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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I said nothing about the former, was just commenting that he did a stellar job of pointing out our past and was making light of it Relax man
  2. Even though I cannot stand this asshat; it is an appropriate response here:
  3. Not necessarily, they could actually want a LB at 12 and take Rudolph/Jackson later. Theoretically the cost could be too high for what the Bills are comfortable giving up or they simply may actually like Rudolph/Jackson better. They will have disgruntled customers if they don't trade up and have some if they do. Could always run some damage control by saying we are trying like hell to move up, if it doesn't happen at least it is out there that they tried and it becomes presumed that we just couldn't get a deal done because no one wanted to drop back that far or were stuck on a player. This would be evident by staying put and they will be able to do the usual lip service that we got the exact players we wanted, best in the draft, highest on our board yadda yadda yadda...As we know they won't say yeah we tried to trade up and it didn't happen so we took these other guys instead.... I don't really believe this is the case, but it *could be* a way to tamper the expectations from the fan base who are clamoring for them to go get a QB. Tin-foil hat thinking is where I was going with this btw.
  4. This could be the Bills putting it out there, so when we don't trade up it can be blamed on teams not wanting to trade back....
  5. "If Beane gets the five, I know he can get to two," said the general manager who has been in contact with Beane.
  6. Might have just wanted to get a jump on April Fool's day and start a little early....
  7. No way....Don't even have to hover to know what it is...nope
  8. As tight lipped as this team has been, I have a hard time buying into the hype behind the names....
  9. How long have you been on this board? You should know that not only people will say yes, you also know who the posters are that will say yes....
  10. Roughly the equation should look like this: 1 Lamar Jackson + 1 Security Guard = Rosen or Darnold
  11. I will be so pissed if we don't get him; if the Jets end up with him...ugh
  12. I agree they need picks. I think 8 is a bit too low for us to use to parlay for #2 - I think 6 is the lowest personally. I also think that teams will be looking for premiums to move up. The Colts got a 40% bonus for a 3 spot jump. Other teams will want that, especially if they need picks...JMO of course
  13. Need to look at the 40% premium the Jets attached from 6 to 3. Factor a smaller premium to go to 8 and then factor 30%-40% from 8 to 2....
  14. I've been on the board for a while now, trust me Ralph is Cheap has been well covered. Sure some are arguing he wasn't; but there are still people who say EJ needed more time or that TT just needed a better supporting cast....
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