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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. At this point in the show where characters can travel from one location to another in seconds - this is now a moot point.
  2. Correct - it is such sad news. The only positive (if you want to call it that) is that he is no longer suffering.
  3. http://collider.com/george-rr-martin-has-finished-books-6-and-7-song-of-ice-and-fire-game-of-thrones/
  4. And I'm going to a concert, so I will have to watch it at midnight when I get back home!
  5. LOL - that is what the title of the Reddit thread is (not mine). No it really isn't a spoiler I think they put it there to flag it for the people who haven't watched the episode yet
  6. It wasn't necessarily a turn, she has always had bad impulses and the people who helped keep them in check either turned on her or are no longer there. She gave into her true impulses and who she always said she is: “I am the blood of the dragon. I must be strong. I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears.” "When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!" "I will take what is mine with fire and blood." I believe that is who the little girl was, she worked in the kitchen after all.
  7. Wow it really does take a long time for news to reach Canada...
  8. I still feel that seasons 7&8 are moving way too fast, that being said- last nights was so much better than the last 2; it was really enjoyable & well done. I get the Jamie and Cersai ending and it makes sense that their world is crumbling down on them - I still wanted to see her stabbed or throat slit or whatnot.
  9. http://billsmafia.com/2019/05/10/ed-reed-shines-light-why-rex-ryan-defense-failed-in-buffalo/ “Love the city of Buffalo. I’m going to come back and visit sometime. It was a great time. We didn’t have the staff to make Buffalo successful as I thought we could have. I thought we had a great team collectively, but it was a matter of the coaching staff being a cohesive group.” “I’m learning a lot about coaching in the NFL. I played for 12 years in this league. I was known as a ‘GOAT’ and don’t get any respect from coaches that just coach a game. There’s a lot of stuff in the world that has rubbed off on the NFL in business and the way they run it – hiring people that are not even qualified.” “That’s the mind-boggling to me. I know about coaches pride and all of that stuff, egos and everything – but I just can’t believe that you wouldn’t want players on your staff that played the game. They can help your players because when I was in Buffalo – and you know all the mistakes we were having – that was communication issues.” “I played the game so I was there (presumably he means in Buffalo) to try to help simplify things but my suggestions were never taken – so it was very frustrating for me very early in my coaching career when your opinion is not taken seriously.”
  10. I intentionally left the yardage out, frequently, as BADOL has stated, our opponents had a short field and looking at the amount of yards we gave up doesn't point the whole picture. Many people will focus solely on the yardage, and that gets a lot of publicity here saying we are the #2 ranked D. I wanted to show the rest I cannot place the full blame on Frazier/McD because they are playing with the talent we have (we are unable to generate sacks and our ability to collapse a pocket/pressure the QB is very minimal) and our run defense has been putrid for what seems like 30 years. The DL really needs some love...
  11. This why I expect our D to "take a step back" this year in this type of category/ranking. Rushing: 1.) We gave up the 8th most rushing attempts with 440 2.) We were tied for 5th place in the most rushing TDs given up last season with 17 3.) We gave the 8th most 1st downs on rushes against our D, we gave up 111 4.) 111/440 = 25% of rushes against resulted in a 1st down Passing: 1.) We were 31st in the league for pass attempts against with 492, only Oakland had few passes thrown against them 2.) We gave up 313 completions, which gives a completion % of 63.6% against us (10th lowest in the league) 3.) We were 26th in sacks Red Zone & Points: 1.) We were 3rd worst in the NFL on red zone TDs, we gave up 34 TDs on 48 attempts for a TD% of 70.8% 2.) We were tied for 8th worst in FGs against us, 88.9% made 3.) We gave up the 15th most points last year, right in the middle of the pack.with an average of 23.4 Our offense should be better and special teams will most likely improve, if our D continues to get skewered on a longer field, we will give up more yards and many will think we regressed, when that simply is not true based on what you have so eloquently pointed out above.
  12. I'm not sure Jimi should be on that list, that would be like including John Lennon. What Jimi brought to guitar playing was the basis for everything you heard from then through now. He was insanely talented and the world, if you will, lost a lot by not having him around longer. Jim Morrison people love the doors, not my thing, had he lived I don't think he would quite have that legendary status. There is a big difference between the Doors and other larger and more influential acts. I think Cobain falls in the Jim Morrison category, how much evolution would he have brought to music over all now? 90s grunge - meh. How about Janis Joplin or Mama Cass? Edit: I am assuming you are not just asking for a list of who died young, as the title indicates, but what your post indicates with over inflation based on death...
  13. And over 7 seasons, the long night and the dead were supposed to be bigger than the throne; we see how that turned out. I don't have faith in the writers to guide this in any other way; the turn has been made. While she started out on the straight and righteous path, the death of 2 dragons, Jorah dying, Jon's lineage, Missandei the reaction at winterfell with the love for Jon - she is inside her own head and will make poor choices that lead to her demise here. Once she unleashes fire on Knight's Landing, that will be the final straw for Tyrion and he joins Vary's cause. My shocking death for him is that Danny catches wind of this and kills him. I do agree that Daario will come, but I think it may be too late for her at that time. She needs to die...
  14. It's hard to make a guess as to where this entire thing is going (with 2 episodes left and very shaky writing imo). Seeing they are playing this angle and with what you bring up, Sansa really seems to be playing the Littlefinger card, she knew exactly what was going to happen when she told Tyrion. Arya certainly plays into this as well - they all talk about protecting the family - how much have her and Sansa talked about this; they also certainly left honest and naive Jon in the dark as well. A GOT twist would be Sansa using all of her knowledge and not being that Little Bird now and showing her as a grown up player in this world, just as they did with Arya.
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