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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. LMAO Honestly I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this retweeted. Hands down it is an instant classic
  2. Oh really? Thanks for the clarification I had no clue!
  3. This is satire. mods please don't move it yet and please don't turn this into PPP. It is just really funny and we can all use another Greggo laugh in the main forum:
  4. The only rationalization at that time I could give was, that I expected us to move the old guys before the trade deadline and undergo a full rebuild, but we didn't do that. That is what all of these moves were telegraphing IMO. I don't think we needed a full rebuild either, but it sure feels like that is that path, albeit a half-assed rebuild
  5. My thought process with McD has been: 1.) Was not happy trading down in 2017. I wanted Mahomes or Trubisky, not happy with that trade at all. 2.) He overachieved last year with a roster that had a lot of holes and was low on overall talent 3.) The team played hard for him 4.) Tre White is great, but boy drafting the QB in 17 could have opened up other positions in 18's draft for us 5.) Question Daboll hiring and Dave Culley 6.) Understand Daboll will be good for presumably developing a young QB since he has college and NFL experience 7.) Still not sure why a WR coach is coaching a to be drafted rookie QB 8.) Did we really build the defense up at the expense of the offense when we planned on taking a rookie QB in round 1 9.) Oh no the wrong Josh 10.) Peterman is not only on the roster, he's the starter 11.) Oh no, oh no , oh no 12.) It's hard to win in the NFL 13.) Wins not on scoreboard 14.) Bills football 15.) Ship is sailing away from the port and do not see a reason to turn back
  6. Not trying to re-write anything, we went to him with a reduced contract, yes he signed it and then he retired (after firing his agent). We did dick around with his money by asking him to play for less, even though his play was at a high level and didn't warrant a reduction in contract...
  7. This is true and this is what you get: https://twitter.com/BradleyGelber/status/1059617590258085889 This is where the rest of the league is:
  8. All true. I'm not overly inspired by anyone of the coaching staff on the offensive side of the ball and thus far have very little indication that anyone in the FO (including the scouts & pro personnel people) understand how to identify offensive talent. Right now, this is the baby:
  9. A little bit huh? He would have been perfect for a rookie QB, knew how to make the reads, change he plays etc - he just didn't have the arm...I am sure he would have no problem grooming rookie either.
  10. Then don't come in the thread... Also yes, I was a tanker once I saw last year what were were doing, this includes this past offseason. There are lots of questions regarding if this Front Office and Coaching staff can identify and develop talent and also what their vision actually is. The results on the field, and what is said or not said during press conferences does not exactly exude confidence in their "abilities". Also, "abilities" in is quotes because I am not even sure what their "abilities" are at this point.
  11. That is all I have found so far...We also have this gem in response to shady not talking during the week or after the game: Jay Skurski‏Verified account @JaySkurski 1h1 hour ago More "LeSean's going to do what he needs to do. If that burden needs to follow me, I've got big enough shoulders to handle it," McDermott says when asked about team captain LeSean McCoy not speaking with the media Sunday -- leaving the coach and his teammates to do it. #Bills
  12. Yeah...I think I might be over this guy.... Dan Fetes‏ @danfetes 3m3 minutes ago More "We do have wins, although they're not always on the scoreboard... in the midst of a game, I saw some things yesterday that is the Buffalo Bills style of football we want to play." -Sean McDermott
  13. Fitz 1- year $3.3 million with the Bucs signed on March 10 2018
  14. Running routes short of the marker has been an offense staple of this team for more than 15 years
  15. Overall I can't disagree with much of anything. I have a hard time fully evaluating Dawkins when he is playing next to Ducasse, who is playing next to Groy/Bodine, who is next to Miller, who is next to Mills.
  16. This in a year where they drafted a rookie QB in round 1 who was the rawest of all and needed time to learn. Couple this with the choice for a QB coach who hasn't coached QBs (in college none the less) since Bruce was the #1 pick of the draft.
