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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. They were kicking the can to this year to a WR heavy draft is what my thought is. I don't necessarily want to go through a OC change with a developing QB, but this is just not working out. I get trying to develop Allen and work through his weaknesses - minimize INTs, take higher percentage throws, run a bit less etc; but what I am not seeing is us starting to open the offense back up to the types of plays he is successful with - now we are running an offense that our QB is not able to run with his skillset. This is what draws you back to other HC/OC/QB combos here, running schemes that don't fit your players. Roman, Lynn and Chan are the only 3 off the top of my head
  2. Nope, it is supposed to show that they are all more or less the same when it comes to passing (along with the overall WL record). Allen's biggest threat at the end of last season was his running, which he has done a lot less of this year. 15 games into their Bills careers Fitzy is the best one stat-wise. Granted there are those who say that you need 3 full years to analyze a QB, but once these QBs hit around a seasons worth of playing, their improvements leveled off and that is where the next thought comes in. I give you that Allen is the youngest, but over the last few weeks his improvement has plateaued and that is concerning. Can he continue to develop and start growing again this season? How much of it is Allen hitting a ceiling that is much lower than was hoped for? How much of it is Daboll not tailoring an offense around Allen's skillset, which is quite different than Brady?
  3. I'm not defending the call btw and I am not a fan of it - it wasn't a play based on the playbook though; once the D showed Cover O the offense is basically required to run this play - it is an automatic check in the offense and we have no Idea if Allen is able to check out of it or not. This is also a play that was used in the past in 3 and mid to short and the results are horrendous IMO. Again not defending this call at all... Edit: Here is the stat:
  4. He certainly has plateaued the last few weeks...
  5. Here is another thing, McD is a defensive minded coach and "only understands" that side of the ball. One would think that he must have a fairly strong understanding of offense play calls and the intent of offensive play design seeing that the defense (his so called specialty) has to understand how they are being attacked and how to shut it down. I would have a hard time believing that McD doesn't understand what you so astutely wrote; and believe that his coaching the coaches comment was directed at this side of the ball. It's pitiful. Beane again looks like a god for not pushing his chips in at the trade deadline - there are still lots of issues with this team...
  6. John Brown was on the radio and said it was the play, when they showed Cover 0 this is what the offense was supposed to do. The only play was to John Brown and depending on if he beat the man or not it was an over the top or back shoulder throw. That was the only play based on the D. Jesus Christ; it was all in the thread I posted. What you are postulating didn't exist as a play Allen was able to go to. FFS Edit: Since you can't be bothered, I did the work for you:
  7. the play was designed to go brown...see the thread linked above.
  8. you mean with an RB who is averaging 5 yds per carry and only gets 8 rushes against the 30th ranked rush D? Or running 4 verts on a 3rd and 4 with a QB who can't hit a deep ball? Or wasting 30 seconds at the end of the game on deciding to huddle or not and then using a check based on the cover0 D to throw to Brown on 3rd down when they could have not gone to it and threw to the open Beasley? Or trying to go for a tie with a kicker who has missed his last 4 over 50 yards (and missed one today)? Or trying to play to not lose instead of win?
  9. The 1st down play could have been a TD if it wasn't tipped. The top one, apparently from what John Brown said, it was pre-determined the ball was coming to him on the third down play; which sucks because Cole was wide open...
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