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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. LOL I agree, I purposely swung it the other way - it's isn't a top 2 or even top 5 defense. "They also had the 3rd most drives against, 189. That’s 35 more than the Saints drives against, that’s ridiculous. I think that shows how often the offense gave the ball back." ^^^^This is 100000% correct I think with this draft you have to look at: 1.) "Consider who on the DL is signed past 2020, 1 player." Hughes will also be 30 (and an FA). This is a deep draft on the DL and we can definitely fills some holes now and in the future. Due to this drraft being loaded with talent throughout the rounds, next year will be pretty thin. The top guys in this draft Oliver, WIlliams, Bosa, Allen are that much better than the next crop. Sweat falls into here as well. 2.) No consensus #1 WR like Calvin (just using him on purpose because of this thread, but is a good illustrative point). There are lots of good options throughout the draft, again I cannot spend #9 there. Is the dropoff from DK to Harry, brown et al that much? Nope 3.) Look in Madden, aside from Tyreek HIll (who I have used the last couple versions) a huge vertical fast receiving TE is a must for me and I love that position. The draft is deep here and at this juncture, I'm not sure I can spend #9 on a TE. Fant, Smith, Sternberger can provide similar value imo. But yeah I would like Hock a lot. From a positional value vs DL. I cannot go TE. Is he really going to catch 100 balls and go over 1000 yards with double digit TDs consistently enough for #9? 4.) OL - Meh. We spent a lot of money on OL this offseason and I don't see a Quentin Nelson in this draft. I know how important OL is, but if it is BPA (Taylor - convinced he'll go to Jax) at 9 so be it. 5.) Greedy Williams? Meh, but okay if you slide back. IMO the 2020 draft is going to be a bit thin due to the record number of underclassman in this draft and DL will have a talent shortage (like LBs this year). I might trade our 2020 first to move up and to try to protect our second this year. We would have more than enough to slide back around in RD3 with out extra picks. You also have to have enough belief that we will be picking outside of the top 15 and that the talent dropoff is similar to last year where after the top 10ish the values were the same through rd2... Edit: I do like NYG as a partner if they truly aren't going QB this year. Gives them 2 #1's for next year...
  2. BTW I wasn't being $hitty with you and I hope it didn't come across that way. I know you were responding to someone else; just felt like I needed to clarify my points! I may have been a bit pointed in some of my responses but those weren't directed at you, some other posts in other threads influenced me. This is the first draft in a long time where I am truly OK with BPA. I actually would love to see us move to 5,6 or 8 and grab the DL we want, if the draft falls strangely. I wouldn't feel good about moving back unless again the draft falls strangely and the true impact top-tier guys can't be had. I like Harry a lot too.
  3. And all conjecture and conveniently leaving out facts. People on this board like to think that this is a generational D because it "ranked" well the last 2 years in the NFL based on yards per game. I saw a capable, well schemed and opportunistic secondary (which is really just Hyde, White and Poyer to a degree), 2 average LBs and a DL that is unable to apply pressure on a QB. When our D needs to get a stop it can't and has been this way for years. Brady tears us apart because we cannot generate pressure upfront.
  4. Whoa Whoa Whoa slow down bucko 1.) Yes - without much of a pass rush (and yes that is a big problem). We were #26 in sacks and 27 in yards lost on sacks = Big Problem 2.) Possibly true and possibly not - this is true for Jax for instance, this is not true for Indy. It also depended on if the game was out of reach and our opponent didn't pass as much and went into a run only mode. You can't be absolute like you did here because you leave out the other facts. the way the game unfolds definitely dictates what type of plays you will see. How many games were a blow out last year? 4-6 games were. We also were 8th worst on first downs given up from a rush 3.) #2 defense in what yards? Yards don't mean much. Points do and we were 18th at 23.4 and we were 13th worst for TDs allowed 4.) I believe ARZ had a worse offense than ours, but yes we were bad. We were the 8th best on 3rd down and 14th best on 4th down conversions. We also were 14th in the # of 3rd down attempts against us (we actually had the least amount of 4th down attempts made against us). 5.) Milano yes makes the D better, he was injured on Dec 10. We were still getting the ball run down our throats, not generating pressure with him in there for ~80% of the season. 6.) Edmunds will become better this year, but again our D didn't improve that much (neither did the LB position) from the year before and Preston Brown was there. Your points are all mostly conjuncture and yes some of it does play a role, but the fact remains and has remained our D does tend to get blown out and has trouble getting off the field at times. When a team goes up on us, they become more conservative to run the clock out and escape with as few as injuries as possible. Teh year before we relied on a lot of TOs to bail us out of games. TOs are not sustainable. SO you can state all of your thoughts that are not backed up by stats and your thoughts honestly are not factual. Show me the numbers to back your thoughts up? What does the '85 Bears D have to do with this. People here tend to say look we have the #2 ranked D and conveniently leave out the stats to make them appear better than they are. Would you rather have the #2 ranked D based on Yards or based on Points what would you take? You can have the #2 ranked in yards and give up a F*&k ton of points... Why don't we beat the Pats? We don't pressure Brady at all with our front 4. So no we don't have a Superbowl D, since he will kill us from the pocket everyday. PERIOD. Anyways, we should be taking BPA in this draft @9. DK is not #9 material. Positional Value at the top of the draft should be QB, Pass Rusher, CB/WR
  5. We were #26 in sacks and 27 in yards lost on sacks. We were #17 in rushing D and 23 in rushing yards/attempt We gave up the 8th most rushing TDs and 1st downs by rushing We were #1 in the fewest 1st downs by passing and in passing yards given up (minus sack yardage) We were #8 in INTs We are #9 in % of drives ending in a TO We are not the 85 bears and have lots of room to improve on our Defense. We survive on creating turnovers and having a good secondary That would be an overdraft, his floor pushes him down to the board. As you get close to 14ish, that is when you can see him go based on his ceiling and a team more willing to take a risk on his floor. JMO of course
  6. Seeing Hock hasn't been reported anywhere, if we end up at 29 - I think it is okay to assume that he was #30 There is no way we wouldn't use all 30 Russ is selling real estate now?
  7. Metcalf is not a blue chip prospect though. Blue is elite, low risk, provide immediate impact, have proven skills and not reliant on untapped potential that may or may not be there. They are high ceiling and high floor players; that is not DK
  8. He is high-ceiling and low floor, at draft our position I want a higher floor and someone who play right away and this draft looks to have the top 10-12 talent to do just that. You can't call him garbage (right now at least). People also said EJ and Tyrod need more time...
  9. I don't disagree with what you are saying either LOL. It's just at pick #9 (or higher) in this draft, I see better overall and more well-wounded talent. As you move into the teens and depending on if someone slides or not I can easily see a case for DK; with the Blue chippers being gone and now the raw athletic talent and ceiling vs the mid guys.
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