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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. No Pat Mahomes or Watson (seeing both were there at pick 10); also the scouting staff, Whaley & I'd venture even Pegs wanted to trade up for Trubisky, but McD said he could win with TT instead...
  2. They are also the shitbag Bruins, Celtics and worst of all the PED Red Sux fans- Go Yankees and f them all!
  3. I will be amazed if CLE trades out of 1. It honestly is near impossible, their fan base would kill them...
  4. This is why if you have a deal you execute it;if you wait someone else can swoop in. If this is the case, epic fail on Beane's part...Epic fail on McD and the Pegs if they did allow him to pass QBs last year to kick the can to this year..imo
  5. I'm not convinced we will be even able to move up high enough. I think the Jets f-ed us in the a. McD screwed us last year by kicking the can and beane didn't appear to pull the trigger quick enough and may have gotten frozen out. If you have a deal in place and agreed to you execute it before someone else swoops in... Honestly we screwed ourselves
  6. Rosen is my guy and the one I covet the most. I just have a feeling that Darnold will develop, you have to keep in mind the kid is only 20 and doesn't have fatal flaws like Allen IMO.
  7. Which is much different now than in the past, say when RW owned the team
  8. This is true! I don't see a tweet from Allbright, but it does look like he was just/is on WGR. Assuming this was said live and we will see some tweets soon. I have a feeling much like many on here it is Darnold & Rosen we are looking at. This also could simply be finding out the cost so we don't get bent over too bad by the Giants, don't see CLE trading out of 1...
  9. It isn't worth rehashing last off season, but I think there was a missing part of the GM to provide a long term vision and focus . I will mention that they easily could have moved on from TT & Dareus last season and depending on how far they wanted to go recognize that Hughes & Shady's time will be coming to an end very soon as well. As far as establishing a winning culture, meh - last season was a pass since very few of those players will be on the roster in 2019 and beyond. It was a great time to come in swinging with an ax instead of a scalpel. McD was hired to coach the team and as a coach he wants wins and he punted QB to this year, not having a viable GM on board at that time will now cost them many picks. and missing out on players we could have had. You are 1000% correct we could have used 1 pick on Mahomes/Watson or even tried to move for Trubisky. This can is only able to be kicked down to road for so long...
  10. When you spell it out like this, it really doesn't feel much different than any other FO we have had, let the expensive guys go and draft rookies to take their place...
  11. I hate the word "intangibles". You can either go through progressions or not, you can read a defense or not, you have leadership qualities or not, etc. Not interested in this guy...
  12. Ha! I don't think anyone would argue that the Browns have anything well thought out! Sorry for the wall of text! For me, if you make the playoffs, you should have a shot to go all the way and win the damn thing - that is the vision you have to have. The Bills are one of those middling teams who can squeeze into the playoffs and be trounced right out. There was no way to go win the damn thing; the equivalent to that would be we actually nail the Jurassic park thing and are very quickly struck by lightening and hit my an asteroid instantaneously. There were 2 options the Bills had once they canned Rex and made the decision to can Whaley after the draft. The approach we actually took, tear down and try to win with players who will shuffle in and out of the next 3 seasons, or jump into the rebuild like the Jets & to a degree the Browns. We did over achieve in some areas last year and in a league that has a large amount of middling teams, we were able to beat a few and get to 9-7. Good job in the short-term, but it does hurt you in the long run since you are stuck within the range of picks 10-20 that are hard to use as ammo to trade up to get blue chip QB prospects. In order to move up you are going to lose many picks. With a new staff going in a new direction, it would have been better in the long run to cut your team apart last season and take your lumps there. That is not saying you are doing things in order to lose, it is recognizing that your team as stands is not good enough to get over the hump and has to be restructured and rebuilt. I wasn't a fan on how we handled dumping the FO last year, what that did was create a vacuum within the organization that basically turned the draft over to McD, who focus was to win as quickly as possible. If you buy into what Galko stated in his WGR interview, which I do, McD wanted to win now and felt he could win with TT. He won enough in that the short-term focus came at the expense of the long-term vision, in business, sports and life in general this type of move never works out for the better. If Beane was hired in January, the player dump and dead cap would have hit last season and our draft and this upcoming would look a lot better. We could have had going into the draft with 2-1sts, 2-2nds, and what should have been 4-3rds (no Benjamin trade & you took the comp pick); those are some nice tickets to be able to move around and pick good talent in the draft. Now yes we still have all but 2-3rd rounders; however, we could have been right around picks 4-9 instead of at 21 and the rest of our own picks in each round would be that much higher. Now being within the 4-10 range with our own pick, could have much more easily moved to #2or #3 and be able to maintain more picks to grab players to fill out our team. You now placed yourself in a position where you will surrender more picks to move around to go after a blue chip QB; we are also drafting later in each round, where in the top few picks of each round, talent slips. Sorry 9-7 and squeezing into the playoffs last year for an in and out, was not worth it in the long run. It actually sets you back a season.
  13. Out of all the prospects Allen scares me the most. He has a lightening fast release, a super strong arm and is fairly mobile In my Madden 19 franchise draft, he will be the QB I target. In real life I would not trade up for him, if he was there at 12 and we don't move up you have to consider him. You also have to hope you have people on your staff who can work with him to "fix" his accuracy issues, not saying it is impossible, but the odds are not in favor of it. With the few who correct them, there are 100s more who didn't. I'm not sure our staff is able to do that... He looks good in the combine & pro-day settings, but when the real bullets fly, will he revert back to his muscle memory? Great point about the ability to read D and avoid TOs...It comes down to how much you value those great physical traits over these other concerns... The top 3 in the draft are Darnold, Rosen & Mayfield. I honestly will be surprised if these 3 bust out. I also think that between Allen, Jackson & Rudolph - one of them will be an okay starter, my gut says it would be Rudolph. Allen's key I think is being able to go to a team like Pitts where he can sit behind a franchise guy for a couple seasons...
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