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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. 2 Thoughts: 1.) So why did talks with us never materialize? 2.) Go f'ing get Julio or Green or bell or someone!
  2. If you look at the PFF comments - analytics is something we are actually using. The contracts can easily be gone after one season with little to no cap hit and it will help us in finishing turning over the roster on the offensive side of the ball. It's a great job so far
  3. Looking at about $10 million for picks and about $10ish for the remaining three.
  4. Correct - Just trying to keep a running total going. He is adding them little by little
  5. Click the pic - he is all there (Now I know how Anthony Barr felt)
  6. I love that the thought of playing for the jests is this emoji: It's even green
  7. The flexibility is outstanding - risk is limited, roster is better on paper at least from last year. If everyone performs they are under contract, if not it is easy to pick who stays and who goes with minimal hit
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