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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/03/08/antonio-brown-steelers-bills-failed-trade-fallout Brown may not want to go to Buffalo, but there’s more to it than the locale. Another team involved in trade discussions earlier in the week, I’m told, walked because it was communicated to them that Brown wanted, again, to be the NFL’s highest-paid receiver under a new contract. My understanding is money was a factor for the Bills, too. How the Bills’ talks went down help to illustrate that. Buffalo first inquired about Brown on Tuesday, and talks went in a positive direction between the two teams from there. Positive enough, in fact, that the Bills got permission to discuss the deal with Brown’s agent, Drew Rosenhaus. By early Friday morning, things had come undone. How? Two things had to come together for a deal to be done: the trade comp had to be agreed to—and I’m told the sides were in the ballpark on that—and the team acquiring the player has to make sure everything’s right with the player (a process that would eventually, for example, include a physical), and it wasn’t. The Bills could have offered Brown more than Odell Beckham Jr. is getting in New York, as the NFL’s most richly compensated receiver, and maybe that would’ve convinced Brown to play there. They didn’t offer that, and the deal is now dead.
  2. So let me get this straight, the only will is my own I do whatever I want and stay alone All my decisions make it untouchable and tainted I'm gonna suffer for the rest of my life But I will always find a way to survive I'm not a failure, but I know what it's like I can take it or leave it, or die Stay, you don't always know where you stand Till you know that you won't run away There's something inside me that feels Like breathing in sulfur
  3. Allen being a good QB goes back to the GM and HC: give him players to help him grown and the coaches have to develop him and the team around him. The perception around the league of TP as an owner isn't that much different than RW at this point. Marrone took his money and ran, Rexy there isn't much to say and you can even look at the Sabres as well. McD and Bean got 6 wins out of a team that should have won 3 games last year. They need to improve it this year and start changing the perception; once the tide starts turning, it won't be as much as an issue.
  4. And GM and Team President etc. The problem the bills have to overcome is the tarnished brand Ralph created and left over the last 20 years...
  5. Which is exactly why I am glad he is not on our team. Diva WRs are one thing and I do want a WR who wants the football, but what he did in Pittsburgh against his teammates shows you all you need to know.
  6. For me, it is about quitting on the team during a playoff chase. All because he didn't get team MVP? Diva WRs who want the ball all the time is one thing, but this guy killed his team's playoff chances by being an a$shole.
  7. Look I was over the Steelers schtick with Whaley and Donahoe before him, just as I am over the Carolina schtick now...
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