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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. I almost think this would make a good thread on it's own... Just remember a few weeks back @Gugny was ready to become a Jets or Giants fan...
  2. Please note I am not ragging on Allen or saying it is all his fault, but as the QB you get the accolades for wins and the blame for losses - it's not all on him though. Certainly you don't loose accuracy; the only "change" I can think of is the half-time adjustments (taking away what you did in the first half) and the having to find a new way to beat the coverage, difficulty recognizing a new disguise in coverage, or super conservatism in play calling (which hasn't entirely been the case - depending on field position, down distance etc). We also are prone to some penalties and such...
  3. It's not just this week, I have watched all of the games and yes Allen struggled in the 3rd; the entire offense did. he also faced pressure all game including the 4th when he made some crazy plays. In the 3rd it seems like Allen is slower to get the ball out...Allen is the QB, makes the play calls and can audible based on what he sees, so a lot of it is on him... Also: 3rd qtr stats
  4. You can't put it all on him, since penalties start to creep up as well. You can't just let it slip away and then come back and win every week. It's great to beable to come back in the 4th, unlike with previous QBs. Again purpose is not to hate on Allen, but it's an area that him and the team have to improve upon
  5. Also don't turn this thread into a ***** show; there should be some good discussion on this
  6. Nope! We are on the Cheats**** or the 3rd against NYG or this week
  7. Just because he is young doesn't give him a pass; and, I do understand and agree with you... As a team we have to row here and fix it, so does he...
  8. I'm not sure if it is what Josh is seeing and his ability to process the defense once they start making changes, especially after the half, or if it is us being conservative with the playcalling. I kinda feel like it is both, but for 3 straight weeks we have had our asses handed to us in the 3rd. This happening once is one thing, but it has been 3 straight games and it is a trend...
  9. I'm not hating on the rookie, but again he was not good at RT again
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