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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I have been contemplating this basic thought: Sansa realizes Dany is a threat and is using the Littlefinger playbook of Chaos is a ladder. She is turning Varys, Tyrion and (to a degree)Jon against Dany. I wouldn't surprise me that the twist is she somehow let Cersai know of Dany's travels in order to start to get Dany out of the way; knowing that Dany's tendencies are to burn it all down which makes her the Mad Queen to the people of Westeros and cause her most devout followers to abandon her cause and look towards another - which could be interesting to see is if she is doing this for Jon or for herself ultimately.
  2. Nothing about how Rheagal got killed quickly and how Drogon was like Neo in the Matrix? Cersei could have wiped them all out right there, she didn't. I love how quickly everyone can move from location to location now. The poor fight strategy in episode 3 and their approach into King's fall was awful, even D&D said that Dany just forgot about Euron and his fleet, hence Rheagal getting killed. The writing has been awful this season, with each episode is getting progressively worse - it's baffling. I did like the Tyrion and Varys discussions, that was the best part of the episode. I'm curious to see how this all ends up, but man they are fumbling the ball... Edit: I also wonder if Drogon will get killed in short order, much like Cersei losing her 3 children, Dany loses her 3?
  3. Try to unhear this every time you watch the show:
  4. Probably will end up as G. Personally I either wanted us to get back into RD1 or make some moves to grab a lower number, but higher quality players such as: RD1 - Oliver RD1/RD2 - Fant/Tillery RD2 - Irv Smith/N'Keal/McCoy/Risner/Rock-ya/Greedy RD2/RD3 - Sanders/Sternberger After Oliver, I wanted to prioritize TE or another DL due to our lack of DL under contract next year and I felt those were the highest value positions (I was substituting TE over WR with a target of #29ish to early 2) & rated players. If that wasn't avialble I was looking for McCoy who would allow us to easily dump Bodine and would start at G for us. Other than that it was a tossup if a top CB was there. Knox was on my draft board, but only if we entirely missed out on Sternberger, which we didn't, we passed on him.The players at end of the class aren't going to upgrade much of anything and are just cheap fillers IMO. I didn't really care for the WRs in this draft TBH, but would have been fine if we took a flyer, I just see them as 2-3s which I feel we have plenty of. Vosean I have some hope for, but Johnson, Johnson & Sweeny - I don't expect us to develop Knox and expect very little from him. I am assuming he had Jawaan Taylor with a failed medical, otherwise I would have assumed we would have tried to grab him. Edit: I also get that last offseason, WRs were not going to sign with us, not knowing who or what our QB plan was. This year's draft was lacking in the offensive skill position we could have used. Possibly, as you have indicated DK would have helped this year with a RD2 choice to give Allen another option until we can attempt to address it better with an AJ Green (doubtful) or a RD1 WR. I really expect our offense to be a run heavy and stretch the field on the outside with Duke/Brown/Foster with Beasly and Zay working underneath.
  5. This very easily could have been for Conklin or anyone else did not have their option picked up. It was/is just a general statement not directed at a single player
  6. This is a good point. It will be nice to have some more data points to fully see this approach, Beane has had 2 full offseasons now.
  7. How much say did Rex have over Whaley? How hard was Shaq pushed for by the coaching staff? Besides this he was drafted due to a scheme change, which is just idiocy, but par for the course in regards to where the franchise was back then.
  8. The 3rd wave of FA is about to start and we should see a couple of trades coming up soon. Only 99 days until Preseason game #1
  9. Which is refreshing seeing that we haven't focused on the trenches in a long time. @BillfromNYC has to be really happy with that. I'm still surprised how long it took us to draft a DB this year LOL.
  10. Some of this goes back to the McBeane view on what type of team they want to have as far as positional value, both have said they don't need a true WR1. It also has to do with long-term and short term-team building. Seeing that we only have 2 DL under contract for next year and that we had Oliver rated highly, we in essence chose DL over WR. I am assuming that we had next year's draft class factored in to this decision as well. While I wanted us to get more weapons for Allen, it was slim pickings to a degree. I can see why we didn't want to part with assets for OBJ and honestly, I wanted AB, but after seeing what an ####### he is. I am so glad we pissed on that fool.
  11. Possibly OL - you really have no idea how any of these guys are going to shake out. I would also add a suitable replacement for LorAx, as well as RB
  12. At this point in his career - does Brees care about the extra $7-$10 million or another ring?
  13. Elway for instance had a cannon for an arm, the WRs on that team also had to be conditioned to play with a strong armed QB: Figures for football greats are largely anecdotal but indicate that the greatest quarterbacks had exceptional throwing speed. Brett Favre is estimated at 63 mph, and Indianapolis Colts QB Peyton Manning, 59 mph on short hard throws. The hardest thrower ever may have been the Denver Broncos' John Elway, who may have thrown in the rare category of above 60 mph. "They used to set the Jugs machines at 70 to 80 mph for us receivers to simulate John's throws," recalls Elway's former receiver, Rod Smith. Elway had to prove that he, too, was much more than just a big arm. "I think in the NFL it took five, six or seven years to shed the label of just being a strong arm," Elway said. Elway ultimately became one of the all-time greats. Along the way, his arm helped him make some of the best plays you'll see at the position. "It's a bonus to have one," Elway said. "There aren't many quarterbacks who have succeeded without a strong arm. Anybody who says having a big arm is overrated is wrong." "Guys who have strong arms tend to hold onto it longer," Elway said. "I found myself doing it. Somebody who doesn't have a stronger arm will let it go a little early. Those with the big arms hold onto it a little longer. They have to adjust to throwing more with anticipation." Reid coached Brett Favre when he was with the Green Bay Packers. Favre had one of the strongest arms the game has ever seen, but at times he would rely on that arm too much. That's the balance that a quarterback with the big arm needs to make: When do you fire it in there and when do you take something off or take the check down? Throttling the thing down is a must at times. Gunslingers like Favre take chances. That's why Favre is the NFL's all-time leader in throwing interceptions. "Brett had a heck of a lot of touchdowns, too (second most all-time, in fact)," Reid said. "That's the balance. You are asking a player within a short period of time to make a decision. You have to have those fighter-pilot eyes. You have to put it through a keyhole and you have to do it right now. And then it's over. You have to train yourself the best you can, and then you have to eliminate the fear. You have to fear nothing. " When Elway played, his receivers talked of the Elway Cross. It was the x from the end of the football that his big throws would leave on their body. Yes, they said in those days, it hurt. "If they didn't have shoulder pads on, it left a mark," Elway said. Former Chiefs receiver Albert Wilson, who signed with Miami this spring, said Mahomes' passes have a similar feeling to them. "You're either going to catch the ball, or it's going to smack you in the face," Wilson said. "It's crazy how hard he throws the ball." Edit: Name, College, NFL Team – Ball Velocity in MPHJosh Allen Wyoming 62 Logan Thomas, Virginia Tech, Bills (TE) - 60Bryan Bennet, SE Louisiana, CFL- 60Pat Mahomes, Texas Tech, Chiefs- 60Baker Mayfield Oklahoma, Browns 60
  14. He also has a issue with touch passes, a side effect of having a rocket for an arm. That should come in time as the game slows down for him... He even admits as much, which is a nice change in philosophy from take what the D gives you and dink and dunk. There are times where you do need to dink and dunk though and that is something he has to learn. Good point!
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