depends how much we get bent over the barrel from the Jets trade... I just have this hunch that weed to go to pick 4-6 for NYG. What we pay will depends on what team we go to and if we are willing to give up a player or 2. It could get messy, best case is we give up both 1, 1-2 and 1-3 this year and possibly lose a 1and/or 2 next year... As I type this I wonder if what causes some hesitation for Beane is moving Shady or even Tre with this and he wants to be 10000% in on I am assuming Rosen
  6. I have never hoped your take has been more wrong...
  7. nope.. It also makes me wonder if we are the source who is harping on Rosen's leadership and issues..
  8. This also does not mean to be stupid... We had 2 shots last year and deferred. Watson looked good for a bit and Mahomes, well Andy Reid threw out Alex Smith and built what looks to be a very talented offense around him...We kicked the can and decided we wanted to go to the playoffs, traded TT and now have to be aggressive in finding the guy. We cannot afford to be passive this time...If we are, those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it...
  9. No Jackson? LOL I can see Allen, but accuracy....man I haven't looked at the tier 2 guys to see where White, Falk, Lalalueta, fit in...
  10. I see this debated in so many threads below is what Beane has said he looks for in QBs (this info is from May 2017). What QBs available in tier 1 and 2 check these boxes? From Article 1 To be in this league, whether its Tyrod or name the quarterback, you have to make plays consistently from the pocket. The quarterbacks that are succeeding year after year after year consistently make plays from the pocket. That's what, whoever the franchise quarterback is going to be, that's what he'll have to do." "Obviously, you draw them up, from a physical standpoint, they look like Cam (Newton)," Beane said. "But how many are there like that? You want a guy, the stature, the height, you know, they're standing over, they're not worried about linemen in their face. It gives them the vision and all that. Arm strength. But the one thing that people I think miss a little bit when they're watching, you know, the college game schematically has just been so dummied down that these guys know before the ball's snapped right where they're going. There's no progressions. There's no audibiling. That's the challenge that the college guys have, and it's brutal. And these quarterbacks that are getting drafted high that have never taken a snap from center, have never called an audible. That's tough. The intangibles are the other thing that you can't necessarily measure from the film. I can turn on the film and watch some things. You obviously want to see quarterbacks live, but what's this guy's makeup? What's his leadership? Do guys rally behind him? http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2017/07/buffalo_bills_gm_brandon_beane_describes_what_he_looks_for_in_franchise_quarterb.html From Article 2 You know, you love arm strength. You can't teach arm strength. You can probably improve it a little bit... the accuracy is very important. You know, the guys are not as open in the pros as they are in college, and so, it will show if you've got a guy that's inaccurate from the pocket. You have to have the leadership qualities. You've got to get guys to follow you. It is a quarterback league, and if you don't have the leadership in the other guys, that's 11 guys on the field -- if they're not following you, it just doesn't work. I've seen quarterbacks that have arm talent. We've known the names in this league -- I'm not going to call them out -- that have all the talent in the world and they've been first-round picks.... but they aren't leaders. You've got to start there. You want to be able to have a passer that can throw from the pocket. It's good to be mobile... we love that. And obviously, Tyrod brings that, and I think Peterman has some things like that. You know, all these guys have some different qualities... there's not one thing, but, at the end of the day, quarterbacks in the NFL must be able to throw from the pocket. Brandon Beane: Yeah, I mean, calculated risk... whatever you want to call it. There are some times when they are going to have to thread the needle. It's third and long, and it's late in the game, and we've got to get this play, and they're going to put a spy on the quarterback or something like that... he's got to stand in there, trust his reads, trust his progressions... and sling it and make the throw. You have to do that. In college, you see a lot of running quarterbacks that can just make a play with their own. Everything breaks down and it becomes sandlot football, and you do see some plays in the NFL, but the speed is so different here. It takes a special player to do it, and to do it often... and again, the pounding that you take. We saw that in Carolina last year. Cam took more hits last year than he had in the previous years, so, it's a tough league. And again, I'll go back to it: You have to be able to throw from the pocket. https://www.wkbw.com/sports/bills/what-does-buffalo-bills-gm-brandon-beane-want-at-qb-you-have-to-be-able-to-throw-from-the-pocket
  11. In may last year when he was hired, Beane spoke about this. So what boxes does Jackson check? So what does Beane look for in a quarterback? "Obviously, you draw them up, from a physical standpoint, they look like Cam (Newton)," Beane said. "But how many are there like that? You want a guy, the stature, the height, you know, they're standing over, they're not worried about linemen in their face. It gives them the vision and all that. Arm strength. But the one thing that people I think miss a little bit when they're watching, you know, the college game schematically has just been so dummied down that these guys know before the ball's snapped right where they're going. There's no progressions. There's no audibiling. That's the challenge that the college guys have, and it's brutal. And these quarterbacks that are getting drafted high that have never taken a snap from center, have never called an audible. That's tough. The intangibles are the other thing that you can't necessarily measure from the film. I can turn on the film and watch some things. You obviously want to see quarterbacks live, but what's this guy's makeup? What's his leadership? Do guys rally behind him? Brandon Beane: Yeah, I mean, calculated risk... whatever you want to call it. There are some times when they are going to have to thread the needle. It's third and long, and it's late in the game, and we've got to get this play, and they're going to put a spy on the quarterback or something like that... he's got to stand in there, trust his reads, trust his progressions... and sling it and make the throw. You have to do that. In college, you see a lot of running quarterbacks that can just make a play with their own. Everything breaks down and it becomes sandlot football, and you do see some plays in the NFL, but the speed is so different here. It takes a special player to do it, and to do it often... and again, the pounding that you take. We saw that in Carolina last year. Cam took more hits last year than he had in the previous years, so, it's a tough league. And again, I'll go back to it: You have to be able to throw from the pocket.
  12. For me personally we haven't as a franchise sold out and gone after who we determined was "our" QB since what 1983 and JK wasn't even our first choice in RD 1....We historically and recently have never aggressively attacked that position - that is my problem...We keep kicking the can or taking who is there...
  13. Just want to make sure we are talking about the same people & teams: 1.) Carson Wentz PHI QB 2.) Jared Goff LAR QB 3.) For calibration puposes:
  14. The didn't want to shoot their wad on pick 3, but there are no guarantees they can get pick 1 or 2. You also have to think that the giants do not want to go from 2 to 12.. We have to sweeten that pot...
  15. I think that is where we need to be to get NYG to trade with us...Also where did you hear this rumor?
  16. Cousins & Foles aren't franchise QBs who cannot elevate talent around them....Good enough to keep in in QB purgatory Prescott & Jimmy G - let's see how the next season or so goes. Neither are great at this point Your down to Brees, Brady and Wilson. Brees & Brady were taken in times were QBs were not as valued as much as they are today. That leaves Wilson...meh
  17. This is a good take on the situation...I will say Beane as a very narrow window and it is going to hurt to move up, if he is able to (The cost will be very very high). There is now room to mess around. He is going to have to pounce on NYG or CLE is ready to take an offer. If we were (which I believe) in on the 3rd pick, we only have one shot to move up and he is trying to measure this very carefully...
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