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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. sorry for the poor photoshop job - it is all I can do on my work computer...
  2. Looked quickly and didn't see this in the thread, so just in case...
  3. Mistaken Identity. This is for LeShawn McCoy, not LeSean McCoy
  4. It's kinda like the video game streamers, which blows my mind as well....
  5. I wasn't either...it's actually kind a fun. There can be some toxicity (as we even have on here), but if you find a good group it is actually fun to play a game with others at times. E3 announcements yesterday was a bit of a disappointment this year, but The Last of us Part 2 looks great...
  6. JP's? Oh there it is...nice reference!
  7. I am definitely looking forward to this...The Destiny 2 update looks awesome as well and will suck me back in; along with Red Dead 2 and Last of Us 2. I better spend time with the wife while I can....
  8. We hit at the same time. I deleted mine. I love this!!
  9. This is the USA, my 2 grandparents fought in WW2 for my freedom to sit on my ass, stand up with a flag pole shoved up my a$$ and/or otherwise do as I choose. It's a free country where people have protected rights to protest and share their beliefs and freedom. That is what this country was founded on. Sounds like the people who are saying you should be forced to stand for the NA #1 - need a history lesson on what values and the vision for the country was founded on #2 - respect other peoples constitutionally free rights #3 - instead of calling for the people who live in this country under those rules to leave, maybe, just maybe those who want to live contrary to those protected beliefs should live and go live in one of the forcefully nationalized countries and most importantly #4 - turn of fu&K!ng Fox news...which by the way has nothing to do with actual and factual reporting of anything considered news.
  10. So will concession stands and bathrooms be shut so all the fans in the stands have to stand as well? I mean if the players must stand, shouldn't those in attendance as well instead of being in a line to purchase overpriced beer?
  11. But still better than a one-eyed snake
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