  17. Wood was done in early Jan, they had time to address it. They chose to spend money on Defense instead, even though they planned on drafting a QB... Oh they also traded Glenn and they dicked around with Richies money
  18. I will call it now, we pass on top tier talent in the draft to fill the holes we made on offense...The same recipe as every year
  19. I will say this, if you do this, everyone needs to go, including the old guys and be the Raiders this year or the Browns a couple season back. I understand that approach and it makes sense (if you feel it is a complete rebuild) - everyone goes. Going into this season, I gave a benefit of the doubt, because of these moves it looked like we were doing a complete rebuild. I honestly expected the old guys to be moved this year for draft picks (you don't want all your picks in one draft since all contracts will expire at the same time, blah, blah blah - I get it). I am astounded that we kept all the old guys and we didn't make moves with them. Here is what is going to happen in this offseason: 1.) The 2019 NFL Draft - We are going to focus on the short-term filling holes method and spend the draft picks on trying to fill those holes meaning: a.) We will win 2 more meaningless games and know us out of the Bosa/Oliver picks b.) We will pass on excellent future all-pro defensive players because we are trying to fill holes c.) We will bemoan passing on the Ngatas & Watts because we reach and draft the offensive equivalent of Whinters and Maybins or we trade back and pass on Mahomes & Watsons to fill holes we made ourselves. The wheels keep spinning. 2.) Our $90 million under the cap will be spent on: a.) Overpaying average at best OLmen. OL play in the league in general is atrocious, every team needs it, average players will be overpaid. b.) Overpaying WR #2s at best, probably close to Watkins level money to come play here c.) Replacing DL & LB backups. Spending $ on a CB 3.) TBD will melt down: a.) Glass-half full types saying they need more time b.) Pegs need to hire football people 2019 NFL season - we are not much better & McD and Beane are canned at the end. Rinse and repeat
  20. I disagree with this part, solely because I hope the organization is not this stupid. I am fairly certain they knew we overachieved last year and I find it hard to believe that carrying ~$50 million in deadcap, while only spending ~$12.5 million on the OL this season (after tearing it down and having the lowest amount spent on it in the entire league) and only having 30% of our cap tied to the offense with a rookie QB who was not ready to play this season that they expected to be competitive on offense. That being said, Peterman on the roster and only going into the season with him and Josh was beyond a terrible idea. Fine, I will give the team that McCarron didn't want to help with Allen, once he was shipped off you could have gotten Barkely, Sanch-ise, someone and we didn't. Our QB coach , well I'm not going there because I don't get it either. I expected about 6 wins last year and figured about 4 wins this year, at this point I hope we don't win 1 more game this year. Although I am not sure I trust either Beane or McD or the Pegs to look at building this team for the long term.
  21. For clarification, when I say teardown/rebuild, it was tied to getting rid of the Rex players (Ragland etc who didn't fit our new scheme or were poor choices), Dareus (the writing was on the wall for him) and the older players. I really anticipated that we were going to build around the younger guys because that makes sense. Going into this, I expected the exact names you listed to be moved. IIRC, with the reports that are out there now on the passing on Mahomes/Watson it was because McD thought he could win with TT which indicates a teardown approach with the older vets and bringing in more young talent to complement the guys we kept, which again makes sense. To me and what I expected was, Tre was simply going to be Gilmore's replacement to be able to preserve cap space and bring in a player at a cheaper contract and who presumably is a better fit for McD's scheme. I could entirely see this being discussed in McD's interview and having buy-in from that standpoint. I will add this on Watkins, declining his option was a bad idea, but once the trades were done with him and Darby, with KB and Matthews coming on board I was able to rationalize Sammy being moved for personality reasons, which throughout the season were seemingly well documented. Matthews production was decent and I never really followed KB, but seeing the holes on the roster at WR, I figured the sum of those 2 would equal Sammy's production (not talent, but stat-wise).
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