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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I'm out of comments, I'm out of everything at this point. The Cheats****** and those who cheer for him can all go F themselves at this point. Dude is below scum...WTF
  2. This is the best thing I have read on here in awhile....well played, so well played
  3. I'd rather have a team of players like Morse than A-hole ABs
  4. it doesn't sound like he simply "banged" his ankle
  5. here sweetie https://twitter.com/JoeBuscaglia/status/1174743964869701635
  6. I saw this last night; I haven't watched him that much during run plays; I want to focus on this more next week from a viewing perspective. On passing downs I have been watching him move in a space and he seems to be moving well and get where he needs to go and is covering well. I have to remember he is 21 and is not a complete package yet, definitely something he needs to work on...
  7. I'd wait until the off season and pick him up as an FA, but as another said, he is is on the downside of his career and too injured IMO.
  8. jesus christ where do these guys come from? Newhouse?
  9. Add an elite pass rushing DE and an Elite WR and this team is...woah boy
  10. I don't want it to sound like I'm writing him off, on all the rooks from last year, the book is still be written and they are developing. Brownies also don't have a great OL which will hurt and by having bigger name WRs, you have to feed them, which could stunt you as an offense overall by forcing it too much as you point out. This is another reason why I am glad we are under the radar this year, would rather have Allen focus on developing and now trying to placate WRs, RBS, TEs and the national media.
  11. Last year, yes he did look good. I also don't want this to sound like I'm calling him out and I don't follow CLE that much on twitter, but I really didn't see or hear much about his offseason and working on his craft in the NFL. I have seen in here a lot talking about college, that is fine and dandy, but this is the big leagues now...
  12. LOL I am sure there is nothing to it; just find it funny and it piles on top of Gase's (who I want to stick around for another season or 2) idiotic press conferences and lack of leadership skills. Edit: Actually he may be pissed:
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