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Everything posted by Reed83HOF

  1. The game is a bit different now from back then, but being able to run multiple plays out of 1 formation puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the D and keeps them off balance. Reich does a great job at this in Indy & I believe Shanny jr does the same. Not to turn this into this conversation, but yeah I wanted Frank here (but didn't want to have all of the nostalgia crap and pop and circumstance that went with it - especially if it didn't work out); he is a great offensive brain and his help with JK in their playing days was huge. Thought he would be a great person to groom a young QB.
  2. Not many and I'm not sure how much Rodgers is doing it this year as opposed to the past. Obviously the 2 big names were JK and Peyton. The way I look at it is, the QB has to basically know where every player is going to be, how WR routes are going to be adjusted based on the D coverage, he adjusts the blocking scheme, can audible to a run from a pass etc. - he might as well have the autonomy to call his own plays honestly at that point. It feels to me that the players in the game have a better feel for the flow of the game and that makes it easier. The OC should have his time spent looking for the tells and what to take advantage of (the higher level perspective).
  3. Maybe it's just me and growing up with JK as my QB, but I would rather have the QB call the plays than an OC. The OC is a good coach to go to in between series to talk about what they are both seeing and thinking about how to attack the D etc. Edit: It is just a terrible crutch for QBs IMO. With the Rams, McVay is basically playing Madden with Goff as his QB
  4. Growth in the NFL is overcoming obstacles once the opposing team takes away what you do best and forces you into playing against your weakness; thus far Lamar has not been slowed down and the blueprint isn't there yet. You cannot take a way what he is doing right now at all and I think a lot of people who said he translates well into a WR at least saw the electricity he has when he is running with the ball and saw that as more sustainable. For me personally, I tip my hat to him and he is passing at a level above my expectations of him coming out of college. Much like Josh, Sam, and Baker the real story as to eating crow or what not is still a year and a half or so away - can these guys overcome the blueprint and grow? It will be a fun and frustrating journey (hopefully Allen pans out) to see their growth. I was hoping Harbaugh got canned once we dumped Rex - Love him as a HC. 1.) Bellicheat* 2.) Payton 3.) Harbaugh 4.) Carroll You can argue anywhere between 2-4 as far as those rankings go IMO.
  5. Go back and watch the game, I saw a few instances on the sideline where McD had the call sheet in his hand was was looking at it while calling it in
  6. Apparently a Hot Toddy is what you are supposed to have, but I just do a shot (or 3) of whiskey and have tea with honey periodoically - no need to ruin the bourbon/whiskey/scotch
  7. And the whiskey helps with sniffle issues, too. “The alcohol dilates blood vessels a little bit, and that makes it easier for your mucus membranes to deal with the infection,” Dr. William Schaffner, chair of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told ABC News.
